55 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for 11/13 (2025)

As the turkeys start finding new homes in freezers all over the Ark-La-Tex, we wrap up the first full week of November with your latest Bowie County Sheriff's Report. Bowie County Deputies made 55 arrests last week. Out of the total, 18 were made by Bowie County Deputies, and the remaining 37 were made by other law enforcement agencies in the area who then handed them over to the county.

Thisreport is from the Bowie County Sheriff's Office and prepared by Bowie County Chief Deputy Robby McCarver. The report covers BCSO activity during the week ofNovember 6 - 12.


Death Investigation-Private Road 56002 Hooks

Possession of Child Pornography-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Possession of Child Pornography-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Animal Welfare Check-County Road 4213 Simms

Death Investigation-Presley Road Hooks

Indecent Assault-Plaza West Drive Texarkana

Family Disturbance-Arnold Lane Texarkana

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Deadly Conduct x2, Fail to Appear on Possession of a Controlled Substance)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Zackury Scott Burrows

Warrant Service (Driving While License Invalid x2, Fail to Appear)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Stephanie Sherea Jones

Warrant Service (Contempt of Court on Resisting Arrest)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Michael Allen Wicks

Bowie County Sheriff's Report - November week 1 - canva


Missing Person (runaway)-County Road 4217 Simms (returned home)

Prohibited Substance or Item in a Correctional Facility-West Front Street Texarkana

Assault Causing Bodily Injury-West Front Street Texarkana

Harassment-James Bowie Drive New Boston

Harassment-Goodwin Road Hooks

Assault Causing Bodily Injury-West Front Street Texarkana

Criminal Mischief Over $100 and Under $750-South Kings Highway Texarkana

Prohibited Substance or Item in a Correctional Facility-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Warrant Service (Probation Violation for Assault Causing Bodily Injury)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Angela Grace Rollins


Missing Person (runaway)-Bunker Hill Road Hooks (located and returned home)

Assault Causing Bodily Injury-County Road 1215 Texarkana

Abandoned Vehicle-Shady Pines Road Texarkana, impounded: 2016 Volkswagen Jetta (gold in color)

Assault Causing Bodily Injury (family violence)-County Road 4217 Simms, arrested: Melissa Gibson

Aggravated Assault Causing Serious Bodily Injury (family violence), Resisting Arrest-Jamiston Street Texarkana, arrested: Brian Tremayne Porter


Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle-George Thomas Road Texarkana, taken: 2015 Can Am Maverick atv

Indecent Assault-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Violation of a Protective Order-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Assault Causing Bodily Injury-West Front Street Texarkana

Abandoned Vehicle-Interstate 30 @ 194 mile marker Simms, impounded: 2011 Hyundai Sonata (red in color)

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Attempt to Commit Forgery, multiple traffic)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: John Avery Nottingham II

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Criminal Trespass)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Tyrell Williams

Warrant Service (Fail to Comply with Sex Offender Registration Requirements)-North State Line Texarkana, arrested: Roy Lynn Scott

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Possession of a Controlled Substance, multiple traffic)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Coy Lynn Whiteside

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Possession of a Controlled Substance, Fail to Appear on Assault Causing Bodily Injury, Fail to Appear on Interfere with Emergency Call, traffic)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Stanley Parham

Warrant Service (Fail to Appear on Evading Arrest with a Vehicle x2)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Tierra Ann McGary\

Bowie County Sheriff's Report - Sept week 4 - canva


Vehicle Fire-Interstate 30 @194 mile marker Simms

Indecent Exposure-Ash Street Maud

Theft Under $100-Private Road 1326-1 Texarkana, taken: front license plate

Indecency with a Child-Buchanan Road Texarkana

Warrant Service (Credit Card Abuse, Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information, Forgery)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Cassandra Lynn Engels

Warrant Service (Bench Warrant for Injury to a Child or Elderly Individual, traffic)-North State Line Avenue Texarkana, arrested: Trumaine Markeise Newell


Death Investigation-County Road 1214 Texarkana

Criminal Mischief Over $100 and Under $750-U.S. Highway 67w Simms

Vehicle Fire-County Road 4107 New Boston

Assault on Public Servant-North State Line Avenue Texarkana

Driving While Intoxicated, Possession of Marijuana Under 2 Ounces-Interstate 30 @ 207 mile marker Hooks, arrested: Nina Nichole Taylor


Harassment, Assault Causing Bodily Injury-County Road 1215E Texarkana

Warrant Service (multiple traffic)-Lake Wright Patman Texarkana, arrested: Daniel Lee Clark


18 People Arrested by BCSO
37 People Arrested by Other Law Enforcement Agencies and Turned to BCSO
27/14 Civil Papers Cleared/Served by BCSO


83 Inmates Transported to Court
7 Inmates Transported to the Texas Department of Corrections
3 Inmates Transported for Medical Treatment
4 Inmates Transported for Other Reasons

97 Total Number of Persons Transported (Except Arrests by BCSO)

5,826 Total number of Miles Driven for Above Listed Transports

Bowie County Sheriff's Report - Canva

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55 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for 11/13 (1)

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55 Arrested Last Week - Bowie County Sheriff's Report for 11/13 (2025)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.