Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5) - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Ryan HawkinsSpeech: Audio-Visual Informative SpeechesLincolnHigh School

    Lesson 1:

    Introduction to Audio-Visual InformativeSpeaking/ExpositoryAddress


    Iowa Core Standards Addressed:

    Students will organize their thoughts, for theirselected speechtopic, onto an organizer in orderto begin the outlining processthat will result inthe delivered speech

    SL.11-12.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contextsand tasks,demonstrating a command of formal

    English when indicated or appropriate. W.11-12.2.Writeinformative/explanatory texts to

    examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,and informationclearly and accurately throughthe effective selection,organization, and analysisof content.

    Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding ofspeechoutlining and idea organization

    Students will make predictions on the mostimportant aspects ofpublic speaking

    Students will integrate a topic into a graphicorganizer

    Materials Needed:


    Pre-printed quick-writes/admit slips for beginningof class


    Notebook/Paper for notes

    AV-Speech Packet


  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Classroom packet from instructorHook/Anticipatory Set: Oddnumber activity:

    1) Get a volunteer to stand in front of class andread off

    the following numbers 21,4,3,19,9,16,5,14,2

    2) Audience cannot take notes during thereading3) Audience canask for a second reading of thenumbers4) Ask students to write downthe numbers5) Instructor asks students to read off what they

    remembered and writes the lists on the boarduntil it

    becomes clear that 21, 2, and odd numbersare

    recalledSequencing: Anticipatory Set: (15 Minutes)

    Instruct students to think about the subject oftheir informativespeech

    Explain that 21 is the introduction of the speechand 2 is theconclusion

    The odd numbers are the body (main points), andit has been foundthat an odd number of ideasare easier to comprehend for an audience(Yourown speech can have from 3-7 main points)

    Hand out AV packets: (15 Minutes)

    Students should bring this to class EVERY dayfrom now on untilthe end of the unit, and if youforget it you will need to sharewith a friend (ifthey will)

    Explain the sections, and that there will be twooutlinescompleted

    First = Idea OutlineSecond = Full-sentence Outline

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Idea Organizer Activity (45 Minutes)

    Hand out graphic organizers

    Model how to use it by coming up with a subjectfor a speech (onthe spot) and then filling in 5main points that could be includedin a speech on

    that topic Ask students if they have a topic and then have

    them raise their hands and tell instructor who willwrite thetopics down no subject can be usedtwice

    Split into groups of three and have them gettogetherGoal is toget 3-7 main points for their chosensubjectRemember that, as itsays in the packet, this

    speech is to be 7-10 minutes long (shorter orlonger will cost adeduction of points)

    Instructor will make one photocopy of eachstudents organizer,the group members are topass their own organizer to the others sothateach person can write in their own ideas on thattopic (thingsthey want to know or things theyalready know)

    Students should collect their own organizer backfrom their groupmembers at the end of theactivity

    Quick discussion of how to organize theseselected main pointseither topically orchronologically

    Closure/Exit Slip: (10 Minutes)

    Homework: Be sure that you have 3-7 points onthe organizer, andbegin thinking of (and perhapswriting in) supporting ideas/pointsfor each point

    What are you going to do to prepare for the

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    delivery of your AV speech and to be sure that itis 7-10 minutesin length? Also, list 3 new factsthat you learned about theseinformativespeeches so far.

    Checking for Understanding: Instructor will question studentsthroughout

    lecture on AV speeches, packet information, andmain idea graphicorganizer

    Instructor will travel the room to ask and answerstudentquestions as they are participating in allactivities

    Closure: Instructor will quickly reload students withimportantvocabulary and ideas previouslycovered in classes, as well asassignments fornext meeting

    Assessments: Questioning students for learning

    Exit slip for anticipatory information and studentlearning fromlesson

    Lesson 2: Speech Outline Subpoints, Transitions,Visual/AudioAids, Rehearsing, Conclusions, and

    Grading Rubric Those who are ready can move ahead by reading

    introduction examples and begin working on theirown)

    Students are assigned presentation days (ask forvolunteers to gofirst in Lesson 4: 3 studentstotal) these will serve as examples ofhow tosucceed

    Rationale: Students continue learning how to completetheoutline, select visual aids, rehearse, and deliver

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Iowa Core Standards Addressed:

    an informative speech

    SL.11-12.5. Make strategic use of digital media(e.g., textual,graphical, audio, visual, and

    interactive elements) in presentations to enhanceunderstandingof findings, reasoning, andevidence and to add interest.

    W.11-12.2.Write informative/explanatory texts toexamine andconvey complex ideas, concepts,and information clearly andaccurately throughthe effective selection, organization, andanalysisof content.

    Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding ofaspeech outline, including the organization of the

    main points (body) and an effective conclusion Students willidentify appropriate visuals and/or

    audio to accompany an informative speech

    Students will examine main points of a speechand provideexplanatory subpoints by writingthem onto graphic organizers

    Materials Needed:



    Notebook/Paper for notes


    Classroom packet from instructorHook/Anticipatory Set: Videoclip of a live musical performance leads to

    the conversation on rehearsing

    Could this performer have given this high level ofa performancewithout preparation/tons ofrehearsal?

    Sequencing: Anticipatory Set: (5 Minutes)Rehearsing: (10Minutes)

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    Go through the exit slips from last meeting andpoint out whatthe students discovered aboutrehearsing

    Add in information that students have missed onrehearsing (theycan refer to the packet for later

    reference) Take out graphic organizers

    Explanation of subpoints (supporting material) foreach of thespeechs main points

    Model the subpoints of instructors previous mainideas exampleorganizer

    Transitions & Activity: (25 Minutes)

    Pass out the handout on transitions

    Have students read it after they are finished,have studentsvolunteer to paraphrase each ideafor clarity

    Split students into groups of 3-4 and they are tobrainstormideas for each others subpoints,adding these onto theirorganizers

    This is a repeat of previous lessons activity ongathering otherstudents perspectives on theirchosen topics, but they are nowcreating ideas forthe subpoints

    Peers may also write in ideas for transitions from

    one main point to anotherAudio-Visual Aids Lecture: (15Minutes)

    Example of an exemplary PowerPointPresentation (slides) and alsoone that needswork (too much information included)

    Model how to create a PowerPoint

    Review the Visual Aids handout in the packet

    Sharing whip: what else could be used as a visualand/or audioaid (Have a student make a list onthe whiteboard or over theElmo)

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    How to use these aidsConclusions: (10 Minutes)

    Refer students to handout in packet as well as theoutlineexamples

    Should have: main statement on subject, quick

    summary of main points, the clincher (the final,memorablestatement of the speech that isdirectly related to the majorstatement, or thethesis, that speaker is making about thesubject)

    Ask for volunteers to read the different typesofclosing/concluding statements:Summary, Emotional Appeal, Requestfor Action,Quote, and reiterate that all should tie back tothethesis statement/introduction

    Model one of the conclusions verbally

    Have a student model another of their choiceConclusionQuestioning: (5 Minutes)

    Time allotted for students to ask questions ofeach other or theinstructor on writing aconclusion that will effectively lead totheintroduction and the thesis statement of theirentire speech

    Grading Rubrics: (5 Minutes)

    Hand out and review the grading rubric

    Includes delivery, 2 outlines, acting asrespondent, andlistening

    Students will need to fill out the providedorganizerthat willprovide evidence of active listening andengagement if they are theassignedrespondent, the scoring sheet will serve as thelisteningorganizer

    Review, Work Time, and Closure (15 Minutes)

    This is time for the students to work

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    independently on their speeches, and to askindividual questionsof the instructor who will beat the front table

    Students are to approach with questions on aone-on-one basisonly to get individual feedback

    without interferenceChecking for Understanding: Instructor willquestion students throughoutlecture and in allotted time in thelesson (seeconclusion and work time)

    Instructor will travel the room to ask and answerstudentquestions as they are participating in allactivities

    Closure: Instructor will quickly reload students withimportantvocabulary and ideas previouslycovered in classes, as well asassignments for

    next meeting Students should complete the conclusion and

    bring it to the next class meeting

    Idea outline should be completed by next meeting

    All AV aids should be set and listed somewhere onthe outline bynext meeting

    Assessments: Instructor will question students duringactivitiesto check for understanding

    Time has been given for student questions during

    lecture and during work time

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Lesson 3: Completed speech conclusions, completed ideaoutline,selected audio-visual aids, introductions,assigningpeer-respondents, andcreating/completing a full-sentenceoutline


    Iowa Core Standards Addressed:

    Students will continue their in-class learning andwork toprepare and complete an AV InformativeSpeech

    SL.11-12.5. Make strategic use of digital media(e.g., textual,graphical, audio, visual, andinteractive elements) in presentationsto enhanceunderstanding of findings, reasoning, andevidence and toadd interest.

    SL.11-12.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contextsand tasks,demonstrating a command of formalEnglish when indicated orappropriate

    W.11-12.2.Write informative/explanatory texts to

    examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,and informationclearly and accurately throughthe effective selection,organization, and analysisof content.

    Objectives: Students will further evaluate chosen topicsandideas and compose a full-sentence outline for aspeech

    Students will identify effective speechintroductions through aworkshop with peers

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Students will examine and comment on peer AVaids and decide therelevance to the topics

    Materials Needed:



    Notebook/Paper for notes

    Textbook Classroom packet from instructor

    Hook/Anticipatory Set: Instructor will share examples ofexcellent speechintroductions (both media and written examples)

    Sequencing: Anticipatory Set: (15 Minutes)Introductions: (10Minutes)

    Students should take out the packets and turn totheintroductions section

    What an introduction should include:Attention getter (see typesof introductions), thereason to listen (the topic), thesisstatement(opinion that is stated on the topic),credibilitystatement (if the topic requires that the audiencebeconvinced that speaker is a reliable source ofthis informationbeing provided), and finally thepreview of main points

    Read through the types of introductions

    Instructor will model for each of the types:Story, StartlingStatement, Quotation, Question,

    Humor, Demonstration, and ReferencingIntroduction Activity(Small-Group Workshop): (15Minutes)

    Split students up into groups of 3-4

    Each group should read through all of theexamples provided inthe packet (identify themfor the students)

    Group members should discuss with each otherwhich type that theyare considering using

    Peers should make suggestions to help each

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    other with ideas

    In the time allotted, students should begin writingtheirintroductions and thesis statements byadding them onto theiroutlines

    By the end of the activity each student should

    have their introduction filled out on the outlineFull-SentenceOutline: (10 Minutes)

    Students return for class lecture, discussion,andquestioning

    Students should have their packets and the ideaoutlines

    Instructor uses the Elmo to lead students throughThe Titanicoutline example

    Specify that this required research (cited) and thespeechesassigned here DO NOT, as students are

    speaking from information that they already haveand did not haveto do research

    Each section of the outline is in completesentences

    This is done to prepare you for rehearsalWork Time: (35Minutes)

    Students can work independently or with oneother person asassigned by the instructor

    No off-topic speaking

    This time is for students to complete the outlineso thatrehearsal can begin

    Instructor is available at the front table forindividual orpartner questions (one person orgroup at a time to reduceinterruptions)

    Closure: (5 Minutes)

    Begin rehearsing the speech as the outlinesshould be completedor nearly complete

    Rehearse in front of a mirror and time them

    Remember the limit of 7-10 minutes

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    Rehearse with your AV aids and be sure they areoperative!!

    Remind the 3 students who are presenting nextclass meeting theyare NOT to tell anyone elsethat they are presenting!! These aresurprise

    examples for the other students. Thosepresenting are receivingextra credit forvolunteering.

    Checking for Understanding: Instructor will question studentsthroughoutlecture

    Instructor will travel the room to ask and answerstudentquestions as they are participating in allactivities

    Closure: Instructor will quickly reload students withimportantvocabulary and ideas previously

    covered in classes, as well as assignments fornext meeting

    Assessments: Instructor will view student work beforestudentsexit the class and score progress

    Instructor will assess student work throughquestioning and viewstudent learning byreviewing written group work and individualworkthroughout the class meeting

    Lesson 4: Selected students (3) will present theirpreparedspeeches and hand in the 2 outlines

    2 students are assigned to each presenter toprovide a scoringand comment sheet

    Show clips from the film (500) Days of Summer

    The film is basically an AV Informative Speechgiven by the maincharacter played by JosephGordon-Levitt

    Rationale: Selected students will present their speeches in

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Iowa Core Standards Addressed:

    order to serve as an example for those studentsthat are stilllearning the process of preparing anAV informational speech

    An alternative activity will give students a restfrom receivingnew information on AV informative

    speaking and re-visit already covered material

    SL.11-12.3. Evaluate a speakers point of view,reasoning, and useof evidence and rhetoric,assessing the stance, premises, linksamongideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and toneused.

    SL.11-12.4. Present information, findings, andsupportingevidence, conveying a clear anddistinct perspective, such thatlisteners can follow

    the line of reasoning, alternative or opposingperspectives areaddressed, and the organization,development, substance, and styleareappropriate to purpose, audience, and a range offormal andinformal tasks.

    SL.11-12.5. Make strategic use of digital media(e.g., textual,graphical, audio, visual, andinteractive elements) in presentationsto enhanceunderstanding of findings, reasoning, andevidence and toadd interest.

    SL.11-12.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contextsand tasks,demonstrating a command of formalEnglish when indicated orappropriate.

    W.11-12.2.Write informative/explanatory texts toexamine andconvey complex ideas, concepts,and information clearly andaccurately throughthe effective selection, organization, andanalysisof content.

    Objectives: Students will observe 3 examples of peer work

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    and provide listening reflections

    Students will present their work and will receiveinstructor andpeer assessment

    Students will watch the film, take notes, andidentify pastinformation by completing an exit

    slipMaterials Needed:



    Notebook/Paper for notes

    Scoring sheets for respondents

    Listening graphic organizers

    Student-selected audio-visual aids

    Instructor-provided exit slip on the film andinformativespeeches


    Instructor-provided handoutsHook/Anticipatory Set: Other thanthe 3 presenting today, students have

    NOT been informed that there will be speeches

    After the presentations are completed, have asharing whip toprovide instant feedback to thosethat presented1 sharing whip perpresenterWhat worked?Were the points clear?

    What can you say about the introduction,conclusion, or AVaids?Students are free to comment on anything, aswell as to providecomments on what could haveworked better

    Sequencing: Anticipatory Set: (40 Minutes)Film and Exit Slip:(45 Minutes)Closure: (5 Minutes)

    Remind those students presenting next classmeeting!

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Remind those that are responding to speeches!Checking forUnderstanding: Instructor will ask for questions after handingout

    the listening organizers for note-takingClosure: Instructor willremind those students presenting

    next block

    Students are to come prepared and are provideda certain amountof time to set up prior to thestart of the presentations

    Assessments: Instructor will complete a scoring sheet/rubricthatwill be handed to the student at the end ofclass

    2 peers will hand in commentary and scoring foreach speaker

    Students complete a listening organizer toprovide evidence ofactive listening andparticipation in the presentations

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    Lesson 5:Presented over a period of 3 blocks

    Student presentations - (8) per block

    2 student respondents per speakerRationale:

    Iowa Core Standards Addressed:

    Assessment of student work

    Peer commentary and support is provided

    SL.11-12.3. Evaluate a speakers point of view,reasoning, and useof evidence and rhetoric,assessing the stance, premises, linksamongideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone

    used. SL.11-12.4. Present information, findings, and

    supporting evidence, conveying a clear anddistinct perspective,such that listeners can followthe line of reasoning, alternative oropposingperspectives are addressed, and theorganization,development, substance, and style areappropriate topurpose, audience, and a range offormal and informal tasks.

    SL.11-12.5. Make strategic use of digital media(e.g., textual,graphical, audio, visual, andinteractive elements) in presentationsto enhanceunderstanding of findings, reasoning, andevidence and toadd interest.

    SL.11-12.6. Adapt speech to a variety of contextsand tasks,demonstrating a command of formalEnglish when indicated orappropriate.

    W.11-12.2.Write informative/explanatory texts toexamine andconvey complex ideas, concepts,

  • 8/2/2019 Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5)


    and information clearly and accurately throughthe effectiveselection, organization, and analysisof content.

    Objectives: Students will present an organized and rehearsedAVinformative speech

    Students will evaluate their own listening skillsthroughnote-taking

    Students will evaluate their peers by scoring andcommenting onperformances

    Materials Needed:



    Notebook/Paper for notes

    Scoring sheets for respondents

    Listening graphic organizers

    Student-selected audio-visual aids


    Classroom packet from instructorHook/Anticipatory Set: Welcome!Tell students to break legs and NOT to

    be nervous!Sequencing: Anticipatory Set: (3 Minutes)

    Have all presenting check their AV aids now toensure speedytransitions from speaker tospeaker

    Speakers need to bring all AV aids to front at

    beginning of class and get organized All media needs to bepulled up previous to

    beginning speechesPresentations:

    Hand out listening graphic organizers

    Hand out respondents scoring sheets (remindeveryone to put theirnames and blocks, etc. attop)

    Remind speakers that there is no stopping

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    Instructor will time speechesClosure: (5 Minutes)

    Thank the presenters and hand out scores

    Remind those students presenting next time!

    Remind the respondents for next time!

    Checking for Understanding: Ask for student questions concerningtoday ornext class presentations

    Closure: See SequencingAssessments: Instructor score sheets

    Peer-respondents sheets

    Student preparation if they were ready topresent on theirassigned date or had an excuseto delay presentation

Audio-Visual Speech Unit Lessons (5) - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.