Knave 2nd Edition (Draft 9) TOC_oHVodx - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

writing: Ben Milton art: Peter Mullen maps: Kyle Latino logo design: Tim Hastings proofreading: Julia Milton

Draft 9 for Kickstarter WORK IN PROGRESS

Table of contents

Contents introduction tables game master duties player duties ability scores pc creation item slots and wounds leveling up checks traveling weather delving encounters combat hazards spellcasting spells generating new spells relic magic alchemy money and gear buildings warfare downtime recruiting monsters bestiary gameplay example designer’s commentary character sheet


1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 13 19 20 21 21 22 27 32 35 38 44 45 52 53 61 62 68 71 75



Knave is an old-school fantasy roleplaying game in the tradition begun by David Wesely, Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax in games such as Braunstein, Blackmoor, and Dungeons & Dragons. As part of that design tradition, it is broadly compatible with the monsters, items, and adventures created by thousands of hobbyists over the last 50 years.

One prominent feature of this book is its many random tables. These tables take nearly every aspect of fantasy fiction and break each of them into 100 examples, creating a kind of “elements of fantasy” that GMs can use to rapidly construct living, varied worlds to explore.

Like its predecessors, Knave’s gameplay is fundamentally open-ended. Its goal is to help groups portray a believable otherworld that players can explore and interact with through their characters, limited only by the world’s internal logic and the Game Master’s rulings. Anything may be attempted. Survival is not guaranteed. Knave is also open-ended when it comes to its rules, which are intended as a starting point to help get a campaign off the ground. They focus on the traditional framework in which characters set out from a safe haven into the wild, search dangerous ruins and dungeons for treasure, and then return to the haven to carouse and recuperate. However, nothing in these rules is sacrosanct. The rules at your table will probably evolve over the course of a campaign, as you and your players tailor them to fit the way you like to play. This is a good thing. Altering the rules and writing your own is a time-honored part of the hobby and a critical part of becoming a great Game Master (and, in time, a game designer).

The tables’ primary use is for session prep, but they can also be used on the fly when the PCs wander off in an unexpected direction. Results can be selected at random by rolling a d100 or the GM can simply pick items they like. Some of the entries on these tables are other random tables (denoted by being in italics). If one of these is rolled, flip to the table on the page indicated and roll again, making sure to interpret the result in light of the original table. If this second roll also results in a table reference, it’s usually best to just select the next non-table entry, so as not to get results that are too strange. One of the most effective ways to use the tables is to combine results. For example, when creating a monster one might roll twice on the animal table (p. 64) and combine the results of “donkey” and “porcupine” to create a horse-like creature covered in quills. For even more variety, one could add organs, monster traits, powers, scents, sounds, weaknesses, and tactics from the relevant tables, but this is usually overkill and can lead to an nonsensical end product. Combining 2-3 tables is usually best if you want something interesting but memorable.

There’s an infinite number of things you To help you with that, I’ve added a can build with these tables once you designer’s commentary section at the back become familiar with them. Grab a d100 of the book, which walks you through my and test them out! thought process and explains why I wrote the rules the way I did. 1

Game Master Duties create locations to explore. A good location is seeded with treasures, traps, friends, foes, monsters, devices, secrets, problems without obvious solutions, and powder-keg situations ready to explode. Avoid linear environments and provide multiple routes to most areas. flesh out the supporting cast. Give NPCs and monsters personalities, goals, fears, loyalties and motivations, and entangle their lives together.

immerse the players. Pull the players into the world by making it a living, reactive, internally consistent place. Use random tables and generators to keep things fresh and surprising. reveal the world. Give the players plenty of information about what is happening around them. When in doubt, give them more. Without information, players cannot make choices, and making choices is the core of the game. signpost danger. The more dangerous a thing is, the more obvious it should be. Don’t penalize players for things they could not have avoided.

reward smart plans. When players figure out clever ways to eliminate obstacles, consider making such plans automatically succeed. Creative problem solving is a vital skill in Knave, and parties keep the game moving. Point to players that are good at it should prosper. and ask what they are doing. If necessary, appoint a “caller” to lead the party if they keep time records. Time is a resource for players, and wasting it should have spend too much time debating. consequences. How many resources do use common sense. Most actions the they have left? What are other NPCs and PCs take should simply succeed or fail. factions up to while the players are Avoid making players roll for everything. adventuring? What threats are advancing? make impartial and consistent edit the rules. The rules are your rulings. The players should be playing servant, not your master. If a rule isn’t against the world, not against you. Roll working the way your group likes, talk to your dice out in the open and don’t fudge them about it and tailor things to fit. the results. let the players guide the action. Don’t plan out a plot for the players to experience. Each session’s outcome should be a surprise to everyone.


Player Duties assist the game master. Show up on time, bring snacks, learn the rules, keep session notes, draw maps, and be ready for your turn. At the end of a session, tell the GM your plans so they know what locations and situations to prepare. create a character. Work with the group to make sure your PC meshes with the campaign’s setting and tone. Give your PC some distinctive features to make them memorable, but don’t worry about coming up with an elaborate backstory. The game is about what happens in play, not what came before it.

apply tactical infinity. Treat the game world as if it was real and work to turn every aspect of it to your advantage. When simulating a living world, no detail is simply “flavor”. scheme. Think laterally, not linearly. Avoid risky plans that require you to roll dice and instead create plans so bulletproof that success is certain. Use psychology, magic, allies, equipment, and the environment to overcome obstacles rather than relying on ability checks.

fight dirty. Try to win fights before they begin by rigging the situation in your favor and avoid conflicts where you don’t have the upper hand. Combat in Knave is neither balanced nor fair, so assume that play your character. You can describe your character’s life is at stake any time your actions in first or third person. You swords are drawn. can put on a voice, or not; it’s up to you. prepare to die. Embrace your PC’s Cooperate with the other players and death when it happens and roll up a new avoid creating conflicts within the party character to take their place. Losing a PC unless the other players agree to it. can be painful, but it also makes for great take initiative. Set your own goals and stories, lets you try out new character make your own fun. Seek out adventure concepts, and can thrust the party into rather than waiting for it to come to you. unexpected situations. Remember that ask questions. Information is the ultimately an RPG campaign tells the lifeblood of the game, so never be afraid story of a whole world, not a single to ask the GM for more details if character or even a single party. As the something is unclear. Search rooms for campaign continues, it’s enriched by the clues, visit libraries, interrogate NPCs, stories of the characters that came before. consult sages, etc. 3

Ability Scores PC Creation PCs have six abilities with scores rated from 0 to 10 to add to checks (p. 7). 1. strength (str): The Fighter ability. Added to melee attacks and checks requiring power like climbing and lifting. 2. dexterity (dex): The Thief ability. Added to checks requiring agility and reflexes like dodging, sneaking, picking pockets, sleight of hand, etc. 3. constitution (con): The Adventurer ability. Important for every PC. Added to checks to resist poison, cold, etc. PCs have 10 + CON item slots and can take 10 + CON wounds before dying. 4. intelligence (int): The Magic-User ability. Added to checks requiring cunning, like lock picking, alchemy, etc. INT improves the effectiveness of spells and PCs can cast INT spells per day. 5. wisdom (wis): The Ranger ability. Added to ranged attacks and checks requiring perception and willpower like foraging, navigating, and resisting spells. 6. charisma (cha): The Cleric ability. Added to checks requiring force of personality like initiative and persuasion. PCs can have a number of companions and patron blessings equal to their CHA. 4

record ability scores: Distribute 3 points between your PC’s ability scores. More than 1 point can be placed in the same score. Or, let fate decide by rolling 3d6, with each die adding 1 to the ability score matching the number it rolled. Example: rolling 3-5-5 means CON (the 3rd ability) is 1 and WIS (the 5th ability) is 2. All other abilities have a score of 0. A high WIS indicates an aptitude for ranged combat. record secondary stats: PCs start at level 1 with 0 XP. They have 10 + CON item slots (p. 6) and d6 starting and maximum Hit Points (HP). record careers: Roll or pick two careers from the list on the next page. You gain those careers’ items, as well as any of the following that you can carry: 3d6×10 coins, 2 rations, a 50’ rope, 2 torches, any armor pieces or weapons (p. 38) and a quiver of 20 arrows. If the PC has any points in INT, they may receive a random spell book (pp. 22-25) for each point. PCs are human by default. finishing touches: Name your character and describe them. You may use the random tables for NPCs (pp. 54-59) if you need ideas to help flesh them out.


1 acolyte: candlestick, censer, incense 51 jailer: padlock, 10’ chain, wine jug 2 acrobat: flash powder, balls, lamp oil 52 jester: scepter, donkey head, motley 3 actor: wig, makeup, costume 53 jeweler: pliers, loupe, tweezers 4 alchemist: acid, mortar/pestle, 6 vials 54 knight: lady’s favor, banner, signet ring 5 antiquarian: old coin, flag, lore book 55 kidnapper: chloroform, manacles, hood 6 arcanist: spell book, arcane robes, chalk 56 lawyer: fancy robe, law book, certificate 7 architect: plumb line, level, ruler 57 locksmith: crowbar, picks, padlock 8 assassin: crossbow, garrote, soft boots 58 mason: chisel, hammer, chalk 9 astrologer: star charts, almanac, telescope 59 merchant: scales, strongbox, bag of spice 10 baker: rolling pin, flour bag, lard block 60 miner: pickaxe, lantern, pet canary 11 bandit: mask, manacles, caltrops 61 musician: 3 instruments 12 barber: scissors, hair oil, straight razor 62 naturalist: fossil, insect case, geode 13 beast tamer: whip, gloves, leash 63 officer: shoe polish, medal, spyglass 14 beekeeper: honey, mask, smoke bomb 64 oracle: tea leaves, tarot deck, crystal 15 blacksmith: hammer, bellows, tongs 65 orator: 100 marbles, bullhorn, wax tablet 16 boatman: 10’ pole, instrument, paddle 66 painter: linseed oil, pigments, brushes 17 bookbinder: sewing kit, glue, quill/ink 67 peddler: bucket, 300’ twine, mirror 18 brewer: mash paddle, beer keg, hops 68 philosopher: staff, lantern, chalk 19 burglar: lockpicks, grappling hook, rope 69 physician: saw, scalpel, wine jug 20 butcher: cleaver, meat hook, bacon 70 pilgrim: staff, relic, letter of passage 21 candlemaker: 10 candles, lamp oil, wax 71 pirate: sextant, cannonball, grappling hook 22 carpenter: hammer, saw, box of nails 72 pit fighter: net, whip, wine jug 23 charlatan: costume, fake elixir, degree 73 playwright: quill/ink, skull, 10 candles 24 cobbler: leather roll, fancy shoes, tacks 74 poacher: animal scent, bow, 20 arrows 25 coachman: whip, lockbox, oilskin coat 75 poet: stationery, bell, perfume 26 cook: frying pan, salt, olive oil 76 priest: holy water, 10 stakes, prayer book 27 courier: oilskin bag, local map, lantern 77 prospector: 10 iron spikes, pickaxe, pan 28 courtier: perfume, wig, fan 78 puppeteer: confetti, puppet, sewing kit 29 cultist: dagger, ritual robes, amulet 79 rat catcher: cage, 10 rat traps, sack 30 cutpurse: knife, caltrops, sack 80 saboteur: air bladder, crowbar, bomb 31 dyer: 10’ pole, dyes, soap 81 sailor: beeswax, pullies, spyglass 32 explorer: sextant, spyglass, crampons 82 scout: signal flags, black grease, dice 33 falconer: bird cage, gloves, whistle 83 scribe: lamp oil, quill/ink, sealing wax 34 fence: short sword, file, sealing wax 84 sculptor: chisel, clay, calipers 35 fisherman: spear, net, fishing tackle 85 servant: sponge, silverware, poker 36 folklorist: prophecy, bones, scales 86 shepherd: crook, instrument, sling 37 gambler: rapier, card deck, dice 87 shipwright: drill, hammer, axe 38 gamekeeper: sling, horn, rope ladder 88 singer: mirror, makeup, locket 39 gardener: sickle, shovel, shears 89 smuggler: pulleys, rope, makeup 40 grave robber: saw, crowbar, pulleys 90 soldier: tent, card deck, shovel 41 gravedigger: shovel, pickaxe, bucket 91 spy: caltrops, poison, forged papers 42 groom: oats, horse brush, blanket 92 squire: torch, armor polish, trumpet 43 guard: halberd, livery, horn 93 tailor: sewing kit, scissors, soap 44 headsman: axe, hood, garrote 94 tattooist: soot pot, needles, 10 candles 45 herbalist: herbs, sickle, herb manual 95 thieftaker: bear trap, manacles, torch 46 hermit: staff, fungi, basket 96 thug: poison, knife, lamp oil 47 hunter: tent, bearskin, bear trap 97 torturer: drill, hourglass, 10’ chain 48 innkeeper: ladle, 10 candles, cauldron 98 trapper: bear trap, 300’ twine, bear pelt 49 inquisitor: manual, vestments, pliers 99 watchman: lantern, trumpet, spear 50 investigator: journal, manacles, vial 00 woodcutter: axe, firewood, 50’ rope


Item Slots & Wounds

Leveling Up

experience points: PCs are awarded 1 experience point (XP) for each coin (c) worth of treasure recovered from remote, slots: PCs have 10 + CON item slots to dangerous locations like dungeons and record their gear. Most items, including groups of small items that could fit in one returned to civilization, split evenly hand, take up one slot. Two-handed items between all PCs who assisted. If you are using a pre-made dungeon from another take two slots. 500 coins use a full slot. RPG that uses copper, silver, electrum, damage: Damage a PC receives is subtracted from their HP. Once their HP gold, and platinum coins, then count each gold coin as 1c. reaches 0, each point of damage fills an leveling up: At certain XP thresholds, item slot with an appropriate wound PCs gain a level, which adds 1 to three (stabbed, frozen, burned, etc.), from the different ability scores. Do not reset XP to highest slot to the lowest. Items in an zero. The three scores can be picked by wounded slot must be dropped. direct damage: Direct damage bypasses the player or chosen randomly. Each level HP and adds wounds directly. This occurs also allows the player to reroll their PC’s HP maximum using one additional d6. If in situations where a creature’s combat skills would not protect them (e.g., when the rolled total is not greater than their last maximum, add 1 to the last maximum. falling or attacked unawares). Monsters receive triple damage from direct damage, level since they do not have item slots. 1 death: PCs die when all of their slots are 2 3 filled with wounds. Creatures without 4 slots, like monsters, simply die at 0 HP. 5 healing: PCs’ hit points return to 6 maximum each morning, as long as they 7 slept for two watches and ate a meal the 8 night before. If they are in a safe haven 9 10 they also heal one wound. 6

xp total 0 2000 4000 8000 16000 32,000 64,000 125,000 250,000 500,000

hp 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6

title Wretch Lowlife Hoodlum Fool Dastard Cad Gadabout Rogue Jack Knave

Checks When a creature attempts something risky, they make a check by rolling a d20 and adding one of their ability scores. If their total meets or exceeds a target number set by the GM, they succeed. If a creature doesn’t have ability scores, the GM can use its level, half its level or zero based on how good it is at the task. GMs should not call for checks for situations that could be solved with critical thinking. Some actions may be impossible unless the PC has the proper tools or careers. setting the target number: Start with 11 and then add a difficulty rating from 0-10 (5 by default). If the check is against another creature, the difficulty rating is equal to their relevant ability score or level. In an attack, the difficulty is the defender’s armor points (the target number of 11 + AP is called Armor Class).

modifiers: The GM can apply -5 penalty for each disadvantage and a +5 bonus for each advantage that the rolling player has on a check. (e.g. a related career, a clever approach, extra time, the right tools, etc.) social checks: In most cases, the outcome of social interactions can be resolved with common sense and roleplaying, but in a risky situation the GM may call for a check. These are made using the PC’s CHA vs. the NPC’s WIS or CHA, depending on the context. Modifiers may be applied based on the target’s disposition and relationship to the PC, factional or moral alignment, the PC’s phrasing, bribes, threats, etc. lore checks: Checks are not necessary for a PC to recall lore. PCs automatically know all common knowledge and any specialized knowledge covered by their careers. Any other knowledge must be discovered in-game.

reversing checks: It is possible to have search checks: Hidden things are either automatically discovered after enough players do all of the rolling by reversing time is spent searching (usually ten checks that the GM usually makes. minutes for dungeon rooms or a full Example: a goblin trying to strike a PC could watch for wilderness hexes) or they add its level to the d20, trying to hit the PC’s cannot be found without taking in-game Armor Class (11 + the PC’s armor points). Or, actions. Obvious features of an area to reverse the roll, the PC could add their should be described right away to PCs, armor points to a d20, aiming for a target and details should be described as players number of 11 + the goblin’s level. ask questions and investigate. 7

Traveling watches: While traveling, days are divided into six four-hour watches: three for day, three for night. Most major actions (traveling, foraging, searching etc.) take one watch to complete. travel speed: PCs can move one sixmile hex per watch, up to three times per day. Each watch they travel after the third deals 1 direct damage to each PC unless they succeed at a CON check. Speed is halved in darkness, difficult terrain, or severe weather and doubled when riding.

foraging: Finding food takes a watch and requires passing a WIS check, with modifiers for weather, terrain, etc. On a success, a PC collects d6 rations. the travel hazard die: At the end of each watch, roll the Travel Hazard Die and apply the result.

d6 travel hazard die results 1 encounter: The party has an encounter, usually rolled from a table designed for the region or terrain type. The GM determines the encounter’s reaction, activity, distance from the party, and if they are surprised (p. 19). navigation: If the terrain or weather 2 fatigue: Each party member takes 1 while traveling is disorienting, the GM damage unless they spend the next may require a WIS check of the party’s watch resting. Damage may be higher leader (which the GM rolls in secret) to in severe weather or difficult terrain. see if they move to a random adjacent hex. Ignore this result while camping. exploring: The party can spend a watch 3 depletion: Roll a d6 for each perishable item (rations, monster parts, exploring the area of a six-mile hex to etc.). On a 1 it has gone bad reveal any areas of interest (such as an 4 travel shift: The weather changes overgrown ruin, hidden pool, etc.) that (p. 9) or a local event begins. wouldn’t be noticed by passing through. 5 sign: Roll a random encounter (p. 19) secret features: Secret features (such but rather than meeting it, the party as buried treasure or a hidden door into a finds a sign that it is nearby (p. 10). The mountain) should have corresponding next time an encounter is rolled, the clues revealed by exploring the hex. They PCs meets that creature. Alternatively, can only be found by the PCs interacting reveal a clue to something hidden. with the game world. 6 free: No effect. 8


travel shifts

1 Acid rain 51 Humidity 2 52 Hurricane Animal migration changing the weather: At the start of 3 53 Ice storm Anvil cloud the game, roll on Weather table below or 4 Ash cloud 54 Insect swarm one that you’ve created to fit your setting 5 Ash rain 55 Landslide (the Travel Shifts table is useful for this). 6 Ashfall 56 Lava flow Reroll whenever a 4 is rolled on the 7 Avalanche 57 Light winds Travel Hazard Die. See the following 8 Ball lightning 58 Lunar eclipse suggestions for weather effects. 9 Bird migration 59 Meteor shower 60 Mirage rain: Everything gets soaked. Heavy rain 10 Black blizzard 11 Blizzard 61 Mist reduces visibility, disorients, slows the 12 Blood moon 62 Misty rain party, drowns out sound, and creates 13 Brush fire 63 Monsoon mud. May cause flooding and landslides if 14 City event (p. 46) 64 Mudflow it goes on for long enough. 15 Cloudburst 65 Murmuration 16 66 Northern lights Cold wave hail: Reduces visibility, disorients, slows 17 Cold weather 67 Overcast movement, and drowns out sound. 18 Color sky (p. 37) 68 Planet alignment lightning: Spooks animals and ignites 19 Delusion (p. 30) 69 Pollen cloud 70 Pyroclastic flow things. Generally does not strike PCs (3d6 20Dense fog 21 Disaster (p. 31) 71 Rain of fish damage) unless they are asking for it. 22 Downburst 72 Rain of frogs wind: Carries scents and makes ranged 23 Drizzle 73 Rain of worms attacks difficult. Can reduce visibility if 24 Dust devil 74 Rainbow rain or dust is present. Strong winds slow 25 Dust storm 75 Salt storm 26 Earthquake 76 Sandstorm movement, drown out sound, and blow 27 Effect rain (p. 28) 77 Scent (p. 66) things over. 28 Electric storms 78 Showers fog: Reduces visibility and disorients. 29 Element rain (p. 29) 79 Smog 30 Fire whirls 80Smoke snow: Reduces visibility and slows 31 Fireflies 81 Solar eclipse movement. Heavy snow also disorients. 32 Firestorms 82 Sound (p. 66) temperature: Hot and cold weather can 33 Flash flood 83 Stampede increase fatigue damage to unprepared 34 Flooding 84 Star jelly PCs. Freezing or extremely hot weather 35 Fluffy clouds 85 Steam devils 36 Fog 86 Strong winds may cause damage every watch. 37 Food rain (p. 49) 87 Sulfur clouds 2d6 weather 38 Forest fire 88 Swamp lights 2 Thunderstorm, blizzard in winter 39 Freezing fog 89 Taste rain (p. 36) 3 Heavy rain, heavy snow in winter 40 Freezing rain 90 Texture rain (p. 36) 4 Cold for the season 41 Grass fire 91 Thunderstorms 5 Light rain, snow in winter 42 Haboob 92 Tornado 6 Cool for the season 43 Hail 93 Tremors 7 Mild for the season 44 Hailstorm 94 Volcanic bombs 8 Warm for the season 45 Haze 95 Warm rain 9 Windy 46 Heat lightning 96 Warm winds 10 Hot for the season 47 Heatwave 97 Waterspouts 11 Strong winds 48 Heavy rain 98 Weapon rain (p. 43) Hail in spring, humidity in summer, 49 99 Windstorm Hot weather 12 50 Hot winds 00Wispy clouds fog in fall, frost in winter 9


1 Arguing 51 Middens 2 Ash 52 Misc. item (p. 39) 3 Bile 53 Molted husk 4 Blade marks 54 Mounds 5 Blood 55 Mucus 6 Blood tracks 56 Mud tracks 7 Bone fragments 57 Musk 8 Bones 58 Nest 9 Boreholes 59 Nesting sounds 10 Bowers 60 Offspring 11 Broken branches 61 Organ (p. 64) 12 Hazard (p. 17) 62 Pellets 13 Burrow 63 Pheromones 14 Carcass 64 Polished surface 15 Chewed plants 65 Pollen 16 Claw marks 66 Ritual remnants 17 Clothing (p. 40) 67 Saliva 18 Cocoons 68 Scales 19 Crushed grass 69 Scent (p. 66) 20Dams 70 Scorch marks 21 Diagrams 71 Shadows 22 Digging sounds 72 Shed skin 23 Droppings 73 Shells 24 Droppings scent 74 Signaling sounds 25 Eggs 75 Singing 26 Eggshells 76 Slime trails 27 Element trail (p. 29) 77 Sound (p. 66) 28 Fabric scrap (p. 41) 78 Stalking sounds 29 Fallen trees 79 Stripped bark 30 Feathers 80Symbols 31 Fighting sounds 81 Teeth marks 32 Fire pit 82 Texture trail (p. 36) 33 Flags 83 Tool (p. 39) 34 Fleeing prey 84 Trails 35 Food cache 85 Traps 36 Food scent 86 Trash 37 Food scraps (p. 49) 87 Tree scratches 38 Footprints 88 Tunnels 39 Fruit pits 89 Urine 40 Fur 90 Urine scent 41 Graffiti 91 Voices 42 Graves 92 Wallows 43 Hives 93 Warning scent 44 Hunters 94 Warning sounds 45 Injured prey 95 Warnings 46 Lair 96 Wax 47 Lair scent 97 Weapon (p. 43) 48 Letters 98 Webs 49 Mating ground 99 Wings 50 Mechanism (p. 17) 00Worshipers 10


1 Ashland 51 Lava field 2 Badland 52 Lava tube 3 Bamboo forest 53 Loch 4 Basalt columns 54 Mangrove swamp 5 Bay 55 Marsh 6 Beach 56 Meadow 7 Bluff 57 Mesa 8 Bog 58 Mire 9 Boulder field 59 Moor 10 Brook 60 Mountain 11 Butte 61 Mud plain 12 Caldera 62 Oasis 13 Canyon 63 Oil seep 14 Cave 64 Pass 15 Cliff 65 Pasture 16 Cloud forest 66 Petrified forest 17 Coniferous forest 67 Pit 18 Copse 68 Plateau 19 Crag 69 Pond 20Crater 70 Prairie 21 Creek 71 Quicksand 22 Crossing 72 Rainforest 23 Crystals 73 Rapids 24 Deciduous forest 74 Ravine 25 Delta 75 Ridge 26 Dunes 76 River 27 Dust bowl 77 Riverland 28 Element field (p. 35)78 Rockslide 29 Fen 79 Salt Flat 30 Fjord 80Salt Marsh 31 Floodplain 81 Savanna 32 Gas vent 82 Scree Slope 33 Geyser 83 Scrubland 34 Glacier 84 Sinkhole 35 Gorge 85 Spring 36 Grotto 86 Steppe 37 Grove 87 Stream 38 Gulch 88 Sulfur Spring 39 Heath 89 Swamp 40 Highland 90 Taiga 41 Hollow 91 Tar Pit 42 Hoodoo 92 Thicket 43 Hot Spring 93 Tundra 44 Ice Sheet 94 Valley 45 Jungle 95 Volcanic Plain 46 Knoll 96 Volcano 47 Lagoon 97 Wasteland 48 Lair 98 Waterfall 49 Lake 99 Wetlands 50 Lakebed 00Whirlpool


1 Abbey 2 Altar 3 Amphitheater 4 Aqueduct 5 Archive 6 Asylum 7 Bandit camp 8 Barn 9 Battlefield 10 Bell tower 11 Bonfire 12 Bower 13 Brazier 14 Building (p. 47) 15 Cairn 16 Cart track 17 Castle 18 Catacomb 19 Chapel 20City 21 Cistern 22 Convent 23 Crossroads 24 Dam 25 Dirt road 26 Dolmen 27 Dungeon (p. 16) 28 Farm 29 Ferry 30 Festival 31 Fishing hut 32 Ford 33 Forester lodge 34 Fort 35 Gallows 36 Garden 37 Garrison 38 Gate 39 Gibbet 40 Graveyard 41 Hamlet 42 Henge 43 Hermitage 44 Hideout 45 Highway 46 Hunter’s camp 47 Hunting lodge 48 Inn (p. 48) 49 Keep 50 Library

51 Lighthouse 52 Logging camp 53 Manor 54 Market 55 Memorial 56 Mill 57 Mine 58 Monastery 59 Monolith 60 Monument 61 Mule track 62 Obelisk 63 Orchard 64 Outpost 65 Paved road 66 Pen 67 Pilgrim camp 68 Pillar 69 Port 70 Prison 71 Pyramid 72 Refugee camp 73 Road 74 Room (p. 14) 75 Ruin 76 Shepherd hut 77 Shrine 78 Signal tower 79 Stable 80Statue 81 Stone bridge 82 Stone circle 83 Surveyor camp 84 Tavern 85 Temple 86 Toll house 87 Tomb 88 Tower 89 Town 90 Trader camp 91 Trail 92 Trap (pp. 16-17) 93 Village 94 Wall 95 Watchtower 96 Watermill 97 Well 98 Windmill 99 Wizard tower 00Wooden bridge

place traits

1 Ashen 2 Bewitching 3 Black 4 Blessed 5 Blighted 6 Bloody 7 Boiling 8 Bright 9 Broken 10 Buried 11 Burning 12 Charred 13 Collapsed 14 Color (p. 37) 15 Crawling 16 Crimson 17 Crumbling 18 Crystalline 19 Cursed 20Dark 21 Dead 22 Desolate 23 Disorienting 24 Divine 25 Doomed 26 Echoing 27 Eerie 28 Effect (p. 28) 29 Elder 30 Eldritch 31 Element (p. 29) 32 Endless 33 Filthy 34 Flooded 35 Forbidden 36 Forgotten 37 Frozen 38 Ghostly 39 Glittering 40 Gloomy 41 Grim 42 Haunted 43 Hidden 44 Holy 45 Humid 46 Infernal 47 Infested 48 Jagged 49 Labyrinthine 50 Living

51 Loathsome 52 Mechanical 53 Misty 54 Murmuring 55 Mysterious 56 Oozing 57 Overgrown 58 Perilous 59 Petrified 60 Phantasmal 61 Phasing 62 Pristine 63 Quality (p. 28) 64 Ravaged 65 Ravenous 66 Restless 67 Revered 68 Room theme (p. 15) 69 Savage 70 Scorching 71 Screaming 72 Shadowy 73 Shifting 74 Shivering 75 Shrouded 76 Silent 77 Singing 78 Sinister 79 Sinking 80Sleeping 81 Sound (p. 66) 82 Stony 83 Sunken 84 Swamped 85 Swarming 86 Sweltering 87 Terrifying 88 Texture (p. 36) 89 Thorny 90 Thundering 91 Twisting 92 Unquiet 93 Vandalized 94 Vast 95 Watching 96 Whispering 97 Windy 98 Withered 99 Wondrous 00Writhing 11


Delving turns: While dungeon delving, time is tracked in 10-minute segments called turns. Most actions (moving, searching, fighting, resting, etc.) take up one turn.

walking speed: 2,400’ per turn. PCs are surprised by all encounters and spring all traps, but may still map the dungeon. Walking speed is usually used when backtracking through areas the party has already explored.

running speed: 4,800’ per turn. PCs are the dungeon hazard die: At the end of surprised by all encounters, spring all each turn, roll the Dungeon Hazard Die traps, and cannot map their environment. and apply the result. Candles are blown out. Running speed is typically used as a last resort, usually when d6 dungeon hazard die results the party is fleeing for their lives. 1 encounter: The party has an candles: Candles reveal general shapes encounter, usually rolled from a table within 20’, and details within 5’. They last designed for the dungeon. The GM for 8 hours, or a whole dungeon crawling determines the encounter’s reaction, activity, distance from the party, and if expedition. 10 candles fill a slot. they are surprised (p. 19). lanterns: Lanterns are candles inside a glass and metal case. They can be 2 fatigue: Each party member takes 1 damage unless they spend the next turn constructed with shutters for more resting. The damage may be higher in directed and controlled light. Like candles, they last a whole dungeon crawling dungeons with harsh conditions. expedition, but their case prevents them Ignore this result while resting. from being blown out. Candles and 3 burn: Lit torches burn out. New lanterns are great as emergency back-up torches can be lit from the embers of lights when your torches run out. the previous ones. 4 dungeon shift: The dungeon torches: Torches reveal general shapes environment changes. If a dungeon within 40’, and details within 10’. The doesn’t have any obvious shifts, use brightness of torches lets the party search minor effects like sounds, temperature areas faster (see below), but they take up a shifts, wind, falling debris, apparitions, whole slot and burn out when a 3 is rolled or vermin. Use the list of shifts on the on the Dungeon Hazard Die. next page as inspiration. darkness: In total darkness, checks 5 sign: Roll a random encounter (p. 19) involving movement or coordination but rather than meeting it, the party have a -10 penalty. PCs will be surprised finds a sign that it is nearby (p. 10). The by all encounters, spring all traps, and next time an encounter is rolled, the cannot map their environment. It’s PCs meets that creature. Alternatively, important to never be caught in total reveal a clue to something hidden. darkness, so bring plenty of light sources. 6 free: No effect. searching: One turn spent searching a room reveals any non-obvious features (a crawling speed: 120’ per turn. PCs spend most of this time standing still and statuette inside a drawer, a cracked tile, etc.) as well as any clues to secrets. In dim listening, testing surfaces, and drawing maps. At this speed, the PCs automatically light like candlelight or lantern light, this takes two turns instead. detect traps and map their environment. 13

delve shifts

1 Alarm 2 Animal sounds 3 Apparition 4 Awakening 5 Battle 6 Blessing 7 Blood scent 8 Ceilings moves 9 Ceremony 10 City event (p. 46) 11 Cleaning 12 Cloud of flies 13 Combat sounds 14 Construction 15 Crystal growth 16 Curse 17 Dead rise 18 Decay scent 19 Decreased patrols 20Delusion (p. 30) 21 Device activates 22 Disaster (p. 31) 23 Doors close 24 Doors open 25 Draining 26 Dungeon rotates 27 Dungeon slides 28 Dungeon tilts 29 Dust cloud 30 Earthquake 31 Element flow (p.29) 32 Eruption 33 Excavation 34 Faction alliance 35 Faction truce 36 Faction war 37 Feast 38 Fire 39 Flammable gas 40 Flooding 41 Floors move 42 Fog 43 Food scent 44 Foraging 45 Freezing 46 Gravel flow 47 Hatching 48 Hot 49 Humid 50 Hunt 14

51 Incense 52 Increased patrols 53 Invasion 54 Lava flow 55 Leak 56 Liquid sounds 57 Machine sounds 58 Manure scent 59 Monster scent 60 Monster sounds 61 Mud flow 62 Music 63 Nesting 64 New faction 65 New monster 66 New rooms 67 Oil flow 68 Passages close 69 Passages open 70 Plague 71 Planar overlay 72 Plants bloom 73 Plants grow 74 Plants wither 75 Repairs 76 Rift opens 77 Room revolves 78 Room slides 79 Room tilts 80Rooms filled in 81 Rooms rearrange 82 Sand flow 83 Scent (p. 66) 84 Singing 85 Sleep 86 Smoke 87 Sound (p. 66) 88 Static charge 89 Summoning 90 Total silence 91 Trap effect (p. 28) 92 Traps rearm 93 Vermin swarm 94 Voices 95 Walls close in 96 Walls move 97 Walls widen 98 Water flow 99 Wind 00Worship


1 Alchemy room 2 Alcohol cellar 3 Arboretum 4 Archery range 5 Arena 6 Armory 7 Arsenal 8 Art gallery 9 Art studio 10 Audience hall 11 Aviary 12 Ballroom 13 Banquet hall 14 Barracks 15 Baths 16 Bed chamber 17 Brewery 18 Building (p. 47) 19 Catacombs 20Cave 21 Cell 22 Chapel 23 Chasm 24 Church 25 Cistern 26 Cloakroom 27 Concert hall 28 Conjuring room 29 Courtroom 30 Courtyard 31 Crematorium 32 Crypt 33 Dining room 34 Divination room 35 Dormitory 36 Dungeon (p. 16) 37 Dressing room 38 Embalming room 39 Fighting pit 40 Fissure 41 Forge 42 Fountain room 43 Gallery 44 Game room 45 Garden 46 Gatehouse 47 Great hall 48 Guardroom 49 Hall 50 Infirmary

51 Junk room 52 Kennel 53 Kitchen 54 Laboratory 55 Lair 56 Larder 57 Latrine 58 Library 59 Lounge 60 Map room 61 Maze 62 Mechanism (p. 17) 63 Meditation room 64 Menagerie 65 Mess hall 66 Mews 67 Museum 68 Music room 69 Nursery 70 Observatory 71 Pantry 72 Parlor 73 Pit 74 Poison room 75 Pool 76 Prison 77 Record room 78 Location (p. 10) 79 Salon 80Scriptorium 81 Scullery 82 Sculpture gallery 83 Shop 84 Shrine 85 Slaughterhouse 86 Smoking room 87 Stables 88 Storeroom 89 Structure (p. 11) 90 Study 91 Tapestry room 92 Theater 93 Throne room 94 Torture room 95 Training hall 96 Treasury 97 Trophy room 98 Vault 99 Work pit 00Workshop

room details

1 Alcohol 51 Map 2 Alcove 52 Material (p. 42) 3 Altar 53 Mechanism (p. 17) 4 Archetype (p. 53) 54 Message 5 Balcony 55 Mine cart 6 Bars 56 Mirror 7 Bas-relief 57 Misc. item (p. 39) 8 Bath 58 Monster (p. 61) 9 Bed 59 Mural 10 Bones 60 Nest 11 Book (p. 40) 61 Painting 12 Brazier 62 Pews 13 Broken glass 63 Pillar 14 Cabinet 64 Pipes 15 Cage 65 Pool 16 Carpet 66 Portcullis 17 Carvings 67 Potion (p. 35) 18 Cauldron 68 Refuse pile 19 Chains 69 Repairs 20Chalk marks 70 Roots 21 Chandelier 71 Rubble 22 Chest 72 Scent (p. 66) 23 Clothing (p. 40) 73 Shaft 24 Coffin 74 Shelf 25 Coins 75 Sign (p. 10) 26 Collapsed ceiling 76 Skeletons 27 Collapsed floor 77 Smoke 28 Collapsed walls 78 Sofa 29 Crawlspace 79 Sound (p. 66) 30 Crumbling ceiling 80Spyhole 31 Crumbling floors 81 Stairs 32 Crumbling walls 82 Stalactites 33 Curtain 83 Statues 34 Dais 84 Stove 35 Dishes 85 Street detail (p. 47) 36 Display case 86 Symbol (p. 33) 37 Dumbwaiter 87 Table 38 Elevator 88 Tapestry 39 Fabric (p. 41) 89 Thick dust 40 Fireplace 90 Throne 41 Flowing water 91 Toilet 42 Food (p. 49) 92 Tool (p. 39) 43 Fountain 93 Torch 44 Fungi 94 Torture device 45 Graffiti 95 Training dummy 46 Hazard (p. 17) 96 Trap door 47 Incense 97 Treasure (p. 42) 48 Ingredient (p. 37) 98 Vines 49 Instrument 99 Wardrobe 50 Lantern 00Weapon (p. 43)

room themes

1 Activity (p. 19) 51 Mouths 2 Blessings 52 Music 3 Blindness 53 Mutation 4 Blood 54 Outsiders 5 Bones 55 Pageantry 6 Book (p. 40) 56 Paranoia 7 Brains 57 Place trait (p. 11) 8 Chaos 58 Poison 9 City theme (p. 46) 59 Priests 10 Collapse 60 Prophecy 11 Combat 61 Rats 12 Corpses 62 Refugees 13 Corruption 63 Restless dead 14 Creation 64 Revenge 15 Criminal activity 65 Riches 16 Crows 66 Rituals 17 Cults 67 Rival factions 18 Curses 68 Sacrifice 19 Death 69 Savage fury 20Decay 70 Secret knowledge 21 Disease 71 Serpents 22 Divination 72 Shadows 23 Domain (p. 33) 73 Skulls 24 Dragons 74 Slavery 25 Drowning 75 Slime 26 Eyes 76 Smoke 27 Effect (p. 28) 77 Songs 28 Element (p. 29) 78 Souls 29 Faces 79 Spiders 30 Feasting 80Stasis 31 Fog 81 Statues 32 Gateways 82 Summoning 33 Ghosts 83 Survival 34 Gods 84 Teeth 35 Hands 85 Tentacles 36 Holy war 86 Tests and trials 37 Hunger 87 The moon 38 Hunting 88 The stars 39 Imprisonment 89 The sun 40 Invasion 90 Thorns 41 Invention 91 Trickery 42 Inversion 92 Tyranny 43 Item trait (p. 43) 93 Vampires 44 Judgment 94 Water 45 Light 95 Wild growth 46 Locks 96 Wine 47 Madness 97 Winter 48 Magic school (p. 31) 98 Wolves 49 Memory 99 Worms 50 Mirrors 00Zealotry 15


1 Alchemy lab 2 Animal burrow 3 Aquarium 4 Arboretum 5 Archive 6 Arena 7 Armory 8 Art gallery 9 Asylum 10 Automaton 11 Aviary 12 Bank 13 Bathhouse 14 Building (p. 47) 15 Bunker 16 Casino 17 Castle 18 Catacombs 19 Cathedral 20Cave system 21 Cistern 22 City 23 Clock 24 Corpse 25 Court 26 Criminal den 27 Curiosity cabinet 28 Dam 29 Deathtrap 30 Depot 31 Dig site 32 Dormitory 33 Faction hideout 34 Factory 35 Fashion gallery 36 Feasting hall 37 Forge 38 Garbage pit 39 Gateway 40 Guildhall 41 Historical gallery 42 Hospital 43 Hotel 44 Ice caves 45 Insect hive 46 Instrument 47 Kennel 48 Kitchen 49 Labyrinth 50 Larder 16

51 Lava tubes 52 Library 53 Living dungeon 54 Lock 55 Mansion 56 Marketplace 57 Mausoleum 58 Memorial 59 Menagerie 60 Mill 61 Mine 62 Monastery 63 Monster gallery 64 Monster lab 65 Monster lair 66 Museum 67 Mushroom forest 68 Nest 69 Nursery 70 Observatory 71 Orrery 72 Palace 73 Prison 74 Race track 75 Room (p. 14) 76 Sanctum 77 Sculpture gallery 78 Sewer 79 Ship 80Silo 81 Slaughterhouse 82 Stable 83 Stronghold 84 Structure (p. 11) 85 Summoning site 86 Temple 87 Testing ground 88 Theater 89 Theme park 90 Tomb 91 Tower 92 Training complex 93 Treasure vault 94 Tree 95 Warehouse 96 Warren 97 Waterworks 98 Weapon gallery 99 Wine cellar 00Work pit

trap effects

1 Absorbing 2 Accelerating 3 Arranging 4 Attracting 5 Balancing 6 Beating 7 Bending 8 Blocking 9 Blowing 10 Bludgeoning 11 Boiling 12 Burning 13 Bursting 14 Burying 15 Catching 16 Charging 17 Choking 18 Closing 19 Compressing 20Contracting 21 Counting down 22 Crushing 23 Deafening 24 Delivering 25 Delve shift (p. 14) 26 Desiccating 27 Dividing 28 Draining 29 Dropping 30 Effect (p. 28) 31 Expanding 32 Extending 33 Filling 34 Flapping 35 Floating 36 Focusing 37 Freezing 38 Grabbing 39 Hardening 40 Hooking 41 Immobilizing 42 Imprisoning 43 Inflating 44 Inserting 45 Launching 46 Lifting 47 Locking 48 Loosening 49 Lowering 50 Opening

51 Oscillating 52 Piercing 53 Pinching 54 Pointing 55 Poking 56 Pulling 57 Pushing 58 Reflecting 59 Releasing 60 Removing 61 Repelling 62 Rolling 63 Scooping 64 Scrambling 65 Severing 66 Shaking 67 Shocking 68 Shooting 69 Shredding 70 Sifting 71 Sinking 72 Slashing 73 Sliding 74 Slowing 75 Soaking 76 Softening 77 Spinning 78 Squeezing 79 Staining 80Sticking 81 Stretching 82 Swinging 83 Tangling 84 Tearing 85 Tightening 86 Tilting 87 Toppling 88 Transporting 89 Tripping 90 Turning 91 Twisting 92 Unbalancing 93 Unearthing 94 Uniting 95 Unlocking 96 Weighing 97 Whipping 98 Winding 99 Wobbling 00Wrapping


1 Acceleration 2 Acid 3 Alarm 4 Alcohol 5 Animal (p. 64) 6 Arrow 7 Automatons 8 Avalanche 9 Axe 10 Bat 11 Blinding light 12 Boiling tar 13 Boiling water 14 Cold 15 Crocodile 16 Crude oil 17 Darkness 18 Deafening noise 19 Delusion (p. 30) 20Delve shift (p. 14) 21 Disaster (p. 31) 22 Disease 23 Drill 24 Dust 25 Effect (p. 28) 26 Electricity 27 Element (p. 29) 28 Fall 29 Fear gas 30 Fire 31 Fire ant 32 Force field 33 Glass shard 34 Glue 35 Grease 36 Guillotine 37 Hammer 38 Heat 39 Heavy gas 40 Hook 41 Hot metal 42 Hot wax 43 Hydrogen 44 Ice block 45 Ink 46 Lantern oil 47 Lava 48 Log 49 Magnet 50 Mercury

51 Metal jaws 52 Mold 53 Molten gold 54 Molten iron 55 Monster (p. 61) 56 Mud 57 Mutation (p. 30) 58 Nail 59 Needle 60 Noose 61 Ooze 62 Phosphorus 63 Piano wire 64 Piranha 65 Poison 66 Poison gas 67 Quicksand 68 Radiation 69 Rage gas 70 Rat 71 Sand 72 Saw 73 Scissor 74 Sewage 75 Shredder 76 Sleeping gas 77 Smoke 78 Snake 79 Spear 80Spell (pp. 22-25) 81 Spider 82 Spike 83 Spore 84 Steam 85 Stench 86 Stone block 87 Sulfur 88 Sword 89 Tar 90 Thin air 91 Thorns 92 Travel shift (p. 9) 93 Vacuum 94 Vine 95 Wasps 96 Water 97 Weapon (p. 43) 98 Web 99 Wet cement 00Wind


1 Air pump 2 Ball bearings 3 Barrel 4 Bars 5 Basket 6 Beam 7 Bell 8 Bellows 9 Belt 10 Bow 11 Breaks 12 Bucket 13 Button 14 Cable 15 Cage 16 Capstan 17 Cartwheel 18 Catapult 19 Chain pull 20Chains 21 Channel 22 Claw 23 Clock 24 Copper wire 25 Corridor 26 Crane 27 Creature 28 Crossbow 29 Curtain 30 Cylinder 31 Dial 32 Door 33 Drain 34 Drum 35 Fan 36 Float 37 Gears 38 Grate 39 Hamster wheel 40 Handwheel 41 Hook 42 Hourglass 43 Hydrogen tank 44 Jack 45 Ladder 46 Latch 47 Lens 48 Lift 49 Light beam 50 Lock

51 Mirror 52 Net 53 Paddle 54 Pendulum 55 Pin 56 Pipes 57 Pit 58 Platform 59 Plug 60 Pneumatics 61 Pole 62 Portcullis 63 Pressure plate 64 Pulley 65 Rack and pinion 66 Rails 67 Ramp 68 Ratchet 69 Reservoir 70 Room 71 Scales 72 Scissor lift 73 Screw 74 Scoop 75 Shaft 76 Slide 77 Sluice 78 Sphere 79 Spring 80Stairs 81 Switch 82 Tank treads 83 Tap 84 Thread 85 Tool (p. 39) 86 Trap door 87 Treadmill 88 Trigger 89 Tripwire 90 Trolley 91 Vacuum pump 92 Valve 93 Vice 94 Walls 95 Water pump 96 Waterwheel 97 Wedge 98 Weights 99 Winch 00Windmill 17




1 Ambushing 2 Arguing Use the following rules when the PCs 3 Awarding come across a random encounter. 4 Beautifying distance from party: In confined 5 Befouling 6 Begging environments with limited visibility like 7 Besieging dungeons, encounters appear 2d6 × 10’ from the PCs when their initial distance is 8 Birthing unclear. In the wilderness, large caverns, 9 Blessing 10 Brawling or other wide-open spaces, they appear 11 Building 4d6 × 30’ away. 12 Burgling surprise: If an encounter occurs within 13 Burying 14 Camping 80’ of the party, the closest PC should 15 Capturing make a WIS check against the closest encountered creature. If one side wins by 16 Carving 17 Celebrating 5 or more, they have surprised the other 18 Chasing side. The surprising side will act first in 19 Cleaning combat and gains a +5 bonus on all 20Clearing combat checks during the first round. 21 Climbing  22 Collecting activity: The current activity of the 23 Competing encountered creatures depends on the 24 Convening creature type, environment, etc., but the 25 Cooking most important thing is to have them 26 Courting doing more than just waiting for the PCs 27 Crafting to arrive. It should feel like they have a life 28 Cursing outside of the adventure. Use the table to 29 Dancing 30 Defacing the right as inspiration or roll on it, 31 Defending ignoring results that don’t make sense. 32 Delivering reaction: If the encounter’s reaction to 33 Destroying the party isn’t obvious, the GM may roll 34 Dousing 2d6 on the following table to determine 35 Dueling 36 Dying their attitude. Note that the PCs’ actions 37 Eating can cause this to change quickly. 38 Effect (p. 28) 2d6 npc reaction 39 Escaping 2 Kill the PCs 40 Escorting 3 Injure or capture the PCs 41 Excavating 4 Harass or rob the PCs 42 Executing 5 Insult, threaten, or command the PCs 43 Feasting 6 Avoid the PCs 44 Fighting 7 Ignore the PCs 45 Fleeing 8 Follow or observe the PCs 46 Foraging 9 Greet or question the PCs 47 Fortifying 10 Share information with the PCs 48 Gambling 11 Perform minor favors the PCs 49 Goal (p. 57) 12 Ask to join the PCs’ party 50 Guarding

51 Harvesting 52 Hauling 53 Healing 54 Hiding 55 Igniting 56 Infiltrating 57 Initiating 58 Instructing 59 Kidnapping 60 Looting 61 Mapping 62 Marrying 63 Mission (p. 51) 64 Mourning 65 Murdering 66 Pardoning 67 Parleying 68 Patrolling 69 Performing 70 Planning 71 Planting 72 Playing 73 Praying 74 Preaching 75 Processing 76 Questioning 77 Repairing 78 Rescuing 79 Resting 80Rioting 81 Robbing 82 Sacrificing 83 Scavenging 84 Scouting 85 Searching 86 Selling 87 Singing 88 Sleeping 89 Sound (p. 66) 90 Summoning 91 Surrendering 92 Swindling 93 Tactic (p. 67) 94 Tending 95 Threatening 96 Tracking 97 Trading 98 Training 99 Traveling 00Worshiping 19

Combat initiative: Combat is broken into 10second rounds, during which each side will have a turn to act. On a side’s turn, all of its creatures, in any order, may move (40’ for PCs) and take one other action, such as attacking, casting a spell, moving again, attempting a maneuver, etc. Decide which side acts first by making a CHA vs. CHA check between the side’s leaders. attacks: An attack is a check using the attacker’s STR (for melee attacks) or WIS (for ranged) trying to hit the defender’s armor class (armor points + 11). On a hit, the attacker deals damage to the target. If an attack roll’s total is 21 or higher, the attacker may choose to also succeed at a free maneuver of their choice. If the d20 rolls a 1, the weapon breaks.

power attacks: Before rolling for damage, PCs can decide to make a melee attack a power attack, which doubles the number of damage dice rolled but breaks the weapon. maneuvers: Maneuvers include disarming, pushing, stunning, blinding, breaking gear, tripping, pickpocketing, climbing, restraining, or anything else the GM agrees is plausible. They can only cause damage indirectly (i.e. pushing an enemy off a ledge) and are resolved with an appropriate ability check. They can be critical for bringing down tough enemies. modifiers: Attack and maneuver checks may gain +5 or -5 modifiers based on positioning, ganging up, weapon types, aiming, visibility, cover, foe size, range, surprise, elevation, etc. Careers do not grant modifiers to combat checks.

ranged attacks: Ranged attacks cannot morale test: When NPCs reach a be made while in melee. If the target is in breaking point during a battle, they must test their morale by rolling equal to or melee, the attack gets a -5 penalty. under their morale rating on 2d6. If they sneak attacks: Melee attacks against roll over it, they rout or surrender. They unsuspecting foes always hit and deal may reroll a failed test once per battle if direct damage. Attacks against truly their leader passes a CHA check. Breaking defenseless foes automatically kill them. points include after losing half their HP (if damage: Hits deal damage equal to a roll alone), after their first casualty, after half of the weapon’s damage die. If an enemy is of their forces are lost, after their leader is weak to the type of damage being dealt, it killed, and after they are attacked by deals direct damage. If they are resistant to something they fear. it, it deals no damage. 20



fire: 1d6 direct damage per round. On fire: 2d6 direct damage per round. Immersed in lava: instant death.

A spellbook takes up an item slot and contains a single spell. They cannot be created or copied by PCs and must be drowning: PCs can hold their breath for found while exploring dungeons or stolen from other magic users. 30 seconds (3 rounds) for each point of CON. After this, they pass out and must casting spells: Casting a spell takes one pass a CON check every round or die. action. Each spellbook can only be used once per day, but PCs can use a number of freezing: 1 direct damage per minute spellbooks per day equal to their INT. unless the PC passes a CON check.

spells: 100 spells are included on pp. 2225. When “INT” appears in their falling: 1d6 direct damage per 10’ fallen. descriptions, replace it with any number If at least three of the dice roll a 6, the PC up to the caster’s INT. This number is instantly killed. counts as the spell’s level, if one is needed. thirst: Each day without drinking An “item” is an object able to be lifted applies a -5 penalty to all checks. After with one hand, and an “object” is anything three days, pass a CON check every day or up to human size. Unless otherwise noted, die. Assume that the PCs are finding all spells with ongoing effects last 10 water to drink as they travel, unless the minutes (1 turn) and have a range of 40’. they are in a very arid environment. chaos spellbooks: The GM can choose lightning: 3d6 direct damage.

sleep deprivation: Each day without any sleep adds -5 to all checks. After two days without sleep, make a WIS check every watch or pass out for three watches.

to use chaos spellbooks in their campaign, which are spellbooks that replace their spell with a random new spell at the first dawn after the previous spell was cast. intoxication: Make a CON check every These spells can be rolled from the spell hour that a PC drinks alcohol. If they fail, list or randomly generated. they become drunk and add -5 to all saves: When a spell targets an unwilling checks until the next day. If a creature fails creature with an level higher than the the CON check two hours in a row, they spell, they may make an appropriate check pass out for two watches (8 hours). vs. the spell’s level to nullify it. 21

Spells 1. adhere: INT objects become sticky enough to hold a PC to a ceiling. Lasts until washed. 2. animal friendship: INT animals obey your orders as well as a trained dog for one day. 3. animate object: INT objects obey your orders. They move 15’ per round. 4. anthropomorphize: INT animals gain human intelligence for one day. 5. arcane eye: You gain a magic eye that flies around under your control for INT turns. You share its vision. 6. astral prison: An object is frozen in time and space within an invulnerable crystal shell for INT turns. 7. attract: INT + 1 objects are strongly magnetically attracted to each other if they come within 10’. 8. auditory illusion: You can create illusory sounds that seem to come from INT directions of your choice. 9. babble: INT creatures must loudly and clearly repeat everything you think. They are otherwise mute. 10.beast form: You and your possessions turn into an animal for up to INT days. 11. befuddle: A creature is unable to form short-term memories for INT turns.


12.bend fate: Roll INT + 1 d20s. After this point, when any creature you can see makes a check, use and discard one of the rolled results until they are all gone. 13.body swap: You switch bodies with a creature you touch for INT turns. If one body dies, the other dies as well. 14.catherine: A woman wearing a blue dress appears for INT hours. She will obey polite, safe requests. 15.charm: INT humanoids believe they are close friends with you until proven otherwise. 16.command: A creature obeys a single, INT-word command that doesn’t harm it. 17.comprehend: You are fluent in all languages for INT hours. 18.control plants: Plants within INT × 10’ obey you. They move 5’ per round. 19.control weather: You control your hex’s weather for INT hours. 20.detect magic: Anything magical within line of sight glows and reveals its properties on request. Lasts 1 day or until you make INT requests. 21.disassemble: INT body parts may be detached at will. You can still control them. Lasts until they are reattached. 22.disguise: You may alter the look of INT humanoids as long as they remain humanoid. Lasts until the subjects speak. 23.displace: An object appears to be up to INT × 10’ from its actual position.

24.duplicate: Create INT fragile, porcelain copies of items you can see. 25.earthquake: The ground shakes violently for INT rounds. 26.elasticity: Your body can stretch up to INT × 10’. 27.elemental wall: Creates a wall of ice or fire INT × 40’ long, 5’ wide and 10’ tall. The wall can curve however you want. 28.filch: INT visible items teleport to your hands. 29.fog cloud: Fog spreads out in a INT × 10’ radius from you. Fades in one turn. 30.gravity shift: INT creatures can alter their “down” direction at will. 31.greed: INT creatures become obsessed with possessing a visible item. 32.haste: INT creatures have their movement speed tripled. 33.hatred: INT creatures start attacking each other for one turn or until one dies. 34.hear whispers: A creature can hear all sounds up to 120’ away for INT turns. 35.hover: Make INT objects hover 2’ above the ground, frictionless. They can support the weight of up to INT people. 36.hypnotize: A creature enters a trance and will answer INT yes or no questions. 37.icy touch: An ice layer spreads across a surface, up to INT × 10’ in radius. 38.increase gravity: The gravity within INT × 10’ of you triples.

39.invisible tether: INT objects within 10’ of each other cannot be moved more than 10’ apart from each other. 40.knock: INT locks unlock. 41.leap: You can jump up to INT × 10’. 42.liquid air: The air within INT × 10’ of you becomes swimmable. 43.lock: A door cannot be opened by mundane means for INT turns. 44.magic suppressor: All magic is nullified while within INT × 10’ of you. 45.manse: A furnished house with INT rooms appears for 1 day. It has no food or gear and does not count as a safe haven. 46.marble madness: Your pockets refill with marbles every round for INT rounds. 47.masquerade: All creatures within INT × 10’ of you are compelled to dance. 48.miniaturize: You and INT other touched creatures become mouse-sized. 49.mirror image: INT illusory copies of you appear under your control. 50.mirrorwalk: A mirror becomes a gate to another mirror you touched today. 51.multiarm: You gain INT extra arms. 52.night sphere: An INT × 40’ wide sphere of total darkness appears. 53.objectify: INT willing creatures become inanimate, immobile objects of your choice for as long as they wish. They can still hear and see. 54.ooze form: Your body and gear become living slime for INT turns. 23

55.pacify: INT creatures develop an intense hatred of violence unless attacked. 56.phantom coach: A coach scoops up INT creatures (who are outdoors) and deposits them in a random adjacent hex. 57.phobia: INT creatures become terrified of an object. 58.pit: A pit 10’ wide and INT × 10’ deep opens in the ground. 59.primeval surge: An object grows to the size of an elephant for INT turns. If it is a creature, it is enraged. 60.psychometry: The GM answers INT yes or no questions about an object. 61.pull: An object of any size is pulled directly towards you with the force of INT men for one round. 62.push: An object of any size is pushed directly away from you with the force of INT men for one round. 63.raise dead: INT unarmed skeletons rise from the ground to serve you. mind: You can hear the surface thoughts of creatures for INT turns. 65.repel: INT + 1 objects are strongly magnetically repelled from each other if they come within 10’. 66.scry: You can see through the eyes of a creature you touched earlier today for INT turns. 67.sculpt elements: Inanimate material acts like clay in your hands for INT turns.


68.shroud: INT creatures are invisible for as long as they can hold their breath (CON × 30 seconds). 69.shuffle: INT creatures switch places randomly. 70.silence: All sound is deadened within 10’ of you for INT turns. 71.sleep: INT creatures fall asleep. 72.smoke form: Your body and gear become living smoke for INT turns. 73.snail knight: In 10 minutes, a knight sitting astride a giant snail rides into view. He is able to answer most questions related to quests and chivalry, and may aid you for INT days if he finds you worthy. The snail cannot move faster than a walk. 74.sniff: A creature can smell all scents up to 120’ away for INT turns. 75.sort: Inanimate items sort themselves according to INT categories you set. The categories must be visually verifiable. 76.speak with dead: The spirit of a touched dead body appears and will answer INT questions (if it can). 77.spectacle: A clearly unreal illusion appears under your control for INT days. It may be up to the size of a palace and has full motion and sound. 78.spellseize: Cast this as a reaction to another spell of level INT or less going off to make a temporary copy of it that you can cast within 10 minutes.

79.spider climb: You can climb surfaces like a spider for INT turns. 80.summon cube: You may summon or banish a 5’ cube of earth 5 times per round for INT rounds. Cubes must be affixed to the earth or to other cubes. 81.summon idol: A carved stone statue up to INT × 10’ tall rises from the ground. 82.swarm: You become a swarm of crows, rats, or piranhas for INT turns. You only take damage from area effects. 83.telekinesis: You may mentally manipulate items (one at a time) up to 10 feet away for INT turns. 84.telepathy: You can project your thoughts into a mind within INT hexes. 85.teleport: An object teleport to a clear patch of ground up to INT × 40’ away from its origin point. 86.thaumaturgic anchor: An object becomes the target of every spell cast within 120’ of it for INT turns. 87.thicket: A thicket of trees and dense brush up to INT × 40’ wide sprouts up over the course of one round. 88.time jump: An object disappears as it jumps INT turns into the future. When it returns, it annihilates any matter occupying its space. 89.time rush: Time within INT × 10’ of you goes 10 times faster than the rest of the world. Lasts 10 rounds (for you).

90.time slow: Time within INT × 10’ of you goes 10 times slower than the rest of the world. Lasts 10 rounds (for you). 91.truth sense: You can detect lies for INT hours. 92.unravel: Cast this as a reaction to another spell of level INT or less going off to nullify it. 93.upwell: A spring of seawater erupts, producing a thousand cubic feet of water per turn for INT turns. You create an illusory object with full motion and sound that only one creature can sense. Lasts INT turns. 95.visual illusion: You create INT silent, immobile, illusory objects that last until they are touched. 96.ward: A silver circle 40’ across appears on the around the caster. INT categories that you name cannot cross it. Lasts until the caster leaves the circle. 97.web: You can shoot INT × 40’ of strong, sticky web. Lasts until burned. 98.whirlwind: You create a vortex of air INT × 10’ wide that can deflect missiles and follows you. 99.wizard mark: Your finger can shoot a stream of ulfire-colored paint for INT hours. This paint is only visible to you, and can be seen at any distance, even through objects. Lasts until washed off. 100.x-ray vision: You can see through INT feet of material. 25


Generating New Spells

wizard names

1 Abrogast 2 Angvar 3 Armolok 4 Asterwin The GM can generate new spells to place 5 Azerphon in the game world or to replace old ones 6 Barbaloff in Chaos Spellbooks (p. 21) by rolling on 7 Boglin the spell formula table below. Replace 8 Borgarot each bracketed word in the formula with a 9 Byzby 10 Candula result from the matching table on the 11 Chalgot following pages to create the spell name 12 Cronibal (the wording can be adjusted to sound 13 Cydinax better). The GM and players then work 14 Darj together to determine the spell’s effects. 15 Dormog 16 Dregwith Example: If a 10 was rolled, the formula 17 Dulzant would be [Name]’s [Quality] [Element] 18 Elmeer [Form]. Replacing the words with random 19 Eofast table results might generate “Asterwin’s 20Evthalon Iridescent Tears Circle”. The player adjusts 21 Felonse this to “Asterwin’s Iridescent Circle of Tears” 22 Fenundor and suggests that this creates a shimmering 23 Folgun circle on the ground that causes anyone within 24 Gelonvir 25 Garzant it to begin weeping uncontrollably. The GM agrees, and clarifies that the circle is INT × 10’ 26 Gathifex wide and that creatures within it must pass a 27 Gilux 28 Gyodo WIS check each round or add a -5 penalty to 29 Hashman all checks that round. Creatures that cannot 30 Helkhal cry will not be affected. 31 Hetemtul 32 Hoonai d12 spell formulae 33 Ifit 1 [Element] [Form] 34 Ildefad 2 [Effect] [Form] 35 Imzirian 36 Irolo 3 [Effect] [Element] 37 Jorkhal 4 The [Quality] [Element] [Form] 38 Jorphdan 5 The [Quality] [Effect] [Form] 39 Kaldash 6 The [Quality] [Effect] [Element] 40 Karneblin 7 [Wizard name]’s [Element] [Form] 41 Kirtep 8 [Wizard name]’s [Effect] [Form] 42 Kisdal 43 Krolgo 9 [Wizard name]’s [Effect] [Element] [Wizard name]’s [Quality] [Element] 44 Leodelf 10 45 Lexikrin [Form] 46 Lestin [Wizard name]’s [Quality] [Effect] 47 Lomard 11 [Form] 48 Majdin [Wizard name]’s [Quality] [Effect] 49 Mazifant 12 [Element] 50 Melkash

51 Mizisto 52 Mordandred 53 Nazmok 54 Nobtrik 55 Nothry 56 Noonund 57 Nizmo 58 Obrigal 59 Ornoza 60 Osrat 61 Otilix 62 Pandelo 63 Panderbal 64 Perdeo 65 Pevin 66 Quartat 67 Quasmir 68 Quilian 69 Quinfan 70 Redrak 71 Roshmor 72 Rudishan 73 Rumalto 74 Sekeen 75 Sivinez 76 Snilimar 77 Sofnu 78 Surname (p. 55) 79 Tasham 80Tchamukal 81 Tenat 82 Turminster 83 Ukanel 84 Umbalem 85 Uneni 86 Urokar 87 Vanceus 88 Vermulsin 89 Voriel 90 Wallester 91 Wenton 92 Wiltrik 93 Xedu 94 Xepheran 95 Xolark 96 Yamorthrax 97 Yandant 98 Zanuptra 99 Zarugaz 00Zilik 27


1 Abnormal 51 Loathsome 2 Abominable 52 Magnificent 3 Advanced 53 Majestic 4 Ancestral 54 Marvelous 5 Ancient 55 Masterful 6 Arcane 56 Miraculous 7 Artful 57 Mysterious 8 Baleful 58 Noetic 9 Bizarre 59 Noxious 10 Canonical 60 Odious 11 Celestial 61 Ominous 12 Cerebral 62 Original 13 Chaotic 63 Orthodox 14 Color (p. 37) 64 Ostentatious 15 Cosmic 65 Otherworldly 16 Crafty 66 Peculiar 17 Cryptic 67 Pernicious 18 Curious 68 Phenomenal 19 Detestable 69 Place trait (p. 11) 20Dismal 70 Planar 21 Dreadful 71 Planetary 22 Elder 72 Preeminent 23 Eldritch 73 Primal 24 Enigmatic 74 Primeval 25 Esoteric 75 Primordial 26 Excellent 76 Prodigious 27 Exquisite 77 Psychedelic 28 Extraordinary 78 Remarkable 29 Fantastic 79 Resplendent 30 Fey 80Royal 31 Foul 81 Sacred 32 Galactic 82 Scent (p. 66) 33 Ghastly 83 Sinister 34 Grand 84 Sound (p. 66) 35 Grim 85 Splendid 36 Grotesque 86 Subtle 37 Hateful 87 Superior 38 Hideous 88 Supreme 39 Horrible 89 Taste (p. 36) 40 Incomparable 90 Texture (p. 36) 41 Incomprehensible 91 True 42 Inexplicable 92 Uncanny 43 Infernal 93 Unfathomable 44 Ingenious 94 Unnatural 45 Inscrutable 95 Unorthodox 46 Insidious 96 Unspeakable 47 Iridescent 97 Vile 48 Jocular 98 Whimsical 49 Lawful 99 Wondrous 50 Legendary 00Wretched 28


1 Absorbing 2 Accelerating 3 Activity (p. 19) 4 Amusing 5 Animating 6 Armoring 7 Attracting 8 Avenging 9 Awakening 10 Banishing 11 Beautifying 12 Bewildering 13 Binding 14 Blinding 15 Blossoming 16 Burning 17 Charming 18 Cleansing 19 Commanding 20Communicating 21 Concealing 22 Condemning 23 Corroding 24 Corrupting 25 Crushing 26 Darkening 27 Dazzling 28 Deafening 29 Deciphering 30 Diminishing 31 Disguising 32 Dispelling 33 Draining 34 Duplicating 35 Electrifying 36 Emboldening 37 Enraging 38 Enticing 39 Etherealizing 40 Excruciating 41 Expanding 42 Foreseeing 43 Freezing 44 Fusing 45 Hardening 46 Haunting 47 Healing 48 Identifying 49 Illuminating 50 Imprisoning

51 Infecting 52 Intoxicating 53 Irradiating 54 Irritating 55 Levitating 56 Liquefying 57 Maddening 58 Menacing 59 Mending 60 Mesmerizing 61 Mindreading 62 Mocking 63 Monitoring 64 Multiplying 65 Mutating 66 Nauseating 67 Nullifying 68 Pacifying 69 Persuading 70 Petrifying 71 Piercing 72 Preserving 73 Pummeling 74 Putrefying 75 Reflecting 76 Refreshing 77 Regenerating 78 Repelling 79 Retrieving 80Revealing 81 Saddening 82 Sanctifying 83 Scrying 84 Sealing 85 Shielding 86 Silencing 87 Slicing 88 Spawning 89 Stinging 90 Strangling 91 Summoning 92 Teleporting 93 Terrifying 94 Transmuting 95 Trap effect (p. 28) 96 Transporting 97 Vaporizing 98 Warding 99 Wearying 00Withering


1 Acid 2 Amber 3 Ash 4 Beer 5 Bile 6 Blood 7 Blossom 8 Bone 9 Brass 10 Brimstone 11 Brine 12 Butter 13 Chalk 14 Chaos 15 Clay 16 Cloud 17 Cold 18 Crystal 19 Darkness 20Death 21 Domain (p. 33) 22 Dream 23 Dust 24 Fabric (p. 41) 25 Flame 26 Flesh 27 Foam 28 Fog 29 Food (p. 49) 30 Frost 31 Fume 32 Fungus 33 Ghost 34 Glass 35 Glue 36 Gravel 37 Hail 38 Heat 39 Honey 40 Ice 41 Incense 42 Ink 43 Iron 44 Ivory 45 Lava 46 Lead 47 Leaf 48 Light 49 Lightning 50 Marmalade

51 Material (p. 42) 52 Memory 53 Miasma 54 Moss 55 Mud 56 Nectar 57 Oatmeal 58 Obsidian 59 Oil 60 Paint 61 Paper 62 Perfume 63 Plague 64 Poison 65 Pollen 66 Quicksilver 67 Radiation 68 Rain 69 Root 70 Rot 71 Salt 72 Sand 73 Sap 74 Shadow 75 Silk 76 Slime 77 Smoke 78 Snow 79 Soot 80Spark 81 Speed 82 Spore 83 Steam 84 Stench 85 Stone 86 Storm 87 Sugar 88 Syrup 89 Taffy 90 Tar 91 Tea 92 Tears 93 Thorn 94 Vine 95 Void 96 Water 97 Wax 98 Wind 99 Wine 00Wood


1 Animal (p. 64) 2 Arc 3 Archer 4 Armor 5 Arrow 6 Aura 7 Avalanche 8 Axe 9 Beacon 10 Beam 11 Beast 12 Blade 13 Blast 14 Blob 15 Bolt 16 Bubble 17 Cage 18 Carriage 19 Chain 20Chariot 21 Circle 22 Cloak 23 Clothing (p. 40) 24 Cloud 25 Coil 26 Colossus 27 Column 28 Cone 29 Crown 30 Cube 31 Disk 32 Dragon 33 Eye 34 Fang 35 Finger 36 Fissure 37 Fist 38 Flood 39 Fly 40 Fountain 41 Gate 42 Gaze 43 Geyser 44 Gloves 45 Guardian 46 Hammer 47 Hand 48 Hawk 49 Horn 50 Hound

51 Key 52 Knife 53 Knight 54 Mask 55 Mechanism (p. 17) 56 Misc. item (p. 39) 57 Monolith 58 Monster (p. 61) 59 Mouth 60 Organ (p. 64) 61 Path 62 Pit 63 Pool 64 Pulse 65 Pyramid 66 Ray 67 Rune 68 Sanctuary 69 Serpent 70 Servant 71 Shield 72 Skeleton 73 Skin 74 Song 75 Spear 76 Sphere 77 Spider 78 Spike 79 Spray 80Staff 81 Steed 82 Storm 83 Strike 84 Structure (p. 11) 85 Symbol (p. 33) 86 Tangle 87 Tool (p. 39) 88 Torrent 89 Touch 90 Tree 91 Tunnel 92 Vortex 93 Wall 94 Wave 95 Weapon (p. 43) 96 Web 97 Wheel 98 Whip 99 Word 00Zone 29


1 Ages backwards 51 Head swells 2 Ages faster 52 Horns 3 Animal body (p. 64) 53 Invisible head 4 Animal ears (p. 64) 54 Jelly arms 5 Animal eyes (p. 64) 55 Legs grow 6 Animal form (p. 64) 56 Long tongue 7 Animal head (p. 64) 57 Lose d20 inches 8 Animal limb (p. 64) 58 Mannerism (p. 59) 9 Animal scent (p. 64) 59 Mon. trait (p. 65) 10 Animal skin (p. 64) 60 No eyes 11 Animal tail (p. 64) 61 No nose 12 Animal teeth (p. 64) 62 No teeth 13 Animal voice (p. 64) 63 NPC detail (p. 56) 14 Antennae 64 One arm 15 Antlers 65 One eye 16 Arms grow 66 One leg 17 Bat wings 67 Organ (p. 64) 18 Beak 68 Personality (p. 56) 19 Bird wings 69 Pig snout 20Bleeds acid 70 Power (p. 65) 21 Chameleon eyes 71 Rat tail 22 Claws 72 Scales 23 Color skin (p. 37) 73 Scent (p. 66) 24 Crystal growth 74 Scorpion tail 25 Drooling 75 Shaggy fur 26 Duck bill 76 Shell 27 Ears grow 77 Skin boils 28 Elem. blood (p. 29) 78 Skin hardens 29 Elem. body (p. 29) 79 Skin pattern 30 Elem. breath (p. 29) 80Skin sags 31 Emits fumes 81 Skin shedding 32 Excretes ooze 82 Smoke breath 33 Extra arms 83 Snake hair 34 Extra eyes 84 Sound (p. 66) 35 Extra fingers 85 Spines 36 Extra heads 86 Spinnerets 37 Extra legs 87 Suction cups 38 Eye stalks 88 Sweats blood 39 Eyes grow 89 Tentacles 40 Fangs 90 Texture body (p. 36) 41 Feathers 91 Totally numb 42 Feet swell 92 Translucent skin 43 Fins 93 Transparent skin 44 Fly eyes 94 Tusks 45 Fungal growth 95 Two faces 46 Gain d20 inches 96 Warts 47 Gills 97 Webbed hands 48 Hair growth 98 Weight doubles 49 Hair loss 99 Weight halves 50 Hands swell 00Wooly 30


1 Activity (p. 19) 51 Invisible 2 Always drunk 52 Invisible servant 3 Always polite 53 Invulnerable 4 Always rude 54 Language switch 5 Always sleepy 55 Liability (p. 58) 6 Amnesia 56 Mannerism (p. 59) 7 Animal (p. 64) 57 Medium 8 Asset (p. 58) 58 Mind controlled 9 Aura reading 59 Missing limb 10 Automaton 60 Mission (p. 51) 11 Being followed 61 Monster (p. 61) 12 Cannot count 62 Monster trait (p. 65) 13 Cannot lie 63 Must dance 14 Cannot read 64 Must lie 15 Chosen one 65 Must obey 16 Clone 66 Must shout 17 Constant rage 67 Must skip 18 Dark vision 68 Must steal 19 Demonic 69 Name (pp. 54-55) 20Divine 70 NPC Detail (p. 56) 21 Extra limb 71 Organ (p. 64) 22 Falls in love 72 Personal army 23 Famous 73 Personality (p. 56) 24 Fears birds 74 Planar traveler 25 Fears blood 75 Power (p. 65) 26 Fears dom. (p. 33) 76 Profession (p. 57) 27 Fears fire 77 Prophet 28 Fears gold 78 Reincarnated 29 Fears iron 79 Rich 30 Fears music 80Says thoughts 31 Fears own hand 81 Secret monarch 32 Fears PC 82 Sees dead people 33 Fears rain 83 Shapeshifter 34 Fears rivers 84 Silent 35 Fears sleep 85 Skin texture (p. 36) 36 Fears sunlight 86 Sound (p. 66) 37 Fears symbol (p. 33) 87 Spy 38 Fears the moon 88 Super strength 39 Flight 89 Talks to animals 40 Genius 90 Talks to plants 41 Gets lost 91 Telekinetic 42 Goal (p. 57) 92 Telepathic 43 Gorgeous 93 Time traveler 44 Hates violence 94 Vampire 45 Healing touch 95 Weakness (p. 67) 46 Hideous 96 Weather control 47 Illuminati 97 Werewolf 48 Immortal 98 Whispers 49 In an RPG 99 Wiz. name (p. 27) 50 Infamous 00X-Ray Vision


1 Acid rain 51 Language loss 2 Aging accelerates 52 Lightning storm 3 Aging reverses 53 Living nightmare 4 All iron rusts 54 Locusts 5 Amnesia 55 Maggots 6 Animal revolt 56 Magic barrier 7 Animals die 57 Mass blindness 8 Animals mutate 58 Mass hypnosis 9 Animals speak 59 Mass insanity 10 Birds attack 60 Mass possession 11 Birds die 61 Mass slumber 12 Body swaps 62 Mass telepathy 13 Cities move 63 Meteor strike 14 City appears 64 Mirages 15 City changes 65 Mirrors speak 16 Deadly fog 66 Mutation (p. 30) 17 Delusion (p. 30) 67 No stars 18 Demon invasion 68 Objects animate 19 Doors lock 69 Outsider enters 20Dragon wakes 70 People shrink 21 Dream plague 71 People vanish 22 Drought 72 Pits open 23 Earth to sand 73 Plague 24 Earthquake 74 Planar overlay 25 Effect rain (p. 28) 75 Plants wither 26 Element rain (p. 29) 76 Portal opens 27 Endless day 77 Rage epidemic 28 Endless night 78 Rampant growth 29 Endless rain 79 Rifts open 30 Endless storm 80Rivers move 31 Endless twilight 81 Rivers reverse 32 Endless winter 82 Roads move 33 Eruption 83 Shadows detach 34 Fae return 84 Shadows speak 35 Famine 85 Smoke 36 Fear epidemic 86 Space distorts 37 Firestorm 87 Stone to flesh 38 Fish die 88 Stones speak 39 Fish speak 89 Texture rain (p. 36) 40 Flesh to stone 90 Time loop 41 Flood 91 Time slows 42 Forest appears 92 Time warp 43 Forgetfulness 93 Tornado 44 Giants march 94 Total silence 45 Gold to tin 95 Tower appears 46 Graves open 96 Trees march 47 Gravity decrease 97 Voices of dead 48 Gravity increase 98 Water to blood 49 Hills move 99 Weapon rain (p. 43) 50 Iron to cloth 00Windstorm

magic schools

1 Abjuration 2 Air 3 Alchemy 4 Alteration 5 Animation 6 Anti-magic 7 Archery 8 Architecture 9 Armor 10 Artifice 11 Beasts 12 Biomancy 13 Birds 14 Book (p. 40) 15 Charms 16 Chromatic 17 Conjuration 18 Counterspells 19 Creation 20Darkness 21 Death 22 Desert 23 Destruction 24 Divination 25 Domain (p. 33) 26 Dragons 27 Dreams 28 Earth 29 Emotions 30 Enchantment 31 Evocation 32 Fear 33 Finding 34 Fire 35 Fish 36 Flight 37 Food 38 Force 39 Forest 40 Fungi 41 Geometry 42 Healing 43 Ice 44 Ignorance 45 Illness 46 Illumination 47 Illusion 48 Insects 49 Invocation 50 Knowledge

51 Lightning 52 Martial arts 53 Memory 54 Metamagic 55 Mind control 56 Mirrors 57 Misdirection 58 Mist 59 Music 60 Necromancy 61 Oratory 62 Outsiders 63 Planes 64 Portals 65 Power 66 Protection 67 Rays 68 Reptiles 69 Revelation 70 Room theme (p. 15) 71 Sea 72 Servants 73 Shadow 74 Shaping 75 Sight 76 Sound 77 Speed 78 Stars 79 Stasis 80Staves 81 Stealth 82 Stones 83 Storms 84 Summoning 85 Sun 86 Swords 87 Telekinesis 88 Telepathy 89 Teleportation 90 Theft 91 Time 92 Transmutation 93 Trickery 94 Vampirism 95 Walls 96 Water 97 Weapons 98 Wild magic 99 Wind 00Witchery 31

Relic Magic patrons: Patrons are powerful magical beings (often incorporeal) who grant some of their power to PC through the use of relics. They might be petty gods, saints, nature spirits, outsiders, etc. GMs should treat patrons like NPCs, giving them goals (p. 57), personalities (p. 56), mannerisms (p. 59), etc. Each patron has one or two domains (p. 33) it is most concerned with, either positively or negatively. relics: Relics are magical items that are bound to the service of a particular patron, usually found in dungeons or at shrines. A relic might be a symbol of the patron, a weapon, an article of clothing, or anything else. Use the item tables (pp. 39-43) for inspiration. A PC’s item can also be converted into a relic if the patron wishes it. Relics always take up at least one item slot.

blessings: Once a PC finds a relic and communicates with its patron at one of their shrines, the patron will give the PC a mission (p. 51). If the PC completes the mission and returns to the shrine, the patron will bestow an ongoing blessing on them related to the patron’s domains. It should be something minor but useful, such an aura or a minor spell that can be cast multiple times per day. It should be designed in collaboration with the player. The tables for magic (pp. 27-31), potions (p. 35), and powers (p. 65) can be helpful. This blessing continues as long as the PC possesses the relic and remains in the patron’s favor. PCs can possess any number of relics, but can only have a number of blessings active at one time equal to their CHA. Active blessings can be switched out each morning.

favor and disfavor: PCs that takes actions contrary to a patron’s goals may incur disfavor, which may result in the patron cutting off access to the blessing. shrines: Shrines are religious sites Returning to the patron’s favor usually dedicated to particular patrons where PCs means completing another mission for may freely communicate with them, them or atoning for the offense. assuming they have the patron’s favor and On the other hand, PCs who take pains to at least one of their relics. Cities have stay in a patron’s favor and align shrines to every patron, towns have d6 themselves with their goals may be shrines , and villages usually only have a rewarded with more powerful blessings, single shrine. additional relics, or followers (p. 53). 32


01 Acid 51 Mountains 02Alchemy 52 Murderers 03 Beauty 53 Music 04 Bees 54 Oratory 05 Beggars 55 Performance 06 Betrayal 56 Poison 07 Birds 57 Priests 08Blades 58 Prisoners 09 Blood 59 Rage 10 Blossoms 60 Rain 11 Book (p. 40) 61 Revenge 12 Clay 62 Revolution 13 Clouds 63 Roads 14 Commerce 64 Room theme (p. 15) 15 Courage 65 Royalty 16 Cowards 66 Rust 17 Craftsmanship 67 Sand 18 Crows 68 Secrets 19 Darkness 69 Serpents 20Deserts 70 Silence 21 Destruction 71 Slaves 22 Disease 72 Sleep 23 Doors 73 Smoke 24 Dreams 74 Soldiers 25 Duels 75 Spiders 26 Eagles 76 Swamps 27 Earthquakes 77 Tailors 28 Fire 78 The Blind 29 Fish 79 The Elderly 30 Forge 80The Future 31 Fungi 81 The Grave 32 Gluttony 82 The Harvest 33 Greed 83 The Hearth 34 Healing 84 The Hunt 35 Horses 85 The Law 36 Hunger 86 The Sea 37 Illusions 87 Thieves 38 Jealousy 88 Thorns 39 Language 89 Travelers 40 Lava 90 Trees 41 Libraries 91 Trickery 42 Light 92 Truth 43 Lightning 93 Tundra 44 Love 94 Tunnels 45 Luck 95 Vermin 46 Machines 96 Walls 47 Madness 97 Wind 48 Magic school (p. 31) 98 Wine 49 Mazes 99 Winter 50 Mirrors 00Wolves


1 Animal (p. 64) 2 Antlers 3 Arrow 4 Axe 5 Bear 6 Bell 7 Bird 8 Blood drop 9 Book 10 Boots 11 Bow 12 Bowl 13 Branch 14 Brazier 15 Cauldron 16 Chain 17 Chariot 18 Circle 19 Clothing (p. 40) 20Cloud 21 Coin 22 Constellation 23 Crab 24 Cross 25 Crown 26 Crystal 27 Dagger 28 Deer 29 Dice 30 Eye 31 Fangs 32 Feather 33 Fish 34 Fist 35 Flower 36 Fountain 37 Food (p. 49) 38 Form (p. 29) 39 Fox 40 Frog 41 Gate 42 Goat 43 Hammer 44 Hand 45 Heart 46 Helmet 47 Hook 48 Horn 49 Horse 50 Hourglass

51 Key 52 Knot 53 Lamp 54 Leaf 55 Lightning bolt 56 Lock 57 Mask 58 Misc. item (p. 39) 59 Moon 60 Nut 61 Octopus 62 Organ (p. 64) 63 Ox 64 Pen 65 Pincer 66 Pine cone 67 Planet 68 Rabbit 69 Rat 70 Ring 71 Scorpion 72 Scales 73 Scroll 74 Serpent 75 Shield 76 Sickle 77 Skull 78 Snail 79 Snowflake 80Spear 81 Spiral 82 Square 83 Staff 84 Star 85 Sun 86 Sword 87 Tentacle 88 Throne 89 Tooth 90 Torch 91 Tree 92 Triangle 93 Turtle 94 Wave 95 Weapon (p. 43) 96 Web 97 Whale 98 Whip 99 Wings 00Wolf 33


Alchemy harvesting: Harvesting a monster part requires 10 minutes and the proper tools. The most useful organs are the ones that produce the monster's special abilities, such as a dragon's lung (fire breathing) or a dragon's scales (fireproofing). Magical plants can also be harvested, although they usually grow in dangerous or lost locations. Body parts or plants harvested take up at least one slot, due to the packaging and fluids they must be preserved in. brewing: Brewing a potion requires a fire, a cauldron, ingredients, and four hours (one watch) of time. The player describes the effect and duration of the potion they are trying to make, along with the ingredients to be used (usually monster parts, but in theory any rare substances with the right properties could be used). If the GM approves the attempt, the PC makes an INT check. The PC adds +5 to the check if they spend an additional watch brewing. On a success, the potion is created. The parts are lost no matter the outcome. If the PC succeeds at the check by 10 or more, they have created a recipe for that potion and no longer need to make a brewing check to make it when using those exact ingredients. potion effects: Potions allow the drinker to produce a single significant magical effect. If the effect is ongoing (like invisibility) it lass for 10 minutes (one turn). Weak ongoing effects may last for an hour or even a day if they are very weak. A drop of a potion gives a clue as to its effects. If the players find or buy a potion you can either use one of the examples to the right or generate something using the magic tables.


1 Age 51 Magic-proof 2 All languages 52 Mannerism (p. 59) 3 Alter body 53 Metal-proof 4 Alter face 54 Might 5 Alter voice 55 Mind reading 6 Animal form (p. 64) 56 Monster trait (p. 65) 7 Armor 57 Mutation (p. 30) 8 Beast-speech 58 NPC detail (p. 56) 9 Bird-speech 59 Ooze form 10 Breathlessness 60 Paranoia 11 Claws 61 Personality (p. 56) 12 Cold-proof 62 Plant-speech 13 Courage 63 Poison-proof 14 Cure disease 64 Power (p. 65) 15 Cure poison 65 Profession (p. 57) 16 Cure wounds 66 Rage 17 Dark vision 67 Sense danger 18 Dead-speech 68 Sense direction 19 Delusion (p. 30) 69 Sense evil 20Effect (p. 28) 70 Sense gold 21 Elasticity 71 Sense heat 22 Elem. form (p. 29) 72 Sense illusion 23 Extra arms 73 Sense lies 24 False death 74 Sense magic 25 Fear 75 Sense undead 26 Fire form 76 Shrinking 27 Fish-speech 77 Sleep 28 Flight 78 Sleeplessness 29 Forgetfulness 79 Smoke form 30 Friendship 80Sniffing 31 Grow organ (p. 64) 81 Sovereign acid 32 Grow stinger 82 Sovereign glue 33 Growth 83 Sovereign grease 34 Grub-speech 84 Sovereign poison 35 Hate 85 Speed 36 Healing 86 Spines 37 Hearing 87 Stone-speech 38 Heat-proof 88 Swimming 39 Hunger-proof 89 Telekinesis 40 Ice form 90 Thought sending 41 Illumination 91 Undeath 42 Intangibility 92 Vampirism 43 Invisibility 93 Ventriloquism 44 Invulnerability 94 Vision 45 Iron stomach 95 Wall-crawling 46 Jumping 96 Water breathing 47 Lightning form 97 Water walking 48 Lightning-proof 98 Web-slinging 49 Love 99 X-ray vision 50 Lycanthropy 00Youth 35


1 Aerated 2 Battery 3 Blended 4 Boiling 5 Brackish 6 Bubbling 7 Buttery 8 Caramelized 9 Chalky 10 Chilled 11 Chunky 12 Churning 13 Clotted 14 Coagulated 15 Condensed 16 Congealed 17 Cool 18 Creamy 19 Crystalized 20Curdled 21 Dregs 22 Effervescent 23 Filmy 24 Fizzing 25 Flakes 26 Foaming 27 Foggy 28 Frigid 29 Frosty 30 Frothy 31 Gelatinous 32 Glimmering 33 Gloppy 34 Glowing 35 Gluey 36 Grainy 37 Greasy 38 Gritty 39 Grounds 40 Gummy 41 Gunky 42 Gurgling 43 Hissing 44 Humming 45 Ichorous 46 Icy 47 Jellied 48 Living 49 Lukewarm 50 Lumpy 36

51 Mashed 52 Metallic 53 Motes 54 Moving 55 Muddy 56 Murky 57 Mushy 58 Oily 59 Oozy 60 Pasty 61 Powdery 62 Pudding 63 Pulpy 64 Pulsing 65 Pureed 66 Quicksilver 67 Reflective 68 Rippling 69 Roiling 70 Sandy 71 Sappy 72 Scalding 73 Scummy film 74 Sediment 75 Shining 76 Silty 77 Simmering 78 Sizzling 79 Slimy 80Slushy 81 Smoking 82 Smoky 83 Soapy 84 Sparkling 85 Steaming 86 Sticky 87 Swirling 88 Syrupy 89 Tarry 90 Thin 91 Throbbing 92 Trembling 93 Turbulent 94 Vibrating 95 Viscid 96 Viscous 97 Warm 98 Watery 99 Whirling 00Whistling

1 Absinthe 2 Allspice 3 Almond 4 Ammonia 5 Animal (p. 64) 6 Asparagus 7 Basil 8 Beer 9 Berries 10 Black currant 11 Blackberry 12 Blood 13 Butter 14 Camphor 15 Candy 16 Caramel 17 Cardamom 18 Cherry 19 Chili pepper 20Chives 21 Chocolate 22 Cinnamon 23 Cloves 24 Coconut 25 Coffee 26 Copper 27 Cranberry 28 Crude oil 29 Cucumber 30 Cumin 31 Curry 32 Dates 33 Elderberry 34 Figs 35 Flowers 36 Food (p. 49) 37 Garlic 38 Ginger 39 Gooseberry 40 Grapefruit 41 Grass 42 Herbs 43 Honey 44 Honeysuckle 45 Horseradish 46 Huckleberry 47 Hyacinth 48 Leather 49 Lemon 50 Lemongrass


51 Licorice 52 Lime 53 Loam 54 Maple syrup 55 Mead 56 Milk 57 Mineral 58 Mint 59 Mud 60 Mustard 61 Nutmeg 62 Oak 63 Olive oil 64 Onion 65 Orange 66 Oregano 67 Peach 68 Pears 69 Pepper 70 Phlegm 71 Pickle juice 72 Pine 73 Pistachios 74 Plum 75 Pumpkin 76 Quince 77 Rhubarb 78 Roast duck 79 Rose 80Rosemary 81 Rust 82 Saffron 83 Sage 84 Salt water 85 Scent (p. 66) 86 Soap 87 Soursop 88 Spearmint 89 Sulphur 90 Tamarind 91 Tea 92 Tears 93 Thyme 94 Tobacco 95 Vanilla 96 Walnuts 97 Whiskey 98 Wine 99 Wintergreen 00Wormwood

1 Acid Green 2 Alabaster 3 Amber 4 Amethyst 5 Apricot 6 Aquamarine 7 Asparagus 8 Auburn 9 Aureolin 10 Avocado 11 Azure 12 Baby Blue 13 Beige 14 Bone 15 Bottle Green 16 Bronze 17 Bubblegum 18 Carmine 19 Carrot 20Acid Green 21 Cerise 22 Cerulean 23 Champagne 24 Charcoal 25 Chartreuse 26 Chestnut 27 Cinnamon 28 Colorless 29 Coppery 30 Coral Pink 31 Creamy 32 Crimson 33 Cyan 34 Dove Grey 35 Dun 36 Eggshell 37 Electric Blue 38 Emerald 39 Flesh 40 Fuchsia 41 Fuligin 42 Golden 43 Grape Juice 44 Heliotrope 45 Ice Blue 46 Indigo 47 Inky 48 Invisible 49 Ivory 50 Kelly Green


51 Lavender 52 Lilac 53 Lime 54 Magenta 55 Mahogany 56 Maroon 57 Mauve 58 Milk White 59 Moss Green 60 Mustard 61 Ochre 62 Olive 63 Opalescent 64 Oxblood 65 Pea Green 66 Peach 67 Peaco*ck Blue 68 Pearl 69 Periwinkle 70 Pine Green 71 Plum 72 Primrose 73 Pumpkin 74 Rainbow 75 Rose 76 Ruby 77 Russet 78 Rusty 79 Saffron 80Salmon 81 Sapphire 82 Scarlet 83 Sepia 84 Shocking Pink 85 Silver 86 Slate Blue 87 Smokey Grey 88 Tangerine 89 Teal 90 Terracotta 91 Titian Red 92 Tomato 93 Turquoise 94 Tyrian 95 Ultramarine 96 Umber 97 Verdigris 98 Vermilion 99 Violet 00Viridian


1 Animal (p. 64) 2 Antimony 3 Arsenic 4 Belladonna 5 Bitumen 6 Black pearl 7 Blind eye 8 Book (p. 40) 9 Brimstone 10 Camphor 11 Celandine 12 Chalk 13 Clothing (p. 40) 14 Cobalt 15 co*cklebur 16 Coffin nail 17 Columbine 18 Copper 19 Corpse’s hair 20Crossroad dust 21 Dandelion 22 Deathcap 23 Devil’s trumpet 24 Element 25 Fabric (p. 41) 26 Food (p. 49) 27 Foxglove 28 Funeral wine 29 Gold 30 Grave dust 31 Hellebore 32 Hemlock 33 Henbane 34 Holly 35 Honey 36 Hyssop 37 Iron 38 Killer’s hand 39 King’s tooth 40 Larkspur 41 Last breath 42 Lead 43 Liar’s tongue 44 Lightning bolt 45 Lime 46 Lodestone 47 Lotus 48 Lye 49 Mandrake 50 Material (p. 42)

51 Meadowsweet 52 Misc. item (p. 39) 53 Mistletoe 54 Monk’s vow 55 Monster (p. 61) 56 Moonflower 57 Mugwort 58 Natron 59 Nectar 60 Nettle 61 Newborn’s cry 62 Nickel 63 Nightshade 64 Organ (p. 64) 65 Platinum 66 Poppy 67 Potion (p. 35) 68 Pyre ember 69 Queen bee 70 Queen’s blood 71 Quicksilver 72 Ragwort 73 Resin 74 Rosemary 75 Sage 76 Sea water 77 Ship’s barnacle 78 Silver 79 Snakeweed 80Soot 81 Star-metal 82 Stinkhorn 83 Sugar 84 Thief’s finger 85 Thistle 86 Tin 87 Tomb flower 88 Tool (p. 39) 89 Treasure (p. 42) 90 Valerian 91 Verdigris 92 Vinegar 93 Wax 94 Weapon (p. 43) 95 Wedding ring 96 Widow’s tears 97 Witch hazel 98 Wizard’s skull 99 Wolfsbane 00Wormwood 37

Money & Gear coinage: All costs are in coins (c). 10c is the wage for a day of unskilled labor.

transport: The crew requirements listed are not included in the price.

• Mule, 50 slots (30c) • Riding Horse, 80 slots (1000c) • War Horse, 80 slots (10,000c) common items: Found in any settlement. • Cart, 200 slots (50c) Rope, torch, saw, arrow, quiver, etc. (5c). • Carriage, 200 slots (320c) uncommon items: Found in towns or • Wagon, 800 slots (120c) cities. Lantern, bear trap, etc. (20c). • Rowboat, 320 slots (50c) • Fishing boat, 2k slots, 2 crew (500c) rare items: Found only in cities. Sextant, hourglass, astrolabe, etc. (100c+). • Sloop, 8k slots, 10 crew (5000c) • Caravel, 40k slots, 50 crew (25,000c) melee weapons: One-handed weapons: • Galleon, 200k slots, 200 crew (125,000c) d6 damage, 1 slot (50c). Two-handed cost of living: Use the following table weapons: d8 damage, two slots (100c). when determining a PC’s lifestyle between missile weapons: Two hands, two slots, adventures. A social level’s monthly cost d6 damage, 120’ range. At 41’-80’ there is a of living is also a good guideline for bribes -5 penalty and at 81’-120’ there is a -10 and gifts for someone of that level. penalty (200c). Quivers hold 20 arrows. cost of living (per month) armor pieces: PCs can wear up to 7 pieces. Each uses one slot and grants 1 AP destitute: Beggars, Outlaws (90c). poor: Servants, Laborers, Sailors, (max of 7 AP or 18 Armor Class). Shield (100c), Helmet (100c), Gambeson (300c), Farmers, Soldiers (300c). humble: Innkeepers, Bakers, Craftsmen, Mail shirt (900c), Breastplate (1800c), Scribes, Priests, Mercenaries (600c). Arm plate (900c), Leg plate (900c). respectable: Physicians, Merchants, animals: Poultry (5c), Dogs, Pigs, Goats, Lawyers, Master Craftsmen (1200c). etc. (20c), Cows (100c), Falcons (1000c). wealthy: Courtiers, Knights, Rich clothing sets: Poor (60c), Humble Merchants, Bishops, Gentry (3000c). (120c), Respectable (240c), Wealthy minor noble: Barons, Counts (12,000c). (600c), Minor Noble (2400c), Major major noble: Princes, Dukes (60,000c). Noble (12,000c), Royal (120,000c). royal: Kings, Emperors (600,000c). 38


1 Acid flask 2 Animal scent 3 Antitoxin 4 Astrolabe 5 Backpack 6 Bandolier 7 Bear trap 8 Bedroll 9 Beeswax 10 Bell 11 Bellows 12 Birdcage 13 Blank book 14 Blanket 15 Block and tackle 16 Boltcutters 17 Bottle 18 Bucket 19 Bullseye lantern 20Caltrops 21 Candle 22 Chain 23 Chalk 24 Chisel 25 Climbing hook 26 Compass 27 Copper wire 28 Crowbar 29 Dice 30 Door ram 31 Ear trumpet 32 Ether 33 Fire oil 34 Fishing hook 35 Flashbomb 36 Flashpowder 37 Garlic 38 Glue 39 Grappling hook 40 Grease 41 Hacksaw 42 Hammer 43 Hand drill 44 Hemp rope 45 Hog holder 46 Hooded lantern 47 Hound 48 Hourglass 49 Incense 50 Iron pot

51 Iron tongs 52 Lantern 53 Large sack 54 Lockpicks 55 Lodestone 56 Magnifying lens 57 Manacles 58 Marbles 59 Metal File 60 Mortar and pestle 61 Mule 62 Net 63 Padlock and key 64 Pen and ink 65 Perfume 66 Pickaxe 67 Pitchfork 68 Piton 69 Pliers 70 Poison 71 Pole (10’) 72 Rat 73 Rum 74 Scissors 75 Sealing wax 76 Sewing needle 77 Sextant 78 Shovel 79 Silk rope 80Sledgehammer 81 Smokebomb 82 Smoked goggles 83 Soap 84 Spikes 85 Spyglass 86 Stake 87 Steel mirror 88 Sundial 89 Tent 90 Thick gloves 91 Thurible 92 Tinderbox 93 Torch 94 Trumpet 95 Twine 96 Vial 97 Waterskin 98 Whetstone 99 Whistle 00Wolfsbane

miscellaneous items

1 Amulet 2 Arrow 3 Arrowhead 4 Axe 5 Bell 6 Belt 7 Book (p. 40) 8 Boots 9 Bottle 10 Bow 11 Bowl 12 Box 13 Bracelet 14 Breastplate 15 Brooch 16 Candle 17 Card 18 Censer 19 Circlet 20Cloak 21 Clothing (p. 40) 22 Coin 23 Comb 24 Compass 25 Crown 26 Cup 27 Doll 28 Eye 29 Eye patch 30 Fabric (p. 41) 31 Feather 32 Figurine 33 Flute 34 Food (p. 49) 35 Gauntlet 36 Gem 37 Glove 38 Hammer 39 Handkerchief 40 Hat 41 Helm 42 Horn 43 Hourglass 44 Ingredient (p. 37) 45 Jar 46 Key 47 Knife 48 Lamp 49 Lens 50 Locket

51 Lute 52 Lyre 53 Mace 54 Machine 55 Mask 56 Material (p. 42) 57 Mirror 58 Necklace 59 Needle 60 Net 61 Orb 62 Organ (p. 64) 63 Painting 64 Pearl 65 Pen 66 Phial 67 Pipe 68 Pipes 69 Potion (p. 35) 70 Purse 71 Puzzle box 72 Pyramid 73 Razor 74 Ring 75 Rope 76 Salve 77 Scarf 78 Scissors 79 Scroll 80Shield 81 Shoe 82 Signet ring 83 Skull 84 Slippers 85 Snuffbox 86 Spear 87 Staff 88 Strand of hair 89 Sword 90 Tool (p. 39) 91 Treasure (p. 42) 92 Tooth 93 Torch 94 Tuning fork 95 Turnip 96 Wand 97 Weapon (p. 43) 98 Whetstone 99 Whistle 00Wine 39


1 Adventure novel 2 Agriculture 3 Almanac 4 Anatomy 5 Ancient history 6 Archaeology 7 Architecture 8 Astrology 9 Bestiary 10 Biography 11 Blackmail 12 Botany 13 Calendars 14 City theme (p. 46) 15 Comedic novel 16 Commerce 17 Condemnation 18 Confession 19 Conspiracies 20Cookbook 21 Criminal secrets 22 Cryptography 23 Culture 24 Customs 25 Diplomacy 26 Disaster (p. 31) 27 Divination 28 Domain (p. 33) 29 Dungeon (p. 16) 30 Epic poems 31 Espionage 32 Ethics 33 Etiquette 34 faction (p. 50) 35 Fashion 36 Finance 37 Fishing 38 Folklore 39 Genealogy 40 Geography 41 Geology 42 Ghosts 43 Gods 44 Hagiography 45 Heraldry 46 Horror stories 47 Hunting 48 Husbandry 49 Journal 50 Language 40

51 Laws 52 Letters 53 Libraries 54 Logic 55 Lost empires 56 Lost places 57 Love poems 58 Magic school (p. 31) 59 Mathematics 60 Medicine 61 Modern history 62 Monster (p. 61) 63 Music 64 Mystery novel 65 Mythology 66 Nation 67 Navigation 68 Oceanography 69 Painting 70 Planar studies 71 Politics 72 Potion recipe (p. 35) 73 Prayers 74 Profession (p. 57) 75 Propaganda 76 Prophecies 77 Psychology 78 Region 79 Religion 80Rhetoric 81 Romantic novel 82 Room theme (p. 15) 83 Sages 84 Sayings 85 Sculpture 86 Secret societies 87 Shipbuilding 88 Shrines 89 Siegecraft 90 Songs 91 Spell (pp. 22-25) 92 State secrets 93 Sword fighting 94 Theology 95 Traps (pp. 16-17) 96 Treasures 97 Utopian novel 98 War chronicle 99 Who’s who 00Witch-hunting


1 Alb 2 Arm wrap 3 Arming doublet 4 Bascinet 5 Belt 6 Beret 7 Bicorne Hat 8 Blouse 9 Bodice 10 Bonnet 11 Boots 12 Bracelet 13 Braies 14 Breastplate 15 Breeches 16 Buckler 17 Cap 18 Cape 19 Cassock 20Chaperon 21 Chasuble 22 Cincture 23 Cloak 24 Clogs 25 Coat 26 Codpiece 27 Corset 28 Cotte 29 Cowl 30 Cravat 31 Curiass 32 Dalmatic 33 Doublet 34 Dress 35 Earing 36 Eyepatch 37 Fez 38 Frog mouth helm 39 Gambeson 40 Gauntlet 41 Girdle 42 Gloves 43 Gorget 44 Gown 45 Great helm 46 Greaves 47 Hat 48 Hauberk 49 Headdress 50 Helmet

51 Hood 52 Hose 53 Hounskull helm 54 Houppeland 55 Jacket 56 Jerkin 57 Kerchief 58 Kilt 59 Kirtle 60 Leg wrap 61 Maniple 62 Mask 63 Mitre 64 Nasal helm 65 Necklace 66 Nightcap 67 Pauldron 68 Petticoat 69 Pocket 70 Pointed hat 71 Purse 72 Rerebrace 73 Robe 74 Sabatons 75 Salet 76 Sandals 77 Sash 78 Scarf 79 Shield 80Shirt 81 Shoes 82 Skirt 83 Sleeves 84 Slippers 85 Smock 86 Socks 87 Stockings 88 Stole 89 Surcoat 90 Surplice 91 Tabard 92 Tower shield 93 Tricorn hat 94 Trousers 95 Tunic 96 Turban 97 Vambrace 98 Veil 99 Vest 00Wimple


1 Alligator skin 51 Jute 2 Alpaca wool 52 Lace 3 Animal skin (p. 64) 53 Lamb wool 4 Badger skin 54 Lambskin 5 Bamboo weave 55 Leather 6 Barkcloth 56 Leopard skin 7 Bearskin 57 Linen 8 Beaver skin 58 Lion skin 9 Blanket 59 Llama wool 10 Brass 60 Mail 11 Brocade 61 Mesh 12 Bronze 62 Mink fur 13 Burlap 63 Mink skin 14 Calfskin 64 Mohair wool 15 Calico 65 Monster skin (p. 61) 16 Camel hair 66 Muslin 17 Camel skin 67 Oilcloth 18 Canvas 68 Ostrich skin 19 Cashmere wool 69 Otter skin 20Cat hair 70 Patchwork 21 Chambray 71 Pig skin 22 Chiffon 72 Quilt 23 Chino 73 Rabbit skin 24 Coconut fiber 74 Rags 25 Copper 75 Rat skin 26 Corduroy 76 Reindeer skin 27 Cotton 77 Sailcloth 28 Cow skin 78 Satin 29 Crepe 79 Sealskin 30 Damask 80 Seeksucker 31 Deerskin 81 Sheep skin 32 Demin 82 Sheep wool 33 Dog hair 83 Silk 34 Eel skin 84 Snake skin 35 Felt 85 Squirrel skin 36 Fish skin 86 Steel 37 Fishnet 87 Stingray skin 38 Flannel 88 Suede 39 Flax 89 Taffeta 40 Fleece 90 Tartan 41 Fox skin 91 Terrycloth 42 Gauze 92 Tiger skin 43 Gingham 93 Tinsel 44 Goatskin 94 Tulle 45 Grass weave 95 Tweed 46 Hemp 96 Twill 47 Herringbone 97 Velour 48 Horse hair 98 Velvet 49 Horse skin 99 Wolf skin 50 Iron 00 Yak wool


1 Antique 2 Beaded 3 Beast motif 4 Bells 5 Bird motif 6 Bloody 7 Bones 8 Buckles 9 Buttons 10 Chains 11 Chimes 12 Cloud motif 13 Coat of arms 14 Color (p. 37) 15 Cords 16 Decorative coins 17 Distressed 18 Down-stuffed 19 Emblem 20Embroidered 21 Enamel pins 22 Feathers 23 Flamboyant 24 Flame motif 25 Flower motif 26 Flowers 27 Food-stained 28 Formal 29 Fringe 30 Fur lined 31 Fur trim 32 Gold studs 33 Gold thread 34 Harlequin 35 Heavyweight 36 Heraldry 37 Horns 38 Ink-stained 39 Item trait (p. 43) 40 Jewels 41 Lace trim 42 Laced up 43 Medallions 44 Mold 45 Monster motif 46 Moon motif 47 Moth eaten 48 Muddy 49 Ocean motif 50 Ornate border

51 Oversized 52 Padded 53 Paisley 54 Patches 55 Pearls 56 Perfumed 57 Plated 58 Pockets 59 Punctured 60 Reeking 61 Rhinestones 62 Ribbed 63 Ribbons 64 Ruffles 65 Satin bows 66 Scandalous 67 Scent (p. 66) 68 Secret pocket 69 Sequins 70 Shimmering 71 Sigils 72 Silver studs 73 Silver thread 74 Skintight 75 Skull motif 76 Slashed 77 Sparkling 78 Spiked 79 Spot pattern 80Star motif 81 Starched 82 Stonewashed 83 Striped 84 Studded 85 Sun designs 86 Sun-faded 87 Symbol (p. 33) 88 Tassels 89 Taxidermy 90 Threadbare 91 Tie-died 92 Torn 93 Tree motif 94 Undersized 95 Unfashionable 96 Velvet applique 97 Wave designs 98 Wine-stained 99 Wrinkled 00Zigzag pattern 41


1 Alchemical device 51 Mural 2 Amulet 52 Music box 3 Armor 53 Necklace 4 Arrows 54 Organ (p. 64) 5 Astrolabe 55 Orrery 6 Belt 56 Painting 7 Blackmail 57 Pen 8 Blueprints 58 Perfume 9 Book (p. 40) 59 Pipe 10 Bow 60 Planar map 11 Bowl 61 Porcelain figure 12 Bracelet 62 Potion (p. 35) 13 Business record 63 Prayer book 14 Calligraphy 64 Printing block 15 Candelabra 65 Rare coin 16 Carpet 66 Relic 17 Celestial map 67 Reward (p. 51) 18 Chalice 68 Ring 19 Chandelier 69 Royal robes 20Clock 70 Scabbard 21 Clothing (p. 40) 71 Scientific device 22 Codpiece 72 Scrimshaw 23 Comb 73 Sextant 24 Compass 74 Sheet music 25 Contract 75 Shield 26 Couch 76 Shoes 27 Crown 77 Signet ring 28 Crystal 78 Silk 29 Dagger 79 Silverware 30 Deed 80Snuffbox 31 Doll 81 Spear 32 Dress 82 Spell (pp. 22-25)) 33 Earrings 83 Spices 34 Embroidery 84 Spyglass 35 Fine china 85 Stained glass 36 Fine liquor 86 State secrets 37 Furs 87 Stone statue 38 Gaming set 88 Sword 39 Gemstone 89 Table 40 Helmet 90 Tapestry 41 Ingredient (p. 37) 91 Taxidermy 42 Instrument 92 Tea set 43 Ivory carving 93 Telescope 44 Lamp 94 Throne 45 Letter 95 Treasure map 46 Material (p. 42) 96 Trophy 47 Medal 97 Trunk 48 Mirror 98 Vase 49 Monster skin (p. 61) 99 Watch 50 Mosaic 00Weapon (p. 43) 42


1 Adamantine 2 Alabaster 3 Amber 4 Ambergris 5 Aquamarine 6 Aventurine 7 Azurite 8 Beryl 9 Black alabaster 10 Black opal 11 Black pearl 12 Bloodstone 13 Bloodwood 14 Blue amber 15 Blue jade 16 Blue opal 17 Bone china 18 Cairngorm 19 Carbuncle 20Carnelian 21 Cat’s eye 22 Chalcedony 23 Cherry amber 24 Cinnabar 25 Citrine 26 Crystal 27 Cyclops agate 28 Dendritic agate 29 Diamond 30 Dragon bone 31 Ebony 32 Emerald 33 Fire agate 34 Fire coral 35 Fire jasper 36 Fire opal 37 Garnet 38 Gold 39 Heliodor 40 Hematite 41 Horn 42 Ironwood 43 Jet 44 Kingfisher jade 45 Koa wood 46 Lapis lazuli 47 Lavender jade 48 Lingum vitae 49 Mahogany 50 Malachite

51 Mammoth tusk 52 Moonstone 53 Morganite 54 Moss agate 55 Mother of pearl 56 Narwhal horn 57 Nephrite 58 Obsidian 59 Onyx 60 Orichalcum 61 Palladium 62 Pearl 63 Peridot 64 Petrified wood 65 Pink sapphire 66 Platinum 67 Polyhedroid agate 68 Porcelain 69 Porcelain jasper 70 Porphyry 71 Purpleheart wood 72 Quartz 73 Quetzal jade 74 Rainbow agate 75 Rainbow jasper 76 Rainbow obsidian 77 Redheart wood 78 Rose opal 79 Rose quartz 80 Rosewood 81 Ruby 82 Sandalwood 83 Sapphire 84 Sard 85 Serpentine 86 Silver 87 Snakewood 88 Spinel 89 Star Iron 90 Star rose quartz 91 Star sapphire 92 Sunstone 93 Tiger’s eye 94 Tigerwood 95 Topaz 96 Tourmaline 97 Turquoise 98 Turtle shell 99 Unicorn horn 00 Whale ivory


1 Arming sword 2 Backsword 3 Bardiche 4 Baton 5 Battleaxe 6 Beheading sword 7 Bill hook 8 Blowgun 9 Blowpipe 10 Boar spear 11 Bolas 12 Boomerang 13 Brass knuckles 14 Bullet crossbow 15 Butterfly sword 16 Censer flail 17 Cestus 18 Chain whip 19 Chakram 20Claymore 21 Club 22 Crossbow 23 Cutlass 24 Dagger 25 Dao 26 Deer horn knives 27 Dirk 28 Double flail 29 Emeici 30 Falchion 31 Flail 32 Flambard 33 Flying claws 34 Gauntlet sword 35 Gladius 36 Glaive 37 Halberd 38 Hatchet 39 Hook sword 40 Horsebow 41 Hunting knife 42 Ice pick 43 Javelin 44 Katana 45 Katar 46 Kopesh 47 Kukri 48 Lance 49 Lasso 50 Longbow

51 Longsword 52 Lucerne hammer 53 Mace 54 Machete 55 Man catcher 56 Maul 57 Messer 58 Meteor hammer 59 Military fork 60 Morningstar 61 Nunchaku 62 Pickaxe 63 Pike 64 Poleaxe 65 Push dagger 66 Ranseur 67 Rapier 68 Recurve bow 69 Rondel dagger 70 Rope dart 71 Sabre 72 Sai 73 Scimitar 74 Scourge 75 Shortbow 76 Shortsword 77 Shuriken 78 Sickle 79 Side sword 80Sling 81 Slingshot 82 Spear 83 Staff 84 Stave sling 85 Stiletto 86 Swordstaff 87 Tanto 88 Three-part staff 89 Throwing axe 90 Throwing knife 91 Tiger claws 92 Tonfa 93 Trident 94 Triple flail 95 Wakizashi 96 War scythe 97 Warhammer 98 Warpick 99 Whip 00Zweihander

item traits

1 Ancient 2 Avant-garde 3 Blessed 4 Bloody 5 Brittle 6 Broken 7 Bulky 8 Carved 9 Classy 10 Cold 11 Collectible 12 Color (p. 37) 13 Compact 14 Crusty 15 Cultural value 16 Cursed 17 Cutting edge 18 Damaged 19 Damp 20Defective 21 Detects foes 22 Disguised 23 Draws foes 24 Dusty 25 Edible 26 Effect (p. 28) 27 Element (p. 29) 28 Embellished 29 Encoded 30 Eroded 31 Expandable 32 Extra-planar 33 Famous 34 Fashionable 35 Filthy 36 Flaking 37 Floppy 38 Foldable 39 Forbidden 40 Fragile 41 Gaudy 42 Glowing 43 Gold-plated 44 Gooey 45 Gorgeous 46 Heavy 47 Hot 48 Icy 49 Immovable 50 Impractical

51 Indestructible 52 Infamous 53 Intelligent 54 Kitchy 55 Loud 56 Lukewarm 57 Luxurious 58 Masterwork 59 Military value 60 Miniature 61 Minimalist 62 Modified 63 Mythic 64 Non-human 65 Organic 66 Oversized 67 Owned 68 Padded 69 Painted 70 Partial 71 Perfumed 72 Personality (p. 56) 73 Political value 74 Prickly 75 Pulsing 76 Reflective 77 Refurbished 78 Religious value 79 Repaired 80Reviled 81 Rotting 82 Scent (p. 66) 83 Sharp 84 Shiny 85 Shoddy 86 Silent 87 Slippery 88 Smoke-stained 89 Sound (p. 66) 90 Spiky 91 Squishy 92 Sticky 93 Stinky 94 Talking 95 Texture (p. 36) 96 Toxic 97 Twitching 98 Ugly 99 Vulgar 00Whispering 43

Buildings running a business: Businesses and other investments generally bring in d10 percent of their cost each year in profit, assuming everything goes as planned. renting: Until they gain a lot of wealth, PCs will probably rent most of the buildings they use.

construction: The table below lists the cost to build a 5 foot square of a building in various levels of luxury and using different materials. Ceilings are assumed to be 10 feet. Staffing a (non-business) building costs 50% of its cost per year.

room style poor: Earth walls, thatched roofs, earth floors. humble: Wattle and daub walls • Common rooms (2c/night) with some bricks or field stone, • Private rooms (10c/night) thatched roofs, reed floors. • Building: (1% of its value/month). respectable: Wood and brick buying buildings: The following costs walls with some stone, shingled are approximate and can be affected by a roof, wood floors. building’s condition, importance, size, etc. wealthy: Mostly stone walls Players can estimate the cost of custom with some wood and brick, buildings by summing the costs of several shingled roof, wood floors. This is buildings that could make it up. also the cost for a 5 foot cube of building cost stone when constructing walls. Poor Hovel 100 minor nobles and castles: Humble Cottage 1k Stone walls, shingled roof, Respectable House, Chapel 10k flagstone floors. Some use of Wealthy House, Guildhall, 50k materials like glass and marble, Warehouse, Theater minor architectural flourishes. Church, Stone Tower 100k major nobles: Stone walls, stone Small Castle 2m roof, tiled floors, glass windows, Minor Noble’s Mansion, Temple, high ceilings, significant 8m Medium Castle architectural flourishes. Large Castle 32m royal: Marble walls, stone roof, Major Noble’s Estate, Cathedral 100m marble floors, glass windows, Imperial Palace, Basilica 400m soaring ceilings, art everywhere. 44

cost 10 50






Warfare If you want to work out the results of a battle, but playing it out with the normal combat rules would take to long, use the following procedure. units: Each of the following units cost 100,000c per month and have an equal amount of fighting power. Use them as a guideline when determine the cost and strength of the units in the battle. • 1 master battle wizard • 4 battle wizards • 25 elite cavalry • 50 veteran cavalry • 100 trained cavalry • 200 untrained cavalry • 50 elite foot soldiers or archers • 100 veteran foot soldiers or archers • 200 trained foot soldiers or archers • 400 untrained foot soldiers or archers 1: tally fighting power: Sum the fighting power of each side’s units. At the GM’s discretion, improve or reduce a side’s fighting power by up to 50% based on its morale and positioning. Each side’s leader may also make a CHA check to try and improve their side’s power by 50% by making a stirring speech. The important thing is not exact numbers but how strong each side is relative to the other.

2: establish bonus: Determine how much stronger the stronger side is than the weaker side. This provides the bonus the stronger side will use during the upcoming battle checks. • Up to 50% stronger: +2 • Up to 2x as strong: +4 • Up to 3x stronger: +6 • Up to 4x stronger: +8 • More than 4x stronger: +10 3: battle checks: The stronger side makes three checks using the above bonus, aiming to get 11 or better. 4: pick results: Each success allows the stronger side to secretly pick one result from the list below and each failure allows the weaker side to secretly pick one result. The same result can be picked multiple times. Once all picks have been made, they are revealed and resolved. • • • • • •

Capture: An enemy NPC is captured. Loot: A enemy item is looted. Slay: Slay 10% of the enemy force. Rescue: Cancel a “Capture” result. Guard: Cancel a “Loot” result. Shield: Cancel a “Slay” result.

The side that picks the most results (no matter how they are resolved) is the battle’s winner. The other side must withdraw from the field.


city themes

1 Alchemy 2 Animal (p. 64) 3 Aristocracy 4 Art 5 Asylums 6 Activity (p. 19) 7 Banking 8 Baths 9 Begging 10 Bells 11 Brewing 12 Bridges 13 Building (p. 47) 14 Bureaucracy 15 Business 16 Canals 17 Catacombs 18 Cats 19 City event (p. 46) 20Courts 21 Crime families 22 Cults 23 Dancing 24 Delusion (p. 30) 25 Dining 26 Disaster (p. 31) 27 Domain (p. 33) 28 Drinking 29 Dueling 30 Dungeon (p. 16) 31 Element (p. 29) 32 faction (p. 50) 33 Faction trait (p. 50) 34 Fashion 35 Festivals 36 Feuds 37 Fishing 38 Flowers 39 Food (p. 49) 40 Fortifications 41 Fountains 42 Gambling 43 Gangs 44 Gardens 45 Government 46 Guilds 47 Hazard (p. 17) 48 Horses 49 Hunger 50 Industry 46

51 Inventions 52 Leisure 53 Libraries 54 Livestock 55 Magic school (p. 31) 56 Marketplaces 57 Mausoleums 58 Medicine 59 Mercenaries 60 Military 61 Monasteries 62 Monuments 63 Museums 64 Music 65 Mutation (p. 30) 66 Opulence 67 Perfume 68 Printing 69 Prisons 70 Profession (p. 57) 71 Punishment 72 Rats 73 Ravens 74 Refuse 75 Rituals 76 Room theme (p. 15) 77 Ruins 78 Sacrifices 79 Science 80Shipyards 81 Slavery 82 Slums 83 Smithing 84 Smoke 85 Song 86 Spices 87 Spores 88 Steam power 89 Structure (p. 11) 90 Temples 91 Textiles 92 Theaters 93 Thievery 94 Towers 95 Training 96 Travel shift (p. 9) 97 Treasure (p. 42) 98 Trees 99 Universities 00Wizardry

city events

1 Activity (p. 19) 2 Alcohol ban 3 Art trend 4 Assassination 5 Beggar crowds 6 Blessing 7 Building collapse 8 Carnival 9 Conscription 10 Consecration 11 Construction 12 Coronation 13 Coup 14 Crime wave 15 Curfew 16 Delegation 17 Delusion (p. 30) 18 Demolition 19 Disaster (p. 31) 20Discovery 21 Dueling trend 22 Earthquake 23 Election 24 Excavation 25 Execution 26 Exodus 27 Faction war (p. 50) 28 Fashion ban 29 Fashion trend 30 Fasting 31 Feasting 32 Fire 33 Flood 34 Funeral 35 Gambling ban 36 Gang war 37 Grain shortage 38 Heresy 39 Holy day 40 House war 41 Hysteria 42 Iconoclasm 43 Immigration 44 Inquisition 45 Insurrection 46 Invasion 47 Jailbreak 48 Kidnapping 49 Landslide 50 Magic ban

51 Manhunt 52 Mass arrests 53 Mass conversion 54 Mass execution 55 Mass expulsion 56 Mass pardon 57 Meat shortage 58 Military parade 59 Missionaries 60 Mourning 61 Mud 62 Mutation (p. 30) 63 New invention 64 Patrols 65 Peace talks 66 Pilgrims 67 Plague 68 Political scandal 69 Preaching 70 Procession 71 Proclamation 72 Protests 73 Public debate 74 Public games 75 Public prayer 76 Refugees 77 Religious council 78 Religious scandal 79 Religious war 80Rioting 81 Sacrifice 82 Schism 83 Serial killer 84 Siege 85 Sinkhole 86 Smoke 87 Social scandal 88 Stench 89 Street racing 90 Summoning 91 Surrender 92 Taxation 93 Textile shortage 94 Tournament 95 Travel shift (p. 9) 96 Trial 97 Vandalism 98 Vermin 99 Weapons ban 00Wedding

street details

1 Activity (p. 19) 2 Animals (p. 64) 3 Aqueduct 4 Arcade 5 Archway 6 Awnings 7 Balconies 8 Barricades 9 Benches 10 Bonfire 11 Bricklayers 12 Bridge 13 Broken glass 14 Building (p. 47) 15 Canal 16 Carpets 17 Carriages 18 Carts 19 Catwalks 20Checkpoint 21 Children 22 Chimneys 23 Clergy 24 Climbable walls 25 Clotheslines 26 Compost 27 Crates 28 Crowd 29 Crumbling walls 30 Dead end 31 Dusty 32 Entertainers 33 Fence 34 Flooding 35 Food stalls 36 Fountain 37 Fresh paint 38 Fungi 39 Gardens 40 Gas leak 41 Gates 42 Graffiti 43 Gravel 44 Guards 45 Hay bales 46 Hazard (p. 17) 47 Hot coals 48 Ladders 49 Lampposts 50 Lanterns

51 Livestock 52 Long steps 53 Manure pile 54 Misc. items (p. 39) 55 Mud 56 Narrow 57 Nobility 58 Oil spill 59 Overgrown 60 Palanquins 61 Pickpockets 62 Piles of rags 63 Place trait (p. 11) 64 Pollen clouds 65 Pool 66 Posters 67 Profession (p. 57) 68 Roof access 69 Room detail (p. 15) 70 Roots 71 Ropes 72 Roundabout 73 Sand pile 74 Scaffolding 75 Sewage 76 Sewer access 77 Shrine 78 Sinkhole 79 Skybridge 80Smoke 81 Spilled fruit 82 Statues 83 Steam 84 Steep roofs 85 Steep streets 86 Stepping stones 87 Street cleaners 88 Street criers 89 Teens 90 Tents 91 Thugs 92 Torches 93 Torn up street 94 Trees 95 Tunnel 96 Vermin swarms 97 Weapon stalls 98 Well 99 Wet cement 00Wine spill


1 Academy 2 Alchemist 3 Apothecary 4 Archive 5 Armorer 6 Art dealer 7 Asylum 8 Baker 9 Bank 10 Barber 11 Bathhouse 12 Blacksmith 13 Bookbinder 14 Bookseller 15 Boyer 16 Brewery 17 Butcher 18 Candlemaker 19 Carpenter 20Castle 21 Catacombs 22 Chandler 23 Cheesemaker 24 Clockmaker 25 Clothier 26 Cobbler 27 Courthouse 28 Criminal den 29 Curiosity shop 30 Dock 31 Dungeon (p. 16) 32 Dyer 33 Fighting pit 34 Fletcher 35 Fortuneteller 36 Furrier 37 Gallery 38 Gambling hall 39 Garden 40 Gatehouse 41 Glassworks 42 Goldsmith 43 Guildhall 44 Haberdashery 45 Hospital 46 Inn (p. 48) 47 Jeweler 48 Law office 49 Leatherworks 50 Library

51 Locksmith 52 Lounge 53 Manor 54 Marketplace 55 Mason 56 Menagerie 57 Monastery 58 Moneylender 59 Museum 60 Observatory 61 Opera house 62 Orphanage 63 Outfitter 64 Palace 65 Park 66 Physician 67 Potter 68 Printer 69 Prison 70 Restaurant 71 Rope maker 72 Room (p. 14) 73 Saddler 74 Sewers 75 Shipyards 76 Shrine 77 Slaughterhouse 78 Stables 79 Stockyard 80Stonecarver 81 Structure (p. 11) 82 Tailor 83 Tannery 84 Tattooist 85 Taxidermist 86 Temple 87 Theater 88 Tobacconist 89 Townhouse 90 University 91 Veterinarian 92 Warehouse 93 Watchtower 94 Watermill 95 Weapon smith 96 Weaver 97 Windmill 98 Winery 99 Wizard’s tower 00Workshop 47

inn name 1

1 Activity (p. 19) 2 Bellowing 3 Bitter 4 Black 5 Blazing 6 Bleak 7 Blessed 8 Bloody 9 Blue 10 Broken 11 Broken 12 Busy 13 Cacophonous 14 Color (p. 37) 15 Copper 16 Courageous 17 Crimson 18 Cunning 19 Dancing 20Dead 21 Disdainful 22 Drunken 23 Extravagant 24 Floating 25 Flying 26 Frosty 27 Ghastly 28 Ghostly 29 Glittering 30 Golden 31 Graceful 32 Green 33 Grotesque 34 Harmless 35 Heartless 36 Helpful 37 Hideous 38 Honeyed 39 Howling 40 Hungry 41 Jolly 42 Kindly 43 Last 44 Lazy 45 Loathsome 46 Lovesick 47 Loyal 48 Melancholy 49 Merry 50 Moldy 48

51 Musical 52 Muttering 53 Mysterious 54 Nervous 55 Nimble 56 Oozing 57 Petrified 58 Place trait (p. 11) 59 Prancing 60 Purple 61 Quality (p. 28) 62 Reckless 63 Righteous 64 Roaring 65 Roasted 66 Romantic 67 Ruby 68 Salty 69 Scented 70 Seven 71 Shimmering 72 Shivering 73 Shrieking 74 Sickly 75 Silent 76 Silver 77 Singing 78 Sleeping 79 Smoking 80Sound (p. 66) 81 Squeaky 82 Stubborn 83 Tainted 84 Terrible 85 Thirsty 86 Thirteen 87 Three 88 Tipsy 89 Troublesome 90 Two 91 Vexing 92 Violet 93 Wailing 94 Wandering 95 Wanton 96 Whispering 97 Whistling 98 White 99 Wicked 00Yellow

inn name 2

1 Animal (p. 64) 2 Ant 3 Axe 4 Barrel 5 Bear 6 Beaver 7 Beetle 8 Bell 9 Boar 10 Boot 11 Bowl 12 Bucket 13 Bull 14 Candle 15 Cat 16 Claw 17 Cloak 18 Clothing (p. 40) 19 co*ck 20Coin 21 Comb 22 Cow 23 Crow 24 Crown 25 Cup 26 Door 27 Dragon 28 Eagle 29 Egg 30 Elephant 31 Fish 32 Flea 33 Food (p. 49) 34 Fork 35 Giant 36 Griffin 37 Hare 38 Hart 39 Hawk 40 Hen 41 Hog 42 Hole 43 Horse 44 Hound 45 Jar 46 Kettle 47 Key 48 Knife 49 Lamb 50 Lamp

51 Lantern 52 Lion 53 Lute 54 Mackerel 55 Maid 56 Mermaid 57 Misc. item (p. 39) 58 Mole 59 Monk 60 Monster (p. 61) 61 Moon 62 Mule 63 Needle 64 Noose 65 Orb 66 Pearl 67 Pig 68 Pipe 69 Plow 70 Post 71 Prince 72 Profession (p. 57) 73 Queen 74 Rat 75 Rose 76 Saint 77 Serpent 78 Shoe 79 Shovel 80Skull 81 Sow 82 Spoon 83 Staff 84 Star 85 Stone 86 Sun 87 Sword 88 Thistle 89 Thorn 90 Torch 91 Tower 92 Unicorn 93 Vulture 94 Weapon (p. 43) 95 Weasel 96 Whale 97 Wheel 98 Whistle 99 Wife 00Worm

food traits

1 Aged 2 Bacon-wrapped 3 Baked 4 Balls 5 Barbecued 6 Basted 7 Battered 8 Blackened 9 Blanched 10 Boiled 11 Braised 12 Breaded 13 Brined 14 Broiled 15 Broth 16 Browned 17 Buttered 18 Cake 19 Candied 20Canned 21 Caramelized 22 Casserole 23 Charred 24 Chilled 25 Chowder 26 Cobbler 27 Creamed 28 Crumble 29 Cubed 30 Cured 31 Deep-fried 32 Diced 33 Drunk 34 Emulsified 35 Fermented 36 Flambéd 37 Fondue 38 Frozen 39 Glazed 40 Grilled 41 Gruel 42 Hash 43 Hasty 44 Honeyed 45 Iced 46 Inside-out 47 Jellied 48 Layered 49 Live 50 Loaf

51 Marinated 52 Mashed 53 Melt 54 Minced 55 Moldy 56 Pan-fried 57 Pastry 58 Patty 59 Peppered 60 Pickled 61 Pie 62 Poached 63 Porridge 64 Pudding 65 Quiche 66 Rancid 67 Raw 68 Roasted 69 Roll 70 Salad 71 Salted 72 Sandwich 73 Sausage 74 Sautéed 75 Seared 76 Seasoned 77 Shredded 78 Simmered 79 Slow-cooked 80Smoked 81 Soup 82 Sour 83 Spiced 84 Spit-roasted 85 Stale 86 Steamed 87 Stewed 88 Stir-fried 89 Strips 90 Stuffed 91 Sugared 92 Sun-dried 93 Tenderized 94 Texture (p. 36) 95 Toasted 96 Turnover 97 Undercooked 98 Upside-down 99 Wind-dried 00Wrapped


1 Acorn 2 Alligator 3 Almond 4 Animal (p. 64) 5 Antelope 6 Apple 7 Artichokes 8 Asparagus 9 Bass 10 Bear 11 Beaver 12 Beef 13 Beet 14 Bell pepper 15 Bison 16 Blueberry 17 Broccoli 18 Brussels sprout 19 Cabbage 20Carp 21 Carrot 22 Catfish 23 Cattail 24 Cauliflower 25 Caviar 26 Celery 27 Cheese 28 Cherry 29 Chestnut 30 Chicken 31 Clams 32 Corn 33 Crab 34 Crayfish 35 Cucumber 36 Dandelion 37 Duck 38 Eel 39 Egg 40 Eggplant 41 Elk 42 Goat 43 Goose 44 Grape 45 Green bean 46 Guinea pig 47 Ham 48 Hare 49 Hazelnut 50 Hot pepper

51 Kidney bean 52 Lamb 53 Leek 54 Lemon 55 Lime 56 Lobster 57 Moose 58 Monster (p. 61) 59 Mushroom 60 Mussels 61 Mutton 62 Onion 63 Orange 64 Organ (p. 64) 65 Partridge 66 Pea 67 Pear 68 Perch 69 Pheasant 70 Pork 71 Possum 72 Potato 73 Pumpkin 74 Quail 75 Rabbit 76 Raccoon 77 Radish 78 Raspberry 79 Rat 80Reindeer 81 Rhubarb 82 Salmon 83 Shrimp 84 Snails 85 Snake 86 Spinach 87 Squash 88 Squirrel 89 Strawberry 90 Sturgeon 91 Tangerine 92 Tomato 93 Trout 94 Turnip 95 Turtle 96 Veal 97 Venison 98 Walnut 99 Wild boar 00Yam 49


1 Actors’ guild 51 Merchant cartel 2 Angelic army 52 Midwife union 3 Art movement 53 Militia 4 Art school 54 Mining company 5 Assassins’ guild 55 Monastery 6 Bandit troop 56 Monster hunters 7 Banking corp 57 Mothers 8 Barbarian horde 58 Mutants 9 Bards’ guild 59 National church 10 Beggars’ guild 60 Naval crew 11 Big game hunters 61 Necromancers 12 Burgling crew 62 Noble house 13 Chimney sweeps 63 Officers’ club 14 Circus troupe 64 Oracles’ circle 15 City council 65 Outlander clan 16 City guard 66 Peacekeepers 17 Convent 67 Philosophy club 18 Counterfeiters 68 Pirate crew 19 Courtier faction 69 Poachers 20Crafting guild 70 Social movement 21 Crime family 71 Political party 22 Cult fanatics 72 Ranger squad 23 Debate society 73 Religious sect 24 Demonic army 74 Resistance 25 Deserter band 75 Royal army 26 Dragon cult 76 Royal house 27 Druid circle 77 Scholar’s circle 28 Dungeoneer guild 78 School faculty 29 Elite warriors 79 Secret society 30 Explorer’s club 80Sewer people 31 Fencing school 81 Smuggling ring 32 Fight club 82 Sports league 33 Fraternity 83 Sports team 34 Free company 84 Spy network 35 Gambling ring 85 Street artists 36 Ghost society 86 Street gang 37 Gladiator league 87 Street musicians 38 Gourmand club 88 Student union 39 Gravediggers 89 Terrorist cell 40 Healing order 90 Thieves’ guild 41 Heist crew 91 Trade company 42 Heretical sect 92 Urchin swarm 43 High council 93 Vampire clan 44 Hired muscle 94 Veteran society 45 Illuminati 95 Vigilante league 46 Inquisition 96 Warlock pact 47 Knightly order 97 Werewolf pack 48 Living machines 98 Witch coven 49 Local watch 99 Wizard school 50 Mad scientists 00Zombie horde 50

faction traits

1 Activist 2 Activity (p. 19) 3 Aging 4 Anarchic 5 Ancient 6 Athletic 7 Avant-garde 8 Backstabbing 9 Bankrupt 10 Breakaway 11 Bureaucratic 12 Charitable 13 Code of conduct 14 Connected 15 Contemptuous 16 Corrupt 17 Crime-fighting 18 Decadent 19 Desperate 20Discriminatory 21 Disciplined 22 Divided 23 Dwindling 24 Egalitarian 25 Elite 26 Eloquent 27 Elusive 28 Erratic 29 Exclusive 30 Expanding 31 Family 32 Fanatical 33 Feared 34 Fractious 35 Genteel 36 Glamorous 37 Global reach 38 Gullible 39 Heretical 40 Homeless 41 Hunted 42 Inbred 43 Incompetent 44 Incorruptible 45 Inquisitive 46 Insane 47 Insular 48 Internecine 49 Intoxicated 50 Laid back

51 Law-abiding 52 Learned 53 Magical 54 Manipulative 55 Martial 56 Monarchist 57 Murderous 58 Musical 59 Mutated 60 National reach 61 Obnoxious 62 Ostentatious 63 Patriotic 64 Personality (p. 56) 65 Pious 66 Popular 67 Predatory 68 Predictable 69 Proselytizing 70 Proud 71 Respected 72 Reunified 73 Revered 74 Reviled 75 Revolutionary 76 Righteous 77 Rules-bound 78 Ruthless 79 Scrappy 80Secretive 81 Single-minded 82 Slandered 83 Snobby 84 Stealthy 85 Stodgy 86 Subversive 87 Suppressed 88 Thieving 89 Threatened 90 Thriving 91 Traitorous 92 Undead 93 Up-and-coming 94 Wealthy 95 Welcoming 96 Well-armed 97 Well-provisioned 98 Wretched 99 Xenophobic 00Youthful


1 Apprehend NPC 51 Infiltrate faction 2 Arrange marriage 52 Investigate crime 3 Awaken monster 53 Kidnap leader 4 Banish demon 54 Kidnap NPC 5 Befoul location 55 Kill leader 6 Blackmail NPC 56 Kill NPC 7 Bribe faction 57 Locate city 8 Bribe NPC 58 Locate dungeon 9 Burgle building 59 Locate faction 10 Chart dungeon 60 Locate item 11 Chart location 61 Locate landmark 12 Clear dungeon 62 Locate NPC 13 Clear lair 63 Locate location 14 Control building 64 Loot dungeon 15 Craft item 65 Overthrow NPC 16 Cripple NPC 66 Patrol building 17 Deceive faction 67 Patrol city 18 Deceive NPC 68 Persuade faction 19 Deface building 69 Persuade NPC 20Defraud NPC 70 Plant item 21 Destroy building 71 Poison NPC 22 Destroy item 72 Prank NPC 23 Destroy monster 73 Protect building 24 Destroy warband 74 Protect item 25 Discredit NPC 75 Protect NPC 26 Drown NPC 76 Pursue NPC 27 Duplicate item 77 Raid building 28 Entertain NPC 78 Replace item 29 Entrap NPC 79 Replace NPC 30 Escape building 80Rescue family 31 Escape city 81 Rescue leader 32 Escape dungeon 82 Rescue NPC 33 Escape location 83 Resolve dispute 34 Escort NPC 84 Retrieve item 35 Extort NPC 85 Rob faction 36 Follow NPC 86 Rob NPC 37 Forge weapon 87 Sabotage item 38 Frame NPC 88 Sabotage treaty 39 Frighten NPC 89 Sabotage wedding 40 Goal (p. 57) 90 Seduce NPC 41 Haunt NPC 91 Smuggle item in 42 Hide item 92 Smuggle item out 43 Hide NPC 93 Spread rumor 44 Humiliate NPC 94 Spy on faction 45 Impersonate NPC 95 Spy on NPC 46 Impress faction 96 Summon being 47 Impress NPC 97 Survive test 48 Infiltrate building 98 Tame monster 49 Infiltrate city 99 Transport item 50 Infiltrate dungeon00Transport NPC


1 A blind eye 2 Alcohol 3 Animal (p. 64) 4 Armor 5 Army 6 Artwork 7 Asset (p. 58) 8 Blackmail 9 Blessing 10 Blueprints 11 Building (p. 47) 12 Business 13 Caravel 14 Carriage 15 Castle 16 Chapel 17 Charter 18 Companion 19 Contract 20Cottage 21 Craftsmen 22 Cypher 23 Delivery 24 Dungeon (p. 16) 25 Dungeon map 26 Endorsem*nt 27 Estate 28 Expert 29 Faction ally (p. 50) 30 Familiar 31 Farm 32 Favor 33 Fishing boat 34 Fleet 35 Forge 36 Formula 37 Galleon 38 Gold 39 Guide 40 Guildhall 41 Healing 42 Hideout 43 Hirelings 44 Hounds 45 House 46 Influential ally 47 Inn (p. 48) 48 Jewels 49 Key 50 Livestock

51 Location (p. 10) 52 Machine 53 Magic item 54 Magical ally 55 Mansion 56 Material (p. 42) 57 Meeting 58 Mercenaries 59 Monster ally (p. 61) 60 Noble clothing 61 Noble title 62 Palace 63 Pardon 64 Planar portal 65 Political clout 66 Potion (p. 35) 67 Printing press 68 Reduced sentence 69 Location map 70 Relic 71 Religious clout 72 Renown 73 Revenge 74 Rights 75 Royal clothing 76 Safe passage 77 Secret 78 Servants 79 Shortcut 80Sloop 81 Social clout 82 Spell (pp. 22-25) 83 Spices 84 Structure (p. 11) 85 Temple 86 Theater 87 Time extension 88 Tower 89 Training 90 Transformation 91 Transport 92 Treasure (p. 42) 93 Treasure map 94 Vineyard 95 Wagon 96 Warband 97 Warhorse 98 Wealthy clothing 99 Weakness (p. 67) 00Weapon (p. 43) 51

gambling: The player wagers some money (up to a house limit), then the GM rolls a d6. The player then makes a choice. carousing: Carousing takes up a whole either bow out and forfeit half of their night and costs a PC d10×50c in villages, wager or try to roll a d6 higher than the d10×100c in towns, d10×200c in cities. It GM’s roll. If they roll and succeed, they also grants the PC XP equal to the amount double their money. If they fail, they lose spent. In the morning, succeed at a CON everything. check or roll a mishap. career training: To gain a new career, d20 carousing mishaps a PC must find an expert in the field they 1 You made a public fool of yourself. wish to study and spend the required 2 Take d3 direct damage from a fight. time and money. 3 Pay d100c due to fines. career types 4 You are engaged to be married. common careers: These perform tasks 5 Lose d1000c from gambling. that untrained people could do (poorly). 6 Groupies follow you everywhere. Gaining a common career grants the PC a 7 You’ve made an enemy. +5 on related non-combat checks. 8 You have an ugly, prominent tattoo. Requires 1 month and 1000c. 9 Hangover: -5 on all tests today. uncommon careers: These require 10 You have joined a local faction (p. 50) training to perform at all. Gaining an 11 Robbed: Lose all remaining coin. uncommon career allows the PC to 12 You wake up in prison. attempt related tasks. They can be trained 13 The building is on fire! a second time to grant the PC a +5 on You’re expected to complete a related non-combat checks. Requires 3 14 mission (p. 51) due to your boasts. months and 5000c per training. 15 A duel is scheduled for the next dawn. rare careers: These requiring esoteric 16 You signed a shady contract. skills and carefully guarded knowledge. 17 A stranger’s corpse is on the floor. Gaining a rare career allows the PC to 18 A faction hates you (p. 50) attempt related tasks. They can be trained 19 All your belongings have been stolen. a second time to grant the PC a +5 on You meet a new companion who related non-combat checks. Requires 1 20 wants to join your party. year and 30,000c per training.



Recruiting hirelings: 300c per month. AC 11, HP 3, LVL 1, ATK punch (d2), MOV 40’, MRL 4. 10 item slots. Hirelings (such as porters or torchbearers) perform unskilled labor and avoid danger at all costs. d10 are available in a village, 3d10 in a town, and 10d10 in a city. Reroll every month. mercenaries: 600c per month. AC 15, HP 3, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d6), MOV 40’, MRL 8. 10 item slots. Mercenaries (such as swordsmen or archers) fight for the PCs but will not enter dungeons. d6 are available in a village, 3d6 in a town, and 10d6 in a city. Reroll every month. experts: 300c per month for common experts, 1200c per month for uncommon experts, 2400c per month for rare experts. AC 11, HP 3, LVL 1, ATK punch (d2), MOV 40’, MRL 7. 10 item slots. Experts only provide services within their area of expertise. They follow PCs into dungeons, but will not fight or put themselves at risk. Common experts (carpenters, hunters, blacksmiths, etc.) are found in any settlement, uncommon experts (acrobats, brewers, locksmiths, etc.) are only found in towns and cities, and rare experts (alchemists, magicians, assassins, etc.) are only found in cities. companions: Statistics vary. Companions are generated like a PC, do not make morale checks, and will fight to the death for their employer. They take a half share of any treasure and XP found and can gain levels over time. They will only follow PCs of a higher level. A PC’s CHA sets the maximum number of companions that will follow the PC over the course of their life.


1 Adventurous lad 51 Lovable drunk 2 Airhead scholar 52 Lovestruck youth 3 Ambitious novice 53 Loyal squire 4 Animal whisperer 54 Mad inventor 5 Annoying urchin 55 Melancholy queen 6 Arrogant doctor 56 Misfit outlander 7 Austere priest 57 Musical prodigy 8 Beloved general 58 Mysterious figure 9 Blunt farmer 59 Narcissist actor 10 Classy courtesan 60 Noble prince 11 Cold governess 61 Nosy innkeeper 12 Corrupt guard 62 Oafish earl 13 Crafty eunuch 63 Old fool 14 Criminal genius 64 Overeager bard 15 Cruel count 65 Pathetic gambler 16 Daring explorer 66 Penniless writer 17 Dashing poet 67 Pious pilgrim 18 Desperate bandit 68 Pitiful orphan 19 Disguised beggar 69 Plucky princess 20Doughty fighter 70 Raging barbarian 21 Dumb thug 71 Rash occultist 22 Edgy artist 72 Righteous paladin 23 Enigmatic oracle 73 Roguish smuggler 24 Evil sorcerer 74 Ruthless assassin 25 Exiled politician 75 Salty mariner 26 Fallen knight 76 Sarcastic jester 27 Fanatical cultist 77 Senile monarch 28 Fearless daredevil 78 Serene hermit 29 Femme fatale 79 Silent headsman 30 Flamboyant tailor 80Sinister vizier 31 Foppish courtier 81 Sleazy lawyer 32 Gentleman thief 82 Sleepy jailer 33 Glib merchant 83 Slimy henchman 34 Gossiping servant 84 Sly trickster 35 Greedy pirate 85 Solitary composer 36 Grim undertaker 86 Sour bureaucrat 37 Grizzled ranger 87 Spirited rebel 38 Gruff blacksmith 88 Spoiled heir 39 Hardboiled sleuth 89 Starving poacher 40 Harried student 90 Strict officer 41 Heartless landlord 91 Suspicious spy 42 Hedonist duke 92 Swashbuckler 43 Hippy herbalist 93 Talkative peddler 44 Honest laborer 94 Tyrannical leader 45 Hotheaded duelist 95 Wealthy patron 46 Idealistic recruit 96 Wild druid 47 Irritable cook 97 Wise wizard 48 Jaded veteran 98 Wizened crone 49 Jolly monk 99 Worn-out boxer 50 Learned sage 00Zealous inquisitor 53

male names

1 Alaric 2 Aldous 3 Alton 4 Archibald 5 Arne 6 Arthur 7 Balthazar 8 Bard 9 Bartholomew 10 Bartlett 11 Basil 12 Baxton 13 Benedict 14 Bennett 15 Beorn 16 Bertram 17 Burchard 18 Cadman 19 Caspian 20Chadwick 21 Clovis 22 Conrad 23 Corbett 24 Crispin 25 Cyprian 26 Cyrus 27 Daegal 28 Denis 29 Destrian 30 Drogo 31 Eldon 32 Ellis 33 Elric 34 Emil 35 Erasmus 36 Faustus 37 Felix 38 Finn 39 Finnian 40 Fitzhugh 41 Florian 42 Fox 43 Galileo 44 Giles 45 Godfrey 46 Godwin 47 Grimwald 48 Hamlin 49 Hannibal 50 Hildebrand 54

51 Jasper 52 Jeremiah 53 Jiles 54 Jules 55 Kenric 56 Leif 57 Leopold 58 Leoric 59 Lothar 60 Lucian 61 Merrick 62 Milo 63 Mordred 64 Mortimer 65 Neville 66 Odel 67 Ogden 68 Orion 69 Orvyn 70 Osric 71 Oswald 72 Paschal 73 Percival 74 Peregrine 75 Piers 76 Quentin 77 Randolf 78 Redmaine 79 Reinhold 80Rex 81 Ricard 82 Roland 83 Ruffus 84 Silas 85 Stilton 86 Stratford 87 Sylvio 88 Tenpiece 89 Thaddeus 90 Torsten 91 Tristan 92 Urban 93 Valentin 94 Valerian 95 Virgil 96 Warrick 97 Waverly 98 Webster 99 Wilkin 00Wymond

female names

1 Adelaide 2 Agnes 3 Alma 4 Anastasia 5 Anika 6 Annora 7 Astrid 8 Barsaba 9 Beatrix 10 Bethel 11 Bianca 12 Blanche 13 Bodil 14 Bridget 15 Brunhilde 16 Calypso 17 Catalina 18 Cecilia 19 Celeste 20Charlotte 21 Cleopha 22 Clotilde 23 Clover 24 Colette 25 Constance 26 Damaris 27 Daphne 28 Demona 29 Desirae 30 Ella 31 Elsbeth 32 Esme 33 Eulalia 34 Euphemia 35 Eydis 36 Fern 37 Fiora 38 Fleur 39 Florence 40 Francesca 41 Gertrude 42 Giselle 43 Godiva 44 Guinevere 45 Heloise 46 Henrietta 47 Hester 48 Hippolyta 49 Honora 50 Imogene

51 Ingrid 52 Ione 53 Iris 54 Isabetta 55 Isolde 56 Jacquette 57 Jeanne 58 Jessamine 59 Jilly 60 Lavinia 61 Lisbet 62 Madelena 63 Margot 64 Marian 65 Marigold 66 Matilda 67 Melisande 68 Millicent 69 Minerva 70 Morgan 71 Nerissa 72 Odette 73 Olga 74 Olivia 75 Orchid 76 Pepper 77 Petra 78 Philomena 79 Phoebe 80Piety 81 Poppy 82 Portia 83 Rosalind 84 Rose 85 Sabina 86 Sif 87 Sigourney 88 Sigrid 89 Silence 90 Sybil 91 Tabitha 92 Trillby 93 Ulfhild 94 Ursula 95 Vivian 96 Wendy 97 Willow 98 Winifred 99 Yvette 00Zora

1 Adder2 Apple3 Ash4 Bab5 Bag6 Bar7 Barrow8 Basker9 Beau10 Beetle11 Berry12 Bird13 Brandy14 Bright15 Brindle16 Bull17 Bux18 Caven19 Chelten20Chester21 Chuff22 Chum23 Clod24 Cobble25 Cotten26 Cress27 Crom28 Cumber29 Dela30 Dig31 Draw32 Dreg33 Drol34 Dun35 Even36 Ever37 Fair38 Fallow39 Farthing40 Feather41 Ferns42 Fox43 Gam44 Gird45 Gos46 Grey47 Grim48 Half49 Hard50 Harrow-

surname 1

51 Hart52 Haver53 Hedge54 Hither55 Holly56 Honey57 Horn58 Kettle59 Kings60 Little61 Long62 Love63 Middle64 Mug65 Nether66 Never67 Obling68 Pember69 Penning70 Pens71 Pinker72 Porten73 Quill74 Rath75 Sack76 Sallow77 Salt78 Scor79 Sedge80Silver81 Slither82 Smit83 Snod84 Souther85 Stew86 Stir87 Swine88 Tar89 Temple90 Tide91 Tread92 Under93 Vander94 Weather95 Wester96 Wex97 Whit98 Wither99 Withing00Wy-

1 -bald 2 -barrow 3 -batch 4 -beck 5 -blood 6 -bold 7 -bone 8 -bottle 9 -bottom 10 -bridge 11 -buck 12 -burn 13 -bury 14 -by 15 -caster 16 -castle 17 -chester 18 -child 19 -church 20-cliff 21 -cloth 22 -coat 23 -combe 24 -cott 25 -dale 26 -dish 27 -ditch 28 -down 29 -fax 30 -feld 31 -fent 32 -fer 33 -field 34 -foot 35 -force 36 -fort 37 -fry 38 -gale 39 -grass 40 -grave 41 -green 42 -grove 43 -ham 44 -hill 45 -hope 46 -lack 47 -lain 48 -land 49 -less 50 -lin

surname 2

51 -ling 52 -lish 53 -lock 54 -long 55 -low 56 -ly 57 -man 58 -march 59 -mark 60 -marl 61 -marsh 62 -mass 63 -meer 64 -mond 65 -mont 66 -mor 67 -morn 68 -nick 69 -ny 70 -port 71 -ridge 72 -row 73 -sea 74 -set 75 -shot 76 -sop 77 -spoon 78 -staff 79 -stoke 80-stone 81 -ten 82 -thorn 83 -thorpe 84 -throp 85 -ton 86 -tooth 87 -top 88 -vane 89 -ville 90 -wald 91 -wark 92 -watch 93 -water 94 -well 95 -whistle 96 -wick 97 -wood 98 -worm 99 -worth 00-worthy 55


1 Always bored 2 Anxious 3 Archetype (p. 53) 4 Arrogant 5 Blunt 6 Bossy 7 Braggart 8 Bully 9 Can-do attitude 10 Chatterbox 11 Chipper 12 Chummy 13 Competitive 14 Compulsive liar 15 Condescending 16 Conniving 17 Courageous 18 Cowardly 19 Creep 20Cryptic 21 Debonair 22 Decadent 23 Ditz 24 Dogmatic 25 Droll 26 Epicurean 27 Fanatic 28 Femme fatale 29 Fiercely loyal 30 Flamboyant 31 Flirt 32 Folksy 33 Formal 34 Generous 35 Germaphobe 36 Glutton 37 Gossip 38 Gullible 39 Hard-boiled 40 Holds a grudge 41 Honorable 42 Hothead 43 Humorless 44 Idealistic 45 Imperious 46 Impulsive 47 Insecure 48 Intense 49 Jealous 50 Jerk 56

51 Klutz 52 Know-it-all 53 Knows everybody 54 Logical 55 Love-struck 56 Manic 57 Melancholic 58 Misanthrope 59 Miserly 60 Morbid 61 Naive 62 Narcissist 63 Nerd 64 Never gives up 65 Obsessive 66 Over-cautious 67 Paranoid 68 Patriotic 69 Pedantic 70 Perfect manners 71 Perfectionist 72 Pious 73 Power-hungry 74 Prejudiced 75 Prickly 76 Proselytizer 77 Righteous 78 Rigid discipline 79 Ruthless 80sad*st 81 Sarcastic 82 Self-pitying 83 Serene 84 Skeptical 85 Slacker 86 Slovenly 87 Snitch 88 Snob 89 Sophist 90 Spacey 91 Superstitious 92 Terrible memory 93 Thick 94 Toady 95 Totally unreliable 96 Truthful 97 Uptight 98 Whiner 99 Windbag 00Wisecracking

npc details

1 Acid scar 2 Aquiline face 3 Arrow scar 4 Athletic 5 Bad eyesight 6 Bald 7 Balding 8 Beautiful 9 Birthmark 10 Bite mark 11 Blade scar 12 Blind 13 Blunt face 14 Bony 15 Braided hair 16 Brawny 17 Bristly hair 18 Broken nose 19 Burn scar 20Bushy brows 21 Childish face 22 Chiseled face 23 Claw scar 24 Coiffed 25 Corpulent 26 Craggy face 27 Crooked teeth 28 Cropped hair 29 Curly hair 30 Deaf 31 Delicate face 32 Dreadlocks 33 Filthy hair 34 Flabby 35 Flat face 36 Frail 37 Freckles 38 Furrowed face 39 Gaunt 40 Gold tooth 41 Hard of hearing 42 Hulking 43 Lanky 44 Lantern jaw 45 Limp 46 Lumpy face 47 Luxurious hair 48 Missing arm 49 Missing ear 50 Missing eye

51 Missing finger 52 Missing foot 53 Missing hand 54 Missing leg 55 Missing teeth 56 Mutation (p. 30) 57 Mute 58 No eyebrows 59 Noose scar 60 Oily 61 Pageboy hair 62 Perfect posture 63 Perfumed 64 Piercings 65 Pointed face 66 Ponytail 67 Pox scars 68 Ripped 69 Ritual scar 70 Rosy face 71 Rotten teeth 72 Round face 73 Rugged 74 Scrawny 75 Shaggy hair 76 Sharp teeth 77 Shriveled 78 Silky hair 79 Sinewy 80 Slender 81 Slicked hair 82 Slouched 83 Smelly 84 Square face 85 Squint 86 Statuesque 87 Stout 88 Sweaty 89 Tattooed 90 Tiny 91 Topknot 92 Towering 93 Twisted lip 94 Very long hair 95 Warts 96 Wavy hair 97 Weathered face 98 Willowy 99 Wiry 00 Wispy hair


1 Abbot 2 Acolyte 3 Acrobat 4 Adviser 5 Alchemist 6 Apothecary 7 Archer 8 Archetype (p. 53) 9 Artisan 10 Artist 11 Baker 12 Beggar 13 Blacksmith 14 Bookbinder 15 Brewer 16 Burglar 17 Circus performer 18 Carpenter 19 Composer 20Cook 21 Count 22 Courtier 23 Cutpurse 24 Doctor 25 Dogcatcher 26 Dramaturge 27 Duke 28 Earl 29 Eunuch 30 Executioner 31 Falconer 32 Farmer 33 Fence 34 Fisherman 35 Fishwife 36 Fortuneteller 37 Galley slave 38 Gambler 39 Gardener 40 General 41 Gladiator 42 Governess 43 Gravedigger 44 Horse breeder 45 Guard 46 Herbalist 47 Hermit 48 Hunter 49 Innkeeper 50 Interpreter

51 Jailer 52 Jester 53 Jeweler 54 Juggler 55 Knight 56 Lady 57 Locksmith 58 Magician 59 Mariner 60 Merchant 61 Minstrel 62 Monarch 63 Moneylender 64 Monk 65 Musician 66 Orphan 67 Outlander 68 Outlaw 69 Page 70 Peddler 71 Pilgrim 72 Poacher 73 Poisoner 74 Priest 75 Prince 76 Privateer 77 Ratcatcher 78 Scholar 79 Scribe 80Sellsword 81 Ship’s captain 82 Shopkeeper 83 Smuggler 84 Soldier 85 Spy 86 Squire 87 Student 88 Swindler 89 Tailor 90 Tavern wench 91 Thespian 92 Tomb robber 93 Torturer 94 Trapper 95 Urchin 96 Vagrant 97 Viscount 98 Vizier 99 Wigmaker 00Young lady


1 Achieve holiness 51 Enforce morality 2 Acquire followers 52 Enlightenment 3 Acquire land 53 Entertainment 4 Acquire wealth 54 Fame and glory 5 Advise leader 55 Find justice 6 Amaze city 56 Find love 7 Avoid detection 57 Frame faction 8 Become free 58 Frighten city 9 Become infamous 59 Frighten faction 10 Become learned 60 Gain respect 11 Clear region 61 Get revenge 12 Collect artifacts 62 Hear rumors 13 Conquer city 63 Indulge tastes 14 Conquer region 64 Join faction 15 Control city 65 Join nobility 16 Control faction 66 Lead faction 17 Control magic 67 Map wild 18 Control military 68 Master skill 19 Control politics 69 Mission (p. 51) 20Control religion 70 Overthrow ruler 21 Control trade 71 Pacify faction 22 Create army 72 Protect artifacts 23 Create art 73 Protect borders 24 Create base 74 Protect city 25 Create city 75 Protect faction 26 Create disease 76 Protect family 27 Create dungeon 77 Protect history 28 Create faction 78 Protect leader 29 Create family 79 Protect region 30 Create machine 80Protect the weak 31 Create monopoly 81 Publish works 32 Create monster 82 Purge traitors 33 Create portal 83 Raise the dead 34 Cripple faction 84 Restore faction 35 Cure disease 85 Restore ruler 36 Destroy army 86 Rule city 37 Destroy artifacts 87 Rule realm 38 Destroy city 88 Rule world 39 Destroy faction 89 Sabotage faction 40 Destroy family 90 See the world 41 Destroy magic 91 Serve a deity 42 Destroy nobility 92 Serve evil 43 Destroy realm 93 Serve faction 44 Destroy religion 94 Serve leader 45 Destroy world 95 Serve the needy 46 Discredit faction 96 Share knowledge 47 Distribute wealth 97 Slay monsters 48 End poverty 98 Sow chaos 49 End war 99 Spread beliefs 50 Enforce law 00Survive dangers 57


1 Agile 51 Natural leader 2 Assassin leader 52 Noble 3 Bodyguards 53 Nothing to lose 4 Book expert (p. 40) 54 Owed favors 5 Building (p. 47) 55 Owed money 6 Building access 56 Owns armory 7 Card shark 57 Owns army 8 Charming 58 Owns castle 9 Contortionist 59 Owns factory 10 Cooks books 60 Owns fleet 11 Cult leader 61 Owns library 12 Demigod 62 Owns manor 13 Disciples 63 Owns press 14 Disguises 64 Owns relics 15 Dungeon access 65 Owns ship 16 Elite archer 66 Owns stables 17 Elite fighter 67 Owns the guards 18 Erases evidence 68 Owns tower 19 Excellent liar 69 Owns warband 20Extremely rich 70 Political leader 21 Faction leader 71 Potion (p. 35) 22 Faction member 72 Potion stockpile 23 Famous actor 73 Power (p. 65) 24 Famous artist 74 Powerful ex 25 Famous cleric 75 Powerful friend 26 Famous composer76 Powerful lover 27 Famous explorer 77 Powerful parent 28 Famous general 78 Powerful spouse 29 Famous poet 79 Procures gear 30 Fast 80Profession (p. 57) 31 Feared 81 Religious leader 32 Fence 82 Respected 33 Forges papers 83 Saboteur 34 Gorgeous 84 Secret base 35 Hears rumors 85 Secret lab 36 Heir to a fortune 86 Secret weapon 37 Huge family 87 Sells contraband 38 Impersonator 88 Servants 39 Instructor 89 Shapeshifter 40 Intimidating 90 Smuggles goods 41 Knows buyers 91 Spell (pp. 22-25) 42 Knows shortcut 92 Spy network 43 Launders money 93 Stage magician 44 Local knowledge 94 Stealthy 45 Loremaster 95 Strong 46 Loyal henchmen 96 Structure (p. 11) 47 Master mage 97 Trained animals 48 Mechanical expert98 Trained monsters 49 Military leader 99 Unbreakable 50 Multilingual 00War hero 58


1 Alcoholic 51 Many exes 2 Arthritis 52 Migraines 3 Bad leader 53 Military enemy 4 Bad liar 54 Mind-controlled 5 Bankrupt 55 Misinformed 6 Beholden 56 Money trail 7 Blackmailed 57 Monster trait (p. 65) 8 Blind 58 Mutation (p. 30) 9 Cannot count 59 Narcissist 10 Cannot read 60 Needs flattery 11 Clumsy 61 Needs medicine 12 Condescending 62 No rights 13 Coward 63 Non-human 14 Crippled 64 Obese 15 Cursed 65 Obnoxious 16 Deaf 66 OCD 17 Decadent 67 Outcast 18 Delusion (p. 30) 68 Paranoid 19 Disloyal followers 69 Pariah 20Disobeys orders 70 Party animal 21 Drug addict 71 Political enemy 22 Evil lineage 72 Poor equipment 23 Exiled 73 Prison record 24 Faction enemy 74 Reckless 25 Faints 75 Religious enemy 26 Family enemy 76 Scandalous birth 27 Flirts constantly 77 Scent (p. 66) 28 Food addict (p. 49) 78 Secret lover 29 Fragile 79 Seizures 30 Gambling addict 80Senile 31 Gets in fights 81 Softhearted 32 Glutton 82 Sound (p. 66) 33 Greedy 83 Strict routines 34 Gullible 84 Stupid 35 Hemophilia 85 Superstitious 36 Hideous 86 Surveilled 37 Huge debts 87 Suspicious 38 Insurrectionist 88 Too generous 39 Jealous 89 Transformed 40 Known con artist 90 Uncool 41 Known murderer 91 Undead 42 Known thief 92 Unpopular 43 Known traitor 93 Vampire 44 Known vandal 94 Very short 45 Laughingstock 95 Wanted 46 Lazy 96 War criminal 47 Leaves evidence 97 Weak-willed 48 Loud 98 Weakness (p. 67) 49 Lowborn 99 Werewolf 50 Many enemies 00Widely despised


1 Acquaintance 2 Admirer 3 Adviser 4 Ally 5 Apprentice 6 Assistant 7 Aunt or uncle 8 Believer 9 Beneficiary 10 Best friend 11 Blackmailer 12 Bodyguard 13 Business partner 14 Business rival 15 Buyer 16 Captive 17 Captor 18 Champion 19 Child 20Client 21 Coach 22 Collaborator 23 Colleague 24 Competitor 25 Confessor 26 Confidant 27 Contact 28 Crush 29 Customer 30 Debtholder 31 Debtor 32 Disciple 33 Donor 34 Employee 35 Employer 36 Ex-spouse 37 Fan 38 Fiance 39 Frenemy 40 Grandchild 41 Grandparent 42 Guardian 43 Guest 44 Half-sibling 45 Harasser 46 Henchman 47 Housekeeper 48 Idol 49 Investor 50 Jilted lover

51 Kidnapper 52 Lover 53 Maid 54 Master 55 Mentor 56 Niece or nephew 57 Nemesis 58 Oppressor 59 Paid companion 60 Paramour 61 Parent 62 Patron 63 Pen pal 64 Political prisoner 65 Political rival 66 Predator 67 Prey 68 Prisoner 69 Protege 70 Quarry 71 Right hand 72 Rival suitor 73 Servant 74 Sibling 75 Snitch 76 Social rival 77 Source 78 Sponsor 79 Spouse 80Stalker 81 Step-child 82 Step-parent 83 Step-sibling 84 Steward 85 Student 86 Suitor 87 Supplicant 88 Supplier 89 Sweetheart 90 Teacher 91 Teammate 92 Thrall 93 Tormentor 94 Trainer 95 Unrequited love 96 Valet 97 Vassal 98 Victim 99 War buddy 00Ward


1 Anecdotes 2 Archetype (p. 53) 3 Asides 4 Authoritative 5 Booming 6 Breathy 7 Brusque 8 Chatty 9 Cheery 10 Chuckles 11 Clipped 12 co*cky 13 Condescending 14 Conspiratorial 15 Crooning 16 Cryptic 17 Curt 18 Deadpan 19 Deep voice 20Dramatic 21 Drawl 22 Droning 23 Effusive 24 Enunciates 25 Flowery 26 Genteel 27 Grave 28 Gravelly 29 Growling 30 Halting 31 Hiccups 32 Highly formal 33 Histrionic 34 Hoarse 35 Honeyed 36 Hushed 37 Hyperbolic 38 Hypnotic 39 Incoherent 40 Insistent 41 Interrupts 42 Laconic 43 Languid 44 Lilting 45 Long pauses 46 Melodious 47 Monosyllabic 48 Monotone 49 Mumbles 50 Name-drops

51 Narrates 52 Nasal 53 Ominous 54 Overconfident 55 Overly casual 56 Pedantic 57 Platitudinous 58 Ponderous 59 Pontificating 60 Precise 61 Prissy 62 Profane 63 Professorial 64 Purring 65 Quaint sayings 66 Quiet 67 Quivering 68 Quotations 69 Rambling 70 Random facts 71 Ranting 72 Rapid-fire 73 Raspy 74 Resonant 75 Rhyming 76 Rhythmic 77 Robotic 78 Sarcastic 79 Seductive 80Shrill 81 Sing-song 82 Slow speech 83 Slurring 84 Sneering 85 Sonorous 86 Soothing 87 Sound (p. 66) 88 Speechifying 89 Squeaky 90 Street slang 91 Stutters 92 Talks to self 93 Trails off 94 Upspoken 95 Vitriolic 96 Voice breaks 97 Warm 98 Whispers 99 Wistful 00Wry 59


Monsters creating monsters: Use the following tables to generate ideas for monsters, or just use monsters from other old-school RPGs. The bestiary on the next page provides some samples. If you have to come up with monster stats quickly, just use the ones for Owl Bears. monster stats: Monsters only have a few statistics to keep track of: • armor class: The target number to hit the monster. If armor points are needed, subtract 11 from their AC. • hit points: The amount of damage a monster can take before death. It can be found by multiplying the monster’s level by 4 or by rolling a number of d8s equal to its level. • level: The default ability score a monster adds to all checks it makes. If it it seems like it would be bad at a check, use half of its level or zero instead. In other old-school RPGs, a monster’s level is called its Hit Dice. • attacks: The types of attacks the monster can perform in one round, along with the amount of damage from each. Monsters armed with weapons usually deal d6 damage, but this can vary depending on what they are wielding. • movement: The number of feet a monster can move in a combat round. Usually 30’ or 40’. • morale: How likely a monster is to flee or surrender in combat, with higher numbers indicating bravery and lower numbers indicating cowardice. Ranges from 2 to 12, 7 being the average. • number appearing: How many of these monsters are encountered together, when this is not specified by the GM or the adventure. The first number is for dungeons, the second is for the wilderness.


1 Aboleth 2 Air elemental 3 Angel 4 Animal (p. 64) 5 Animated armor 6 Banshee 7 Basilisk 8 Black pudding 9 Blink dog 10 Brain flayer 11 Bugbear 12 Bulette 13 Centaur 14 Chimera 15 co*ckatrice 16 Crawling claw 17 Cyclops 18 Darkmantle 19 Death knight 20Demon 21 Dire wolf 22 Djinn 23 Doppelganger 24 Dragon 25 Dryad 26 Earth elemental 27 Efreet 28 Eye tyrant 29 Fire elemental 30 Gargoyle 31 Gelatinous cube 32 Ghost 33 Ghoul 34 Giant 35 Giant anim. (p. 64) 36 Giant centipede 37 Giant crab 38 Giant frog 39 Giant scorpion 40 Giant snake 41 Giant spider 42 Giant weasel 43 Gnoll 44 Goblin 45 Golem 46 Gorgon 47 Gray ooze 48 Griffon 49 Hag 50 Harpy

51 Hell hound 52 Hippogriff 53 Hobgoblin 54 Homunculus 55 Hook horror 56 Hydra 57 Imp 58 Intellect devourer 59 Invisible stalker 60 Kobold 61 Kraken 62 Lich 63 Lizardfolk 64 Manticore 65 Merfolk 66 Mimic 67 Minotaur 68 Mummy 69 Myconid 70 Naga 71 Ochre jelly 72 Ogre 73 Orc 74 Owlbear 75 Pegasus 76 Peryton 77 Phase spider 78 Piercer 79 Purple worm 80Rakshasa 81 Roc 82 Roper 83 Rust monster 84 Satyr 85 Shadow 86 Skeleton 87 Sphinx 88 Stirge 89 Succubus 90 Tarrasque 91 Treant 92 Troll 93 Tyrannosaurus 94 Unicorn 95 Vampire 96 Water elemental 97 Werewolf 98 Wyvern 99 Yeti 00Zombie 61

doppelganger: AC 14, HP 16, LVL 4, ATK bite (d12), MOV 30’, MRL 10, NA d6 (d6). Can duplicate nearby humanoids. animated armor: AC 18, HP 24, LVL 6, Changes back when dead. ATK weapon (d8), MOV 20’, MRL 12, dragon: AC 20, HP 40, LVL 10, ATK NA d6 (0). Immune to mental effects. fire breath (90’ cone, damage equal to its Dark vision. Held together by magic. own HP) or 2 claws (1d8) and 1 bite (4d8), Loud. MOV 30’ (80’ flying), MRL 10, NA d4 bandit: AC 13, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK (d4). Enjoys flattery. weapon (d6), MOV 40’, MRL 8, NA d8 eye tyrant: AC 19, HP 44, LVL 11, ATK (3d10). Like to ambush. bite (2d4) or eye rays, MOV 30’, MRL 12, basilisk: AC 15, HP 24, LVL 6, ATK bite NA 1 (0). Central eye creates 60’ anti(d10), MOV 20’, MRL 9, NA d6 (d6). magic cone. Each of 10 eye stalks can fire a Petrifies targets who look in its eyes and random spell (pp. 22-25) once per round. fail a CON check. Creatures take -5 to Megalomaniac. attacks while avoiding its gaze. gelatinous cube: AC 11, HP 16, LVL 4, black pudding: AC 13, HP 40, LVL 10, ATK touch (2d4), MOV 10’, MRL 12, NA ATK touch (3d8), MOV 20’, MRL 12, NA 1 (0). Immune to lightning and cold. +5 1 (0). Only vulnerable to fire. When hit by on surprise checks. Touched targets are a non-fire attack, it creates a LVL 2 engulfed and take 2d4 damage each turn. pudding that deals d8 damage. Dissolves Escape by passing a STR check. metal and wood and can move across ghost: AC 19, HP 40, LVL 10, ATK life ceilings and walls. drain or possession, MOV 30’, MRL 10, blink dog: AC 14, HP 16, LVL 4, ATK NA 1 (1). Undead, silent, immune to bite (d6), MOV 40’, MRL 6, NA d6 (d6). mental spells. Only harmed by silver and d4 × 10’ teleportation. Can to teleport into magic. Life drain removes a random and then out of melee on their turn. ability score point. Possession takes over a brain flayer: AC 15, HP 32, LVL 8, creature within 60’ who fails a WIS check. ATK psychic or 4 tentacles (d2), MOV Complete a mission (p. 51) to let it rest. 40’, MRL 7, NA d4 (d4). Psychic attack ghoul: AC 13, HP 8, LVL 2, ATK 2 claws either mind controls or deals 3d6 damage (d3) or bite (d3), MOV 30’, MRL 9, NA d6 to a target up to 40’ away who fails a WIS (2d8). Hits paralyze targets who fail a STR check. Eats a victim’s brain d4 rounds check for 2d4 turns. Undead, silent, after a tentacle hits. Inhuman motives, immune to mental spells. iron will. Levitates. giant: AC 15, HP 32, LVL 8, ATK bugbear: AC 14, HP 12, LVL 3, ATK weapon (2d8) or boulder (3d6), MOV 40’, weapon (d6), MOV 30’, MRL 9, NA 2d4 MRL 8, NA d4 (2d4). Stupid. (5d4). +5 on surprise checks. Full of low giant frog: AC 12, HP 12, LVL 3, ATK cunning. Always hungry. bite (d4), MOV 30’, MRL 6, NA d4 (d4). bulette: AC 19, HP 36, LVL 9, ATK bite Attacks up to 15’ away with its sticky (4d12) and 2 claws (3d6), MOV 50’/10’ tongue. On a hit, target is dragged to its burrowing, MRL 11, NA 0 (d2). If mouth and bitten. On an attack roll of 20, cornered, it can leap 20’ forwards and target is swallowed whole and takes d6 attack with 4 claws. damage each round until the toad dies.



giant spider: AC 13, HP 12, LVL 3, ATK bite (d6), MOV 20’, MRL 8, NA d3 (d3). Bitten targets who fail a CON check die in d4 turns. Paranoid. goblin: AC 13, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d6), MOV 20’, MRL 7, NA 2d4 (6d10). Dark vision. Reckless, insane. gnoll: AC 14, HP 8, LVL 2, ATK weapon (2d4), MOV 30’, MRL 8, NA d6 (3d6). Lazy. Prefer bullying to combat. harpy: AC 12, HP 12, LVL 3, ATK 2 claws (d4) or song, MOV 20’ (50’ when flying), MRL 7, NA d6 (2d4). Song charms targets who fail a CHA check. hobgoblin: AC 13, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d8), MOV 30’, MRL 8, NA d6 (4d6). Honorable warriors. kobold: AC 12, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d4), MOV 20’, MRL 6, NA 4d4 (6d10). Prefer to ambush. Dark vision. Want to follow a strong leader. lich: AC 19, HP 44, LVL 11, ATK touch (d10), MOV 20’, MRL 10, NA 1 (1). Touch paralyses for 6 turns on a failed STR check. Undead, silent, and immune to mental spells as well as mundane, electrical, and cold damage. Owns 10 randomly generated spell books. You are beneath his notice.

purple worm: AC 13, HP 60, LVL 15, ATK bite (2d8) and sting (d8), MOV 20’, MRL 10, NA d2 (d4). If the bite attack rolls 5+ higher than needed, the target is swallowed whole and takes 3d6 damage each round until the worm dies. rust monster: AC 17, HP 20, LVL 5, ATK none, MOV 40’, MRL 7, NA d4 (d4). Dissolves and eats nearby metal. skeleton: AC 12, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d6), MOV 20’, MRL 12, NA 3d4 (3d10). Undead, silent, immune to mental spells and piercing damage. Gleeful. treant : AC 17, HP 32, LVL 8, ATK 2 fists (2d6), MOV 20’, MRL 9, NA 0 (d8). Fears fire. +5 to surprise in a forest. Can turn up to 2 trees within 60’ into treants (who don’t have this power) over the course of two rounds. Self-righteous. troll: AC 15, HP 28, LVL 7, ATK 2 claws (d6) and 1 bite (d10), MOV 40’, MRL 10, NA d8 (d8). Recovers d6 HP/ round. Revives 2d6 rounds after death. Fire or acid lowers its max HP.

vampire: AC 17, HP 32, LVL 8, ATK touch (d10) or gaze (charm), MOV 40’, MRL 11, NA d4 (d6). Undead, silent, immune to mental spells and mundane damage. Heals d6 damage per round. A touched creature loses a point from a mimic: AC 13, HP 28, LVL 7, ATK random ability score. Gaze attack charms pseudopod (3d4), MOV 30’, MRL 9, NA 1 the target if they fail a CHA check. Can (0). Mimics objects. +5 on surprise checks. change to a humanoid, dire wolf, giant Sticky. bat, or gaseous cloud at will. Repelled by ogre: AC 14, HP 16, LVL 4, ATK garlic, holy relics, running water, and weapon (d10), MOV 30’, MRL 10, NA d6 mirrors. Killed by sunlight or a stake (2d6). Stuffs creatures into a sack for later. through the heart. Dramatic. orc: AC 13, HP 4, LVL 1, ATK weapon (d6), MOV 40’, MRL 6, NA 2d4 (d6×10). Takes -5 in full sun. Grognards.

werewolf: AC 14, LVL 4 (HP 18), ATK bite (2d4), MOV 60’, MRL 8, NA d6 (2d6). Can shift between human and wolf owl bear: AC 14, HP 20, LVL 5, ATK 2 forms. Only harmed by silver and magic. claws (d8) and 1 bite (d8), MOV 40’, MRL Fears wolfsbane. Humans who are bitten become a werewolf 2d12 days later if they 9, NA d4 (d4). Deals 2d8 bonus damage fail a CON check. Tortured. when both claws hit one target. Playful. 63


1 Ant 2 Anteater 3 Ape 4 Badger 5 Bat 6 Bear 7 Beaver 8 Bee 9 Beetle 10 Boar 11 Bulldog 12 Butterfly 13 Camel 14 Cat 15 Centipede 16 Chameleon 17 Cobra 18 co*ckroach 19 Constrictor 20Cougar 21 Cow 22 Coyote 23 Crab 24 Crane 25 Cricket 26 Crocodile 27 Crow 28 Cuckoo 29 Donkey 30 Dragonfly 31 Duck 32 Eagle 33 Eel 34 Elephant 35 Elk 36 Falcon 37 Firefly 38 Fox 39 Frog 40 Goat 41 Goose 42 Hare 43 Hart 44 Hawk 45 Hedgehog 46 Hornet 47 Horse 48 Hound 49 Hummingbird 50 Jackal 64

51 Jellyfish 52 Leech 53 Lion 54 Locust 55 Lynx 56 Mantis 57 Mastodon 58 Mockingbird 59 Mole 60 Monkey 61 Moose 62 Moth 63 Mouse 64 Mule 65 Octopus 66 Otter 67 Owl 68 Ox 69 Panther 70 Pig 71 Pony 72 Porcupine 73 Possum 74 Rabbit 75 Raccoon 76 Rat 77 Reindeer 78 Rooster 79 Salamander 80Scorpion 81 Seal 82 Shark 83 Sheep 84 Slug 85 Snail 86 Sparrow 87 Spider 88 Squid 89 Squirrel 90 Tiger 91 Toad 92 Turtle 93 Viper 94 Vulture 95 Walrus 96 Weasel 97 Whale 98 Wolf 99 Wolverine 00Worm


1 Antennae 2 Antlers 3 Baleen 4 Bat wings 5 Beaver tail 6 Blowhole 7 Blubber 8 Boar tusks 9 Bushy tail 10 Butterfly wings 11 Carapace 12 Cat tail 13 Chameleon eyes 14 Claws 15 Cobra hood 16 Comb 17 Compound eyes 18 Crab shell 19 Crane beak 20Crest 21 Cricket legs 22 Detachable tail 23 Digging claws 24 Dragonfly wings 25 Duck bill 26 Eagle wings 27 Elephant tusks 28 Exoskeleton 29 Eye stalks 30 Falcon beak 31 Fangs 32 Feathers 33 Fins 34 Fly wings 35 Frog legs 36 Gills 37 Gliding flaps 38 Hooves 39 Horns 40 Horse tail 41 Humming wings 42 Humps 43 Large ears 44 Large eyes 45 Large incisors 46 Long body 47 Long ears 48 Long legs 49 Long neck 50 Long snout

51 Long tongue 52 Loose skin 53 Mandibles 54 Mane 55 Mantis arms 56 Monkey tail 57 Mouse ears 58 Mucus 59 Otter tail 60 Oyster shell 61 Pelican bill 62 Pig snout 63 Pig tail 64 Pincers 65 Plates 66 Plumage 67 Proboscis 68 Pseudopod 69 Quills 70 Rat tail 71 Scales 72 Scorpion tail 73 Segments 74 Shaggy hair 75 Short fur 76 Siphon 77 Snail shell 78 Spikes 79 Spines 80Spinnerets 81 Spotted fur 82 Squid beak 83 Stinger 84 Striped fur 85 Stubby tail 86 Suction cups 87 Talons 88 Tendrils 89 Tentacles 90 Toucan beak 91 Trunk 92 Turtle shell 93 Udder 94 Walrus tusks 95 Warts 96 Wattle 97 Webbed feet 98 Webbed hands 99 Whiskers 00Wool

monster traits

1 Acid blood 51 Many heads 2 Amphibious 52 Many legs 3 Ancient 53 Many mouths 4 Anim. form (p. 29) 54 Mechanical 5 Animated 55 Metallic 6 Asymmetrical 56 Mismatched limbs 7 Bloated 57 Molting 8 Bloodless 58 Muscular 9 Brittle 59 Mutation (p. 30) 10 Burning 60 No neck 11 Charged 61 One eye 12 Clay-like 62 Ooze-form 13 Color (p. 37) 63 Organ (p. 64) 14 Colossal 64 Personality (p. 56) 15 Crystalline 65 Poisonous 16 Decaying 66 Potion (p. 35) 17 Delusion (p. 30) 67 Powdery 18 Element skin (p. 29) 68 Power (p. 65) 19 Elongated 69 Pulsing 20Ethereal 70 Radioactive 21 Ever-young 71 Reflective 22 Eyeless 72 Rubbery 23 Faceless 73 Scent (p. 66) 24 Flaking 74 Shadowy 25 Flammable 75 Sharp 26 Flexible 76 Short limbs 27 Fluffy 77 Shriveled 28 Foaming 78 Skeletal 29 Fungal 79 Skin shedding 30 Fuzzy 80Slimy 31 Gaseous 81 Smoking 32 Gelatinous 82 Soft 33 Geometric 83 Sooty 34 Hair shedding 84 Sound (p. 66) 35 Hairless 85 Sparking 36 Hairy 86 Steaming 37 Hardened 87 Sticky 38 Headless 88 Stinking 39 Ice-cold 89 Stone-like 40 Illusory 90 Stretchy 41 Iridescent 91 Tactic (p. 67) 42 Large head 92 Texture (p. 36) 43 Legless 93 Tiny 44 Liquid 94 Translucent 45 Luminous 95 Tree-like 46 Lumpy 96 Two-dimensional 47 Mannerism (p. 59) 97 Venomous 48 Many arms 98 Vibrating 49 Many eyes 99 Waxy 50 Many faces 00Weakness (p. 67)


1 Absorb abilities 51 Healing aura 2 Acid aura 52 Hypnotism 3 Acid bolt 53 Ice aura 4 Acid breath 54 Ice bolt 5 Astral projection 55 Ice breath 6 Attract 56 Ice wall 7 Beast control 57 Immovability 8 Bird control 58 Insect control 9 Blind 59 Iron wall 10 Blur 60 Laser eyes 11 Burrow 61 Levitation 12 Chameleon skin 62 Lightning bolt 13 Clairaudience 63 Lightning breath 14 Clairvoyance 64 Love aura 15 Clone self 65 Magnetism 16 Create illusion 66 Memory control 17 Deafen 67 Mimic sounds 18 Drain life 68 Mind control 19 Dreamwalk 69 Mold flesh 20Earthquake 70 Mold metal 21 Echolocation 71 Mold stone 22 Effect (p. 28) 72 Paralyze 23 Effect aura (p. 28) 73 Paranoia aura 24 Effect blast (p. 28) 74 Petrify 25 Effect bolt (p. 28) 75 Plane shift 26 Effect ray (p. 28) 76 Plant control 27 Electric aura 77 Poison aura 28 Element aura (p. 29)78 Poison breath 29 Element blast (p. 29)79 Potion (p. 35) 30 Element bolt (p. 29) 80Rage aura 31 Elem. breath (p. 29) 81 Raise dead 32 Elem. control (p. 29) 82 Remove curse 33 Element ray (p. 29) 83 Repulse 34 Element wall (p. 29) 84 Rot 35 Entangle 85 Shockwave 36 Entomb 86 Silence 37 Explode 87 Sleep aura 38 Fear aura 88 Slow enemies 39 Fire aura 89 Spell (pp. 22-25) 40 Fire bolt 90 Spirit control 41 Fire breath 91 Stone wall 42 Fire control 92 Summon 43 Fire starting 93 Swallow whole 44 Fire wall 94 Swap minds 45 Fog breath 95 Teleport 46 Force wall 96 Time control 47 Friendship aura 97 Travel shift (p. 9) 48 Gravity control 98 Undead control 49 Grow plants 99 Wind control 50 Hate aura 00Wind wall 65


1 Acid 2 Alcohol 3 Almond 4 Ammonia 5 Animal (p. 64) 6 Baby 7 Balsamic 8 Banana 9 Barnyard 10 Bitter 11 Blood 12 Bread dough 13 Brine 14 Burnt hair 15 Burnt plastic 16 Burnt rubber 17 Burnt sugar 18 Burnt toast 19 Caramel 20Cedarwood 21 Cherry 22 Chlorine 23 Chocolate 24 Cigarette ash 25 Coffee 26 Cologne 27 Cookies 28 Coppery 29 Cut grass 30 Damp 31 Dog breath 32 Dumpster 33 Earth 34 Element (p. 29) 35 Exhaust 36 Fish 37 Food (p. 49) 38 Formaldehyde 39 Garlic 40 Gasoline 41 Ginger 42 Gunpowder 43 Hamster cage 44 Hay 45 Herbal 46 Honey 47 Hops 48 Incense 49 Leather 50 Lemon 66

51 Licorice 52 Lysol 53 Manure 54 Medicinal 55 Mildew 56 Mint 57 Mold 58 Musk 59 Nutmeg 60 Old books 61 Old socks 62 Olive oil 63 Onion 64 Orange 65 Ozone 66 Paint 67 Peanut butter 68 Peat moss 69 Pine 70 Pineapple 71 Popcorn 72 Rain 73 Resinous 74 Rose 75 Rotten eggs 76 Rotten meat 77 Rotting fruit 78 Seaweed 79 Sewer 80Skunk 81 Sour milk 82 Spicy 83 Spruce 84 Stagnant 85 Stale beer 86 Stinky cheese 87 Sulfur 88 Sweat 89 Taste (p. 36) 90 Tea 91 Thyme 92 Tobacco 93 Turpentine 94 Vanilla 95 Vinegar 96 Violets 97 Vomit 98 Wet cardboard 99 Wet dog 00Wood smoke


1 Activity (p. 19) 2 Animal (p. 64) 3 Banging 4 Barking 5 Bashing 6 Beeping 7 Bellowing 8 Bleating 9 Breathing 10 Buzzing 11 Cackling 12 Cawing 13 Chanting 14 Chewing 15 Chiming 16 Chirping 17 Chittering 18 Choking 19 Chomping 20Clacking 21 Clanging 22 Clattering 23 Clicking 24 Clinking 25 Cracking 26 Crackling 27 Crawling 28 Creaking 29 Croaking 30 Crunching 31 Dripping 32 Fizzing 33 Flapping 34 Fluttering 35 Galloping 36 Gnashing 37 Gnawing 38 Grating 39 Grinding 40 Groaning 41 Growling 42 Grunting 43 Gulping 44 Gurgling 45 Hissing 46 Hooting 47 Howling 48 Humming 49 Jangling 50 Keening

51 Licking 52 Mannerism (p. 59) 53 Moaning 54 Muttering 55 Pattering 56 Popping 57 Pounding 58 Puffing 59 Purring 60 Rattling 61 Ripping 62 Roaring 63 Rumbling 64 Rustling 65 Scrabbling 66 Scraping 67 Scratching 68 Screeching 69 Shrieking 70 Shuffling 71 Singing 72 Sizzling 73 Skittering 74 Slapping 75 Slithering 76 Slurping 77 Smacking 78 Snapping 79 Snarling 80Sniffing 81 Snorting 82 Spitting 83 Splashing 84 Squawking 85 Squeaking 86 Squelching 87 Stomping 88 Swooshing 89 Thudding 90 Thumping 91 Ticking 92 Trotting 93 Wailing 94 Wheezing 95 Whimpering 96 Whining 97 Whipping 98 Whirring 99 Whistling 00Yelping


1 Ambush 2 Annoy 3 Bind 4 Blind 5 Body slam 6 Break armor 7 Break terrain 8 Break weapons 9 Bulldoze 10 Burrow 11 Burst 12 Cannibalize 13 Capture 14 Challenge 15 Chant 16 Charge 17 Cheat 18 Choke 19 Climb 20Confuse 21 Create barrier 22 Cripple 23 Deafen 24 Deceive 25 Demand worship 26 Disarm 27 Disorient 28 Distract 29 Divide foes 30 Dodge 31 Drop down 32 Effect (p. 28) 33 Encircle 34 Entangle 35 Evade 36 Feint 37 Flank 38 Follow 39 Frighten 40 Gang up 41 Go berserk 42 Goad 43 Grab 44 Harry 45 Ignite 46 Immobilize 47 Leap 48 Link up 49 Lure in 50 Manipulate

51 Merge 52 Mire 53 Monologue 54 Negotiate 55 Obscure 56 Order minion 57 Pincer maneuver 58 Play dead 59 Poison 60 Power up 61 Praise self 62 Protect leader 63 Protect self 64 Pull 65 Push 66 Roll 67 Scatter foes 68 Scream 69 Shake 70 Sicken 71 Slam object 72 Spin 73 Split body 74 Squeeze 75 Stalk 76 Stare down 77 Steal 78 Strategic retreat 79 Stun 80Summon aid 81 Swallow whole 82 Swarm 83 Sweep 84 Swing creature 85 Swing object 86 Target insolent 87 Target leader 88 Target nearest 89 Target richest 90 Target strongest 91 Target weakest 92 Throw creature 93 Throw object 94 Thrust 95 Toy with 96 Trap 97 Trap effect (p. 16) 98 Trip 99 Undermine 00Vomit


1 Acid 2 Alcohol 3 Animal (p. 64) 4 Anti-magic 5 Arms 6 Arrows 7 Birds 8 Blessings 9 Blood 10 Blunt damage 11 Chest 12 Children 13 Church bells 14 Cold 15 Color (p. 37) 16 Competition 17 Conversation 18 Cutting damage 19 Darkness 20Dirt 21 Disease 22 Domain (p. 33) 23 Ears 24 Element (p. 29) 25 Eyes 26 Feet 27 Fingers 28 Fire 29 Firelight 30 Fish 31 Flattery 32 Flowers 33 Food (p. 49) 34 Garlic 35 Gifts 36 Gold 37 Hands 38 Hazard (p. 17) 39 Heart 40 Heat 41 Holy image 42 Holy oil 43 Holy water 44 Ice 45 Ingredient (p. 37) 46 Insects 47 Insults 48 Iron 49 Legs 50 Lightning

51 Location (p. 10) 52 Machines 53 Magic school (p. 31) 54 Material (p. 42) 55 Mirrors 56 Misc. item (p. 39) 57 Mistletoe 58 Moonlight 59 Mouth 60 Music 61 Neck 62 Noise 63 Nose 64 Oil 65 Phylactery 66 Piercing damage 67 Poison 68 Profession (p. 57) 69 Psychic damage 70 Puzzles 71 Rain 72 Relic 73 Riddles 74 Rituals 75 Running water 76 Salt 77 Scent (p. 66) 78 Seawater 79 Silver 80Singing 81 Skin 82 Soap 83 Sound (p. 66) 84 Spell (pp. 22-25) 85 Spicy food 86 Spine 87 Starlight 88 Sunlight 89 Symbol (p. 33) 90 Tactic (p. 67) 91 Tears 92 Thunder 93 Tool (p. 39) 94 Travel shift (p. 9) 95 Treasure (p. 42) 96 True name 97 Water 98 Weapon (p. 43) 99 Wolfsbane 00Wormwood 67

gm: Ok, in the meantime Bridget has searched the room. This takes 10 minutes since you have a torch lit and triggers a roll of the hazard die, which is a…4! A dungeon shift. I’ll roll on this list I gm: You have descended the steps into the made…an ice-cold wind blows towards tomb complex, going north. The air is you through the portcullis, causing your damp and you catch a faint whiff of torch to flicker. Bridget, your search something rotting. It’s pitch black. discovers that the four busts in the wall arthur: I’m lighting a torch, which I’ll niches are attached to their plinths, and hold in my left hand. I’m holding my spear that there is a seam on each of their necks in the other. running all the way around.

Gameplay Example

bridget: I’ll just stay near Arthur’s torch so we don’t use two at once. I’ll pull out my sword.

bridget: Like their heads can come off? I pull on one of them.

gm: Great. You enter a stone chamber with niches carved into the walls, two on the left, two on the right, each filled with a marble bust on a plinth. There’s also a fifth bust on a plinth in the center of the room, facing north. On the north side of the room is an iron portcullis blocking the way deeper into the tomb. What do you want to do?

bridget: Uh, the northernmost one on the east wall.

bridget: I try to lift up the portcullis. gm: It doesn’t budge and seems to be locked in place. Either you need a lot more leverage, or you need to find a way to unlock it. bridget: Ok, I want to search the room for clues.

gm: Which one?

gm: It doesn’t want to come off, but it does jiggle slightly, as if it could be moved. bridget: I try to rotate it then. To the north. gm: It rotates a little bit, as if it’s designed to turn that way, but then stops. You also hear a faint click from the other bust on this wall and notice that its head has turned a tiny bit to the north. bridget: Oh, interesting. Can I grab both heads at the same time? gm: Yeah, they’re not too far apart.

bridget: Ok, I’m betting they all have to arthur: While she’s doing that, I want to be turned at once. examine the marble busts. arthur: I’ll grab the two heads on the gm: The busts all appear to be of nobles, west wall, then. probably people buried here. The highest bridget: I count “One, two, three, turn!” ranking one is the central bust, labeled as and we turn all the heads towards the Cornelius, Duke of Harfax. portcullis at the same time. arthur: I want to take the bust with me.

gm: The heads smoothly rotate on their gm: You can do that since it’s not attached busts until they face north and click into to the plinth, but it’s going to take up two place. You hear a click from the portcullis, slots. Marble is heavy. which then slides up into the door frame. arthur: That’s fine, I have slots to spare. I can always drop it later if I have to. 68

arthur: Nice. Let’s go deeper!

bridget: Is the passage ahead wide enough to go side by side? gm: Yes. I assume you’re moving at crawling speed?

gm: Great, you’ve beat them by 5 or more, so you’ve surprised them! You get a +5 on all combat checks during the first round and you get to go first.

arthur: Yeah, I think that would be best. bridget: They were 40 feet away, right? I charge in with my sword. gm: Ok, you move down the stone passage about 40 feet when you come to a gm: You run towards them through the T intersection and a passage running east- archway and find yourself in a domed room about 80 feet across. Roll your west. To the west you can see there are some stairs going down and to the east the strength to attack! passage goes straight for 40 feet, to the bridget: I rolled a 15, plus 5, plus 2 edge of your torchlight. You can hear a strength, 22 total. faint dripping sound in that direction. gm: You hit, roll your damage. bridget: I feel like we should explore this bridget: I want to make this a power level before we go any deeper. attack and try to finish off this guy in one arthur: Agreed. Let’s go east. hit. It’ll break my sword, but I have more. So I roll 2d6 instead of one, and…wow, a gm: Ok, you travel 60 feet in that direction before you see the outline of an total of 3 damage. archway 40 feet ahead of you, which appears to open up into a larger space. arthur: Let’s get closer. gm: You move 20 feet closer before you come to the end of your move for this dungeon turn. I’ll roll the hazard die…1! An encounter! Rolling on my encounter table it’s…skeletons, just two of them. Their distance is…40 feet from you, I’ll say that it’s right on the edge of your torch light, straight ahead. Normally I might roll for their activity and reaction, but skeletons are pretty simple. They’re here to guard the tomb and slay trespassers. Since they’re pretty close we should make a surprise check. You’re both equally close to them, so which of you has the highest wisdom? arthur: That’s me, I have 3 WIS. gm: Ok, make a WIS check against the skeletons. I’ll say they have a WIS of 0 since they’re not observant creatures, so try to roll higher than an 11. arthur: I got a 14, plus 3 is 17.

gm: Bummer, but your attack roll was over 20, so you do succeed at a free maneuver.

bridget: Ok, let’s say the force of my sword’s impact was enough to knock the skeleton onto its back. gm: That works. Arthur, are you going to finish this guy off? arthur: Yeah, I charge in and stab him with my spear. gm: Stabbing a skeleton? Are you sure? arthur: Oh yeah, that doesn’t make sense, does it. Wait a second…I reach into my bag and pull out the marble bust of Cornelius, Duke of Harfax… gm: Ok… arthur: …and drop it on the skeleton. gm: Uh, yeah, that do it. You don’t even need to roll. arthur: I knew that would come in handy. gm: Now that both of you have gone, it’s the other skeleton’s turn… 69


game master and player duties: Clearly stating what GMs and players do is something I first learned from games based on Vincent and Meguey Baker’s Apocalypse World. It’s especially goals: Knave began as a hack of Basic important when your game is geared D&D that I created for an after-school towards a particular style of play, such as gaming club for 5th graders. The goal was the OSR style. It lets the reader know to streamline and rationalize the rules so right away whether the game is right for that players could learn the rules and them and makes the rest of the book create characters in just a few minutes and easier to comprehend. jump right into playing. The game has ability scores: Knave ability scores are expanded since then, but that goal is still on an intuitive 0-10 scale rather than the at the forefront of the design: a framework that makes playing old-school traditional 3-18, starting out at 0-3. Since ability scores are added to a d20 and are RPGs straightforward, intuitive, easy to usually trying to hit a target number of 16, prep, and easy to run. this means that a PC’s chance of success • Inspirations: World of Dungeons by John starts at 25%-40% at low levels, increasing Harper, Into the Odd by Chris McDowall, by 5% per level if that ability is improved. The Black Hack by David Black. This is very close to the improvement rate random tables: Much is often made of of saving throws and attack bonuses for whether a game’s rules are good, but in human characters in most old-school my view the actual content of a game (the RPGs. Since ability scores can be turned situations, locations, events, NPCs, etc.) into target numbers (just add 11) all often has a bigger effect on the experience checks are “reversible”, allowing either than mechanics. Knave’s random tables, side to do the rolling without changing which expand upon the tables from my the odds of success. This lets the game be previous game Maze Rats, aim to make played with only the players doing the creating game content a fast and even rolling, if that’s the group’s preference. entertaining process that makes the world • Inspirations: Shadow of the Demon Lord feel surprising and alive. I can’t build the by Robert Schwalb, Symbaroum by world for the GM, but I can at least Mattias Johnsson and Mattias Lilja. provide all of the pieces to do so. classlessness: Knave has no classes, • Inspirations: The Perilous Wilds by Jason allowing players to determine their PC’s Lutes, Augmented Reality by Paul niche by the abilities they improve and the Gallagher. gear they carry. Each ability is linked to a layout and design: Knave uses “control fantasy archetype, like strength for panel” layout, which keeps most topics fighters or intelligence for wizards, so as confined to a single page or two-page players allocate points they are effectively spread. This reduces page flipping, makes designing their own unique multi-class. it easier for GMs to print rules references, I’ve tried to make each ability score as and speeds up finding information. useful as possible to avoid there being an • Inspirations: Mothership by Sean McCoy, obvious “dump stat.”

Designer’s Commentary

Old-School Essentials by Gavin Norman.

• Inspirations: Into the Odd by Chris McDowall, GURPS by Steve Jackson. 71

careers: Careers are a quick way of giving players a background and a starting loadout without having to do a lot of shopping. Note that although PCs can start the game with expensive armor pieces if they wish, the resale value of those pieces would be very small, since armor has to be precisely tailored to a PC. • Inspiration: Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall. wounds and item slots: Item slots make tracking encumbrance fast and easy, which is important in a game focusing on exploration and resource management. Allowing item slots to be filled with wounds when HP is depleted means that damage gets divided into short-term and long-term pool. This creates a clear distinction between stamina loss and injuries, which is more intuitive than a single health pool. It also allows players to have a record of the injuries their PC has sustained when they return to town to heal, which can add to roleplaying. The GM can rule that certain wounds heal slower or require specific treatment before they heal. Using item slots to absorb damage does make starting PCs tougher than in most traditional fantasy RPGs, but at high levels the disparity evens out due to Knave using d6s for every PC’s HP. • Inspirations: Lamentations of the Flame Princess by James Edward Raggi IV, Index Card RPG by Brandish Gilhelm, Wolf-packs and Winter Snow by Emmy Allen, Mausritter by Isaac Williams and Into the Odd by Chris McDowall.

travel: Maps in Knave use 6-mile hexes for a number of reasons: • A six-mile hex is about the area that a person can see while standing on a flat plain. If the character climbs to a high point they can usually see into all of the adjacent hexes. • It’s a manageable size that a group of PCs could search over a 4-hour watch. • An experienced hiker can hike about 18 miles per day under good conditions, so that breaks down into 3 hexes of travel, enough to present a variety of incidents and challenges. • Inspiration: “In Praise of the 6 Mile Hex” by The Hydra’s Grotto. delving: The traditional dungeon crawling speed of 120’ per turn is excruciatingly slow, so I ruled that at that speed you automatically detect traps. Throughout the game, searching uses up time rather than requiring a roll, since information is so important to keeping the game moving. I connected the different light sources to the searching rules, so you can use candles instead of torches for the long burn time and low weight, at the cost of slowing down searches. You can put a candle in a lantern case to protect it from being blown out by wind or running, but now it takes up a whole slot. Note that as long as PCs bring a candle with them they will probably never be in total darkness.

encounters: I added an activities table to the encounter procedure because I like the game world to feel alive and active, and it greatly expands the possibility space hazard system: The system that powers of how the encounter can play out. I also made the reaction table very specific (vs dungeon and wilderness exploration is other old-school RPGs) to aid the GM in adapted from the Hazard System rules roleplaying. created by Brendan S. at the blog Necropraxis and released under a Creative • Inspiration: The Dark of Hot Springs Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Island by Jacob Hurst, Evan Peterson, license (CC BY 3.0). and Donnie Garcia. 72

combat: Combat in Knave depletes a PC’s gear, whether that is hit points, ammo or the weapons themselves due to breakage from rolling natural 1s and making power attacks. GMs can even rule that items break when the slot they are in gets filled with a wound, but this should be considered “hard mode”, as it can result in losing essential items unexpectedly and create a death spiral. Item breakage is much simpler than in the first edition of Knave in order to make it easier to apply. PCs who want to focus on combat should fill up their items slots with a variety of weapons so they always have one at hand and so they can exploit enemies who have particular weaknesses. High rolls get automatic maneuvers in order to encourage players to look for advantages and to make combat more creative and cinematic.

classic spellbooks: Spells from other old-school RPGs differ from Knaves’ in that they have spell levels, usually ranging from 1 to 9. If you want to incorporate these into Knave (or if a PC runs into one while exploring a module) they should each be presented as a whole book and can only be cast by a character whose INT is equal to or greater than the spell’s level. As with standard Knave spells, they can only be used once per day and PCs can only cast a number of spells equal to their INT. Spell scrolls from classic modules can be cast by any character, regardless of their INT, and don’t count towards their spell limit for the day. They cannot be transcribed into spell books.

• Inspirations: Freebooters on the Frontier by Jason Lutes, Wonder and Wickedness by Brendan S.

hundreds of potion formulae. As usual, I defaulted to “let the players make it up.”

divine magic: Just as magic-users carry spellbooks and fighters carry weapons, cleric-type characters in Knave carry relics. Relic magic is intentionally free• Inspirations: Dungeon Crawl Classics by form and requires negotiation between Joseph Goodman and The Legend of the player and the GM to come up with Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Nintendo. appropriate blessings. Unlike arcane magic, relic magic is relational and spellcasting: Knave uses level-less spells so that any spellbook the PCs find is requires the PC to actually devote is usable. The 100 prewritten spells are all themselves to a cause (or at least act like it). A player using relic magic is a great non-damaging (at least directly) utility opportunity for the GM to create spells in order to encourage a more adventure hooks and missions for the devious, manipulative style of play for party to embark on, or to present them magic users. The spell generation tables with moral quandaries. If the PC wants to have proven to be one of the most use relics from several patrons, they may popular elements of my previous game find that the patrons have incompatible Maze Rats, so I have ported it over to goals and that satisfying them all is very Knave in expanded form for those who difficult. enjoy more improvisation and chaos in their magic. When generating a damage • Inspiration: Dungeon Crawl Classics by dealing spell, a good rule of thumb is that Joseph Goodman. it deals INT × d6 damage, although this alchemy: The alchemy rules arose out of can be reduced if it has other beneficial my desire for a potion making system that effects. didn’t require players to search through

• Inspiration: “The GLOG: Alchemy and Oozes” by Arnold K. at Goblin Punch. 73

money and gear: Originally Knave had much more detailed prices for items, but once PCs get their hands on a few piles of loot it ceases to matter very much. General categories for prices are more useful and let the GM ballpark the cost of large purchases. A good way to figure out the price for expensive items is to use the baseline of 10c for a day of unskilled labor. How many days of work is the object worth? I’ve removed the Copper/Silver/ Electrum/Gold/Platinum system that many old-school RPGs use since that requires the GM to do math. Instead, everything is just coin. coins: PCs in Knave tend to gain wealth much slower than PCs in other old-school RPGs. Every gold piece a PC recovers in an adventure from another old-school RPG is converted into “1c” in Knave, which equals a tenth of a laborer’s daily wage, or about 1 copper in other games. The ability to purchase expensive things like buildings, ships, and so on will likely not come from collecting piles of coins from dungeons but from finding unique treasures that can be traded to rich NPCs. Also, remember that connections and favors will often go much farther than money. • Inspiration: Lamentations of the Flame Princess by James Edward Raggi IV.

downtime: I first heard about gaining XP from carousing from the post “Party like it’s 999” by Jeff Rients at Jeff’s Game Blog. The gambling system is inspired by a similar system from En Garde! by Frank Chadwick. recruiting: Players may find that with enough coin they can hire large numbers of followers. This is fine! Hirelings run away at the first sign of trouble and mercenaries are too smart to enter dungeons at all. Also, openly building a warband can have some fun consequences as local factions respond. • Inspiration: Errant by Ava Islam. monsters: Rather than pile a monster high with weird abilities, keep them simple, with just one or two stand-out features to make them memorable. Think of what signs they might leave of their presence, what sounds they make, and how they smell so that players can anticipate them. Ask “what sin or tragedy birthed this thing?” Give it behaviors other than simply attacking on sight. saving throws: When an effect from another old-school RPG requires a creature to make a saving throw, make an appropriate ability check instead (usually against a target number of 16).

• Use a STR check to resist effects that restrict like Hold or Paralysis. buildings: Note that an aspiring • Use a DEX check to resist effects that overlord could use the construction rules can be dodged like Dragon Breath, Blast, to build their own dungeon. Buildings can Rays, Wands, Rods, or Staffs. also be given as gifts for successful • Use a CON check to resist effects that missions. Every party needs a home base can kill or alter the body such as Poison, to decorate and fortify. Death, Petrification, Doom, or warfare: The warfare rules aren’t just Polymorph. for massive battles. They can also be used • Use an INT check to resist effects that to resolve smaller warband conflicts that require thought like Magical Device. would take too long to play out. • Use a WIS check to resist effects that • Inspiration: Through Sunken Lands by impact the mind like Spells or Illusions. John co*cking and Peter S. Williams. 74





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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.